Segini Gaji Paspampres yang Diduga Aniaya Pemuda Hingga Tewas

Segini Gaji Paspampres yang Diduga Aniaya Pemuda Hingga Tewas

Jakarta - Kasus anggota Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (Paspampres), Praka RM, diduga menganiaya pemuda hingga tewas bikin geger. Kasus itu bahkan menjadi atensi serius dari Komisi I DPR. Korban juga sempat disebut mendapat ancaman jika tidak mengirimkan uang ke oknum Paspampres.

Informasi terkait dugaan Praka RM menganiaya pemuda asal Mon Keulayu, Kecamatan Gandapura, Bireuen, Aceh, hingga tewas itu beredar luas di media sosial. Dalam salah satu unggahan di media sosial, korban penganiayaan Praka RM dinarasikan diculik terlebih dulu baru kemudian dianiaya oleh oknum Paspampres itu bersama dua temannya.

Paspampres sejatinya adalah pasukan elit yang memiliki peran yang sangat penting, salah satunya menjaga keamanan presiden. Tugas dari Paspampres sendiri tertuang dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 59 Tahun 2013.
Dalam aturan itu dijelaskan Paspampres adalah pasukan yang bertugas melaksanakan pengamanan fisik langsung jarak dekat setiap saat kepada Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, Mantan Presiden dan Mantan Wakil Presiden beserta keluarganya serta Tamu Negara setingkat Kepala Negara/Kepala Pemerintahan serta tugas protokoler kenegaraan dalam rangka mendukung tugas pokok TNI.

Bertugas menjaga keselamatan presiden, keluarga dan para petinggi negara lainnya, lalu berapa gaji Paspampres?

Diketahui bahwa Besaran gaji Paspampres telah diatur sesuai dengan pangkatnya di TNI. Gaji TNI sendiri diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 28 Tahun 2019 tentang Perubahan Kedua Belas atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 28 Tahun 2001 tentang Peraturan Gaji Anggota Tentara Nasional Indonesia.

Berikut adalah daftar rincian gaji Paspampres anggota TNI:

Gaji Paspampres Golongan I Tamtama

1. Prajurit Dua Kelasi Dua: Rp 1.643.500-Rp 2.538.100
2. Prajurit Satu Kelas Satu: Rp 1.694.900-Rp 2.617.500
3. Prajurit Kepala Kelasi Kepala: Rp 1.747.900-Rp 2.699.400
4. Kopral Dua: Rp 1.802.600-Rp 2.783.900
5. Kopral Satu: Rp 1.858.900-Rp 2.870.900
6. Kopral Kepala: Rp 1.917.100-Rp 2.960.700

Gaji Paspampres Golongan II Bintara

1. Sersan Dua: Rp 2.103.700-Rp 3.457.100
2. Sersan Satu: Rp 2.169.500-Rp 3.565.200
3. Sersan Kepala: Rp 2.237.400- Rp 3.676.700
4. Sersan Mayor: Rp 2.307.400-Rp 3.791.700
5. Pembantu Letnan Dua: Rp 2.379.500-Rp 3.910.300
6. Pembantu Letnan Satu Rp 2.454.000-Rp 4.032.600

Gaji Paspampres Golongan III Perwira Pertama

1. Letnan Dua: Rp 2.735.300-Rp 4.425.200
2. Letnan Satu: Rp 2.820.800-Rp 4.635.600
3. Kapten: Rp 2.909.100- Rp4.780.600

Gaji Paspampres Golongan IV

Perwira Menengah

1. Mayor: Rp 3.000.100-Rp 4.930.100
2. Letnan Kolonel: Rp 3.093.900-Rp 5.084.300
3. Kolonel: Rp 3.190.700-Rp 5.243.400

Perwira Tinggi

1. Brigadir Jenderal Laks Pertama Mars Pertama: Rp 3.290.500-Rp 5.407.400
2. Mayor Jenderal Laks Muda Mars Muda: Rp 3.393.400-Rp 5.576.500
3. Letnan Jenderal Laks Madya Mars Madya: Rp 5.079.300-Rp 5.750.900
4. Jenderal Laksamana Marsekal: Rp 5.238.200-Rp 5.930.800.
Selain mendapat gaji, Paspampres juga akan mendapat tunjangan kinerja. Tunjangan ini diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 102 Tahun 2018 tentang Tunjangan Kinerja Pegawai di Lingkungan Tentara Nasional Indonesia.
Tunjangan ini diberikan setelah mempertimbangkan penilaian reformasi birokrasi, capaian kinerja organisasi dan capaian kinerja individu. Besaran tunjangan Paspampres akan berbeda-beda, hal ini tergantung dari per kelas jabatannya.

Rincian Tunjangan Paspampres

1. KSAD, KSAL, KSAU: Rp 37.810.500.
3. Kelas Jabatan 17: Rp 29.085.000
4. Kelas Jabatan 16: Rp 20.695.000
5. Kelas Jabatan 15: Rp 14.721.000
6. Kelas Jabatan 14: Rp 11.670.000
7. Kelas Jabatan 13: Rp 8.562.000
8. Kelas Jabatan 12: Rp 7.271.000
9. Kelas Jabatan 11: Rp 5.183.000
10. Kelas Jabatan 10: Rp 4.551.000
11. Kelas Jabatan 9: Rp 3.781.000
12. Kelas Jabatan 8: Rp 3.319.000
13. Kelas Jabatan 7: Rp 2.928.000
14. Kelas Jabatan 6: Rp 2.702.000
15. Kelas Jabatan 5: Rp 2.493.000
16. Kelas Jabatan 4: Rp 2.350.000
17. Kelas Jabatan 3: Rp 2.216.000
18. Kelas Jabatan 2: Rp 2.089.000
19. Kelas Jabatan 1: Rp 1.968.000.
Itu tadi informasi tentang besaran gaji pokok dan tunjangan Paspampres. Nah, detikers jadi tahu kan berapa gaji Paspampres?

