When the Minister of Religion Yaqut was angry with the people about the food for the Hajj pilgrims

When the Minister of Religion Yaqut was angry with the people about the food for the Hajj pilgrims

The Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas was furious with haj service provider companies (masyariq). 

The Minister of Religion's anger started with the pilgrims who had not received food at Arafah, Muzdalifah and Mina (Armuzna/Armina). 

The man who is familiarly called Gus Yaqut came directly to the Hajj mission tent in Mina to ensure all services for the pilgrims, end of June 2023. 

He was surprised because there were still many worshipers who had not eaten. He then summoned the community to hold this problem accountable. Yaqut even firmly refused the offer of food by the community. 

"As long as my congregation has eaten, then I will eat. If my congregation has not eaten, I will not eat," he said. 

At that time, until 22.32 WAS there were still congregations in 2 Islamic schools who had not eaten. After everyone had eaten, Yaqut just finished his visit. 

The next day, Yaqut came to Mina again. Apparently, the problem has not been resolved, including the matter of food. 

He even balked at the compensation offered by the community for the various acts of default they had committed. 

"And you don't need to talk about compensation with us, we don't need compensation. You don't need it later, check it now," he said. 

Services at Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina are indeed a concern. There are a number of records ranging from water, consumption, transportation to sanitation. 

This note was conveyed by Yaqut during a meeting with the Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia, Taufiq. This was submitted for improvement next year. 

"I see the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has a passion to keep changing and improving services. I think this is our common concern so that the implementation of the pilgrimage in the future will run even better," he said after attending Haflat Al-Hajj Al-Khitamy in Mecca, Saturday (1/7). 

Saat Menag Yaqut Marah ke Masyariq soal Makanan Jemaah Haji

Menteri Agama (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas sempat marah besar kepada perusahaan penyedia layanan haji (masyariq).

Kemarahan Menag berawal dari jemaah haji yang belum mendapat makanan di Arafah, Muzdalifah, dan Mina (Armuzna/Armina).

Pria yang akrab disapa Gus Yaqut ini datang langsung ke tenda misi haji di Mina untuk memastikan semua layanan bagi jemaah haji, akhir Juni 2023.

Dia kaget karena masih banyak jemaah yang belum makan. Dia lalu memanggil masyariq untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban masalah ini. Yaqut bahkan tegas menolak tawaran makan oleh masyariq.

"Selama jemaah saya sudah makan, baru saya makan. Kalau jemaah saya belum makan, saya tidak akan makan," tegasnya.

Saat itu, hingga pukul 22.32 WAS masih ada jemaah di 2 maktab yang belum makan. Setelah semua sudah makan, baru Yaqut menyelesaikan kunjungannya.

Keesokan harinya, Yaqut datang lagi ke Mina. Rupanya, masalah belum selesai, termasuk soal makanan.

Dia bahkan menolak keras tawaran kompensasi yang ditawarkan masyariq atas berbagai tindakan wanprestasi yang mereka lakukan.

"Dan enggak usah bicara kompensasi dengan kami, kami enggak butuh kompensasi. Enggak usah nanti nanti, cek sekarang," ujar dia.

Pelayanan di Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina memang jadi perhatian. Ada sejumlah catatan mulai dari air, konsumsi, transportasi hingga sanitasi.

Catatan itu sudah disampaikan Yaqut saat bertemu dengan Menteri Haji dan Umrah Arab Saudi Taufiq. Ini disampaikan untuk perbaikan tahun depan.

"Saya melihat Kementerian Haji dan Umrah punya semangat untuk terus berubah dan melakukan peningkatan layanan. Saya kira ini menjadi perhatian kita bersama agar penyelenggaraan ibadah haji di masa yang akan datang berjalan lebih baik lagi," katanya usai menghadiri Haflat Al-Hajj Al-Khitamy di Makkah, Sabtu (1/7).

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