SBY: As far as I know, AHY responded to Ms. Puan's invitation to talk
Chairman of the High Council of the Democratic Party Susilo Bambang Yudhodoyono (SBY) responded favorably to the invitation of the Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Puan Maharani to meet Democratic Party Chairperson Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).
"What I know is that AHY as the leader of the Democratic Party responded, an invitation from Mbak Puan or PDI-P to have a meeting and talk," said SBY after exercising in the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Senayan area, Jakarta, Sunday (11/6/ 2023), as reported by Kompas TV, Monday (12/6/2023).
The Democratic Party, according to him, always thinks that every meeting that starts with good intentions to discuss various issues of the nation and state has a good purpose.
"So that's what I can say now, follow the developments later. What is clear is that a meeting of good intentions from anywhere, with whom, always brings goodness," said SBY.
Previously, Puan expressed her desire to have a dialogue with AHY in the near future.
This desire arose after AHY's name entered the name exchange for the vice presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo.
PDI Perjuangan Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said PDI-P wanted to embrace all parties. What's more, until now AHY has not been declared as a vice presidential candidate from any potential presidential candidate.
"The PDI Perjuangan is embracing, while waiting for the application from Mr. Anies Baswedan to the Democrats has not yet come down. So, there's nothing wrong with dialogue," said Hasto when met by media crew at Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, Saturday (10/6/2023).
It is known that AHY's name is indeed included in one of the three names of Anies Baswedan's cawapres exchange. Apart from AHY, there are the names of the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa and the former Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan.
After conveying this, Hasto met with the Secretary General of the Democratic Party Teuku Riefky Harsya to explore plans for a dialogue between Puan and AHY.
Riefky said the meeting that the two figures would hold was good for the future of the nation and the country.
"The Democratic Party welcomes Mbak Puan Maharani's planned visit with Mas AHY, in their capacity as two young leaders who look to the future and a better tomorrow for our nation and our country together," said Teuku Riefky in a written statement, Sunday ( 11/6/2023).
Riefky also stated that his party was also open to all political parties to cooperate in contesting the 2024 General Election (Election).
“The Democratic Party is always open to communicating with all political parties, including the PDI-P. For this reason, we respect and appreciate the door of communication that has been conveyed through an open statement by the PDI-P Secretary General, Mas Hasto," he said.
SBY: Yang Saya Tahu, AHY Merespons Ajakan Mbak Puan untuk Bincang-bincang
Ketua Majelis Tinggi Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang Yudhodoyono (SBY) merespons baik ajakan Ketua DPP Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) Puan Maharani untuk bertemu Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).
"Yang saya tahu AHY selaku pemimpin Partai Demokrat merespons, ajakan dari Mbak Puan atau PDI-P untuk melakukan pertemuan dan berbincang-bincang," kata SBY usai berolahraga di kawasan Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Senayan, Jakarta, Minggu (11/6/2023), seperti dilansir Kompas TV, Senin (12/6/2023).
Partai Demokrat, menurut dia, selalu menganggap bahwa setiap pertemuan yang berawal dari niat baik untuk membahas berbagai persoalan bangsa dan negara memiliki tujuan yang baik.
"Jadi itu yang bisa saya sampaikan sekarang, ikuti perkembangannya nanti. Yang jelas pertemuan niat baik dari mana pun, siapa dengan siapa, selalu membawa kebaikan," ucap SBY.
Sebelumnya, Puan menyampaikan keinginannya untuk berdialog dengan AHY dalam waktu dekat.
Keinginan itu mencuat setelah nama AHY masuk ke dalam bursa nama bakal calon wakil presiden Ganjar Pranowo.
Sekretaris Jenderal PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto mengungkapkan, PDI-P ingin merangkul semua pihak. Terlebih lagi, hingga kini AHY juga belum dinyatakan sebagai bakal cawapres dari bakal capres manapun.
“PDI Perjuangan itu merangkul, sambil menunggu toh lamaran dari Pak Anies Baswedan ke Demokrat belum turun. Maka, enggak ada salahnya berdialog,” kata Hasto saat ditemui awak media di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Sabtu (10/6/2023).
Diketahui, nama AHY memang masuk ke dalam salah satu dari tiga nama bursa cawapres Anies Baswedan. Selain AHY, ada nama Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa dan mantan Gubernur Jawa Barat, Ahmad Heryawan.
Usai menyampaikan hal itu, Hasto telah bertemu dengan Sekjen Partai Demokrat Teuku Riefky Harsya untuk menjajaki rencana dialog Puan-AHY.
Riefky mengatakan, pertemuan yang akan dilakukan kedua tokoh tersebut baik untuk masa depan bangsa dan negara.
“Partai Demokrat menyambut baik rencana silaturahmi Mbak Puan Maharani dengan Mas AHY, dalam kapasitasnya sebagai dua pemimpin muda, yang menatap masa depan, dan hari esok yang lebih baik, untuk bangsa dan negara kita bersama,” kata Teuku Riefky melalui keterangan tertulis, Minggu (11/6/2023).
Riefky pun menyatakan, pihaknya juga terbuka terhadap semua partai politik untuk melakukan kerja sama dalam kontestasi Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2024.
“Partai Demokrat selalu terbuka untuk berkomunikasi dengan seluruh partai politik, termasuk PDIP. Untuk itu, kami menghormati dan menghargai pintu komunikasi yang telah disampaikan melalui pernyataan terbuka Sekjen PDI-P Mas Hasto,” ucapnya.
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AHY responded
As far as I know
invitation to talk
Ms. Puan's