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Puzzle of Certainty Anies Will Announce Candidate Candidates After Hajj

Puzzle of Certainty Anies Will Announce Candidate Candidates After Hajj

Presidential candidate (candidate) Anies Baswedan will perform the pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the near future. The name of the 2024 vice presidential candidate accompanying Anies Baswedan will be announced after returning from Saudi Arabia. 

Team 8 held a meeting with Anies Baswedan at the Secretariat of the Coalition for Change for Unity or KPP in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, Tuesday (20/6). Present at the event, Sugeng Suparwoto to Willy Aditya represented NasDem, Democrat Secretary General Teuku Riefky Harsya to PKS Syuro Council Deputy Chairman Sohibul Iman. 

Anies Baswedan's spokesperson, Sudirman Said, explained that in a meeting Tuesday afternoon until last night, Anies assigned Team 8 to start preparing concrete steps going forward. They also discussed the options for the declaration of the presidential and cawapres candidates. 

"Pak Anies asked Team 8 to start moving forward thinking about technical matters, including completing the structure of the National Winning Team, joint activities of the three coalition parties and options for the declaration of the presidential and cawapres pairs," said Sudirman in his statement, Wednesday (21/6) . 

On the same occasion, Sugeng Suparwoto said that the discussion on Anies' cawapres had been completed. He talked about the possibility that the candidate for vice president would be declared after Anies performed the haj pilgrimage. 

"It can be said that the discussion on the vice presidential candidate has been completed. We have finished studying the names proposed by the coalition parties and the input from the community in depth. One name is already in Anies' presidential candidate bag, let's wait who knows when Pak Anies returns from the pilgrimage, the best momentum will be determined to declare the Coalition of Change presidential and vice presidential candidate pair," said Sugeng. 

Meanwhile, Teuku Riefky said that the Democratic Party was ready to collaborate with all coalition members and Anies Baswedan's volunteers. According to him, consolidation at the beginning is an important step. 

Anies with Team 8 (doc Special)Anies Baswedan with Team 8. (doc Special)
"The structure and cadres of the Democratic Party have formed ranks to prepare to go down together with coalition party cadres and pro-change volunteers throughout Indonesia. Initial consolidation is needed to prepare winning activities and anticipate fraud," said Teuku. 

On the other hand, Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman said Anies Baswedan's directive was a form of certainty that KPP would continue to progress. His team is ready to win Anies in the upcoming presidential election. 

"The discussion at this meeting indicates that the Coalition for Change's political work is progressing constructively and progressively. Bismillah, we are ready to sail towards victory in the 2024 presidential election." close Sohibul. 

Teka-teki Kepastian Anies Bakal Umumkan Cawapres Sepulang Haji

Bakal calon presiden (capres) Anies Baswedan bakal menunaikan ibadah haji ke Tanah Suci dalam waktu dekat. Nama bakal calon wakil presiden (cawapres) 2024 pendamping Anies Baswedan bakal diumumkan usai pulang dari Arab Saudi.

Tim 8 sudah mengadakan pertemuan dengan Anies Baswedan di Sekretariat Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan atau KPP di kawasan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (20/6). Hadir dalam acara tersebut, Sugeng Suparwoto hingga Willy Aditya mewakili NasDem, Sekjen Demokrat Teuku Riefky Harsya hingga Wakil Ketua Majelis Syuro PKS Sohibul Iman.

Juru bicara Anies Baswedan, Sudirman Said, menjelaskan dalam pertemuan Selasa sore hingga malam kemarin, Anies menugaskan agar Tim 8 mulai mempersiapkan langkah konkret ke depan. Mereka juga membicarakan opsi waktu pendeklarasian capres dan cawapres.

"Pak Anies meminta agar Tim 8 mulai terus bergerak maju memikirkan hal-hal teknis, termasuk melengkapi struktur Tim Pemenangan Nasional, kegiatan bersama tiga partai koalisi dan opsi waktu deklarasi pasangan capres dan cawapres," kata Sudirman dalam keterangannya, Rabu (21/6).

Di kesempatan yang sama, Sugeng Suparwoto menyebut pembahasan cawapres Anies sudah rampung. Ia bicara kemungkinan pendeklarasian cawapres dilakukan usai Anies melakukan ibadah haji.

"Soal pembahasan cawapres sudah dapat dikatakan selesai. Nama-nama yang diusulkan oleh partai koalisi dan masukan masyarakat telah selesai kami kaji secara mendalam. Satu nama sudah di kantong bacapres Anies, mari kita tunggu siapa tahu sekembali Pak Anies dari ibadah haji akan ditentukan momentum terbaik untuk mendeklarasikan pasangan capres-cawapres Koalisi Perubahan," tutur Sugeng.

Sementara, Teuku Riefky mengatakan jika Partai Demokrat siap untuk berkolaborasi dengan seluruh anggota koalisi dan relawan Anies Baswedan. Menurutnya konsolidasi di awal adalah langkah yang penting.

Anies bersama Tim 8 (dok Istimewa)Anies Baswedan bersama Tim 8. (dok Istimewa)
"Struktur dan kader Partai Demokrat telah merapatkan barisan bersiap untuk turun bersama dengan para kader partai koalisi, dan relawan pro perubahan di seluruh Indonesia. Konsolidasi awal diperlukan untuk persiapan kegiatan pemenangan dan antisipasi kecurangan," ucap Teuku.

Di sisi lain, Wakil Ketua Majelis Syuro PKS Sohibul Iman menyebut arahan Anies Baswedan merupakan bentuk kepastian bahwa KPP terus melaju. Timnya siap untuk memenangkan Anies di Pilpres mendatang.

"Pembahasan rapat ini menandakan tahapan kerja politik Koalisi Perubahan berjalan secara konstruktif dan progresif. Bismillah, Kami siap berlayar menuju kemenangan Pilpres 2024." tutup Sohibul.