Jakarta - The case of a member of the Presidential Security Force (Paspampres), Praka RM, allegedly abusing youths to death has caused a commotion. The case has even received serious attention from Commission I of the DPR. The victim was also said to have received threats if he did not send money to the Paspampres personnel. 

Information regarding the suspicion that Praka RM abused a young man from Mon Keulayu, Gandapura District, Bireuen, Aceh, to death was widely circulated on social media. In one of the uploads on social media, it was narrated that the victim of Praka RM's abuse was kidnapped first and then abused by the Paspampres along with two of his friends. 

Paspampres actually is an elite troop that has a very important role, one of which is maintaining the security of the president. The duties of Paspampres itself are contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 59 of 2013. 
In this regulation, it is explained that the Paspampres are troops tasked with carrying out direct physical security at close range at any time to the President and Vice President, Former Presidents and Former Vice Presidents and their families as well as State Guests at the level of Heads of State/Heads of Government andstate protocol duties in order to support the main tasks of the TNI. 

In charge of maintaining the safety of the president, family and other state officials, then how much is the salary of Paspampres? 

It is known that the amount of Paspampres salary has been arranged according to his rank in the TNI. TNI salaries themselves are regulated in Government Regulation Number 28 of 2019 concerning the Twelfth Amendment to Government Regulation Number 28 of 2001 concerning Salary Regulations for Members of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. 

The following is a list of salary details for Paspampres TNI members:

Salary of Paspampres Group I enlisted

1. Second Class Second Soldier: IDR 1,643,500-IDR 2,538,100
2. Soldier First Class First: Rp 1,694,900-Rp 2,617,500
3. Soldier Chief Marine Chief: Rp 1,747,900-Rp 2,699,400
4. Second Corporal: Rp 1,802,600-Rp 2,783,900
5. First Corporal: Rp 1,858,900-Rp 2,870,900
6. Chief Corporal: Rp 1,917,100-Rp 2,960,700

Salary of Paspampres Group II Non-commissioned Officer

1. Second Sergeant: Rp 2,103,700-Rp 3,457,100
2. First Sergeant: Rp 2,169,500-Rp 3,565,200
3. Chief Sergeant: IDR 2,237,400- IDR 3,676,700
4. Sergeant Major: Rp 2,307,400-Rp 3,791,700
5. Assistant Second Lieutenant: Rp 2,379,500-Rp 3,910,300
6. Assistant First Lieutenant Rp 2,454,000-Rp 4,032,600

Salary of Paspampres Group III First Officer

1. Second Lieutenant: Rp 2,735,300-Rp 4,425,200
2. First Lieutenant: Rp 2,820,800-Rp 4,635,600
3. Captain: IDR 2,909,100- IDR 4,780,600

Paspampres Salary Group IV

Intermediate Officer

1. Major: Rp. 3,000,100-Rp. 4,930,100
2. Lieutenant Colonel: Rp 3,093,900-Rp 5,084,300
3. Colonel: Rp 3,190,700-Rp 5,243,400

High Officer

1. Brigadier General Laks First Marshal: IDR 3,290,500-IDR 5,407,400
2. Major General Laks Muda Mars Muda: Rp 3,393,400-Rp 5,576,500
3. Lieutenant General Laks Madya Mars Madya: Rp 5,079,300-Rp 5,750,900
4. General Admiral Marshal: Rp 5,238,200-Rp 5,930,800. 
Apart from getting a salary, Paspampres will also receive a performance allowance. This allowance is regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 102 of 2018 concerning Employee Performance Allowances within the Indonesian National Armed Forces. 
This allowance is given after considering the assessment of bureaucratic reform, organizational performance achievements and individual performance achievements. The amount of the Paspampres allowance will vary, this depends on each position class. 

Details of Paspampres Allowances

1. KSAD, KSAL, KSAU: IDR 37,810,500. 
3. Class 17: IDR 29,085,000
4. Class 16: IDR 20,695,000
5. Class 15: IDR 14,721,000
6. Class 14: IDR 11,670,000
7. Class 13: IDR 8,562,000
8. Class 12: IDR 7,271,000
9. Class 11: IDR 5,183,000
10. Class 10: IDR 4,551,000
11. Class 9: IDR 3,781,000
12. Class 8: IDR 3,319,000
13. Class 7: IDR 2,928,000
14. Class 6: IDR 2,702,000
15. Class 5: IDR 2,493,000
16. Class 4: IDR 2,350,000
17. Class 3: IDR 2,216,000
18. Class 2: IDR 2,089,000
19. Class 1: IDR 1,968,000. 
That was information about the amount of the basic salary and the Paspampres allowance. So, detikers do you know how much the Paspampres salary is? 

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