Is This the Strong Candidate for Vice President Anies to Be Announced After Hajj?
Anies Baswedan is rumored to be announcing a character who will accompany him as vice presidential candidate after carrying out the pilgrimage. Is this the strong candidate for vice president Anies?
The news that Anies would announce the vice presidential candidate after the pilgrimage was revealed after a meeting of Team 8 or a small team formed by parties in the Coalition for Change for Unity (KPP). The meeting was held on Wednesday (21/6) at the KPP Secretariat, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
Present at the event were Sugeng Suparwoto to Willy Aditya representing NasDem, Democrat Secretary General Teuku Riefky Harsya and PKS Syuro Council Deputy Chairman Sohibul Iman.
Anies spokesman, Sudirman Said, confirmed that the cawapres had narrowed down one name and would be announced after the Hajj.
"Who knows, after the Hajj, Mr. Anies had the same thought that the day finally came for the announcement to be prepared," said Sudirman at the KPP Secretariat, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday (21/6/2023).
"We pray, hopefully so," he added.
Sudirman said, although the time has not yet been decided, everything must still be prepared. His party will prepare technical matters regarding the announcement of Anies' cawapres.
"Even though the date hasn't been decided yet, since now we have to be prepared to identify the place, how the program will be, so we are working on technical matters," he said.
However, Sudirman has not yet specified the figure of Anies' cawapres. He said that not everything has to be disclosed.
"Wise people say mystery is power. So not everything is put forward like that," he said.
However, Sudirman has not yet specified the figure of Anies' cawapres. He said that not everything has to be disclosed.
"Wise people say mystery is power. So not everything is put forward like that," he said.
On the same occasion, Sugeng Suparwoto said that the discussion on Anies' cawapres had been completed. He talked about the possibility that the candidate for vice president would be declared after Anies performed the haj pilgrimage.
"It can be said that the discussion on the vice presidential candidate has been completed. We have finished studying the names proposed by the coalition parties and the input from the community in depth. One name is already in Anies' presidential candidate bag, let's wait, who knows, when Mr. Anies returns from the pilgrimage, the best momentum will be determined to declare the Presidential-Vicepres Candidate Pair of the Coalition for Change," said Sugeng.
Who is Anies' vice presidential candidate? see on the following page
Watch the video 'Spokesperson Talks About the Possibility of Anies Announcing the Candidate for Vice President after the Hajj':
Meanwhile, Teuku Riefky said the Democratic Party was ready to collaborate with all coalition members and Anies Baswedan's volunteers. According to him, consolidation at the beginning is an important step.
"The structure and cadres of the Democratic Party have closed ranks to prepare to go down together with the cadres of the Coalition Party, and Pro-Change Volunteers throughout Indonesia. Initial consolidation is needed for the preparation of Winning Activities and Anticipating Cheats," said Teuku.
Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman said Anies Baswedan's directive was a form of certainty that KPP would continue to progress. His team is ready to win Anies in the upcoming presidential election.
"The discussion at this meeting indicates that the Coalition for Change's political work is progressing constructively and progressively. Bismillah, we are ready to sail towards victory in the 2024 presidential election." close Sohibul.
Anies vice presidential candidate
Regarding the figure of Anies Baswedan's running mate who will be announced in the near future? detikcom tried to interview several PKS, PD and NasDem officials regarding Anies Baswedan's running mate some time ago. However, almost all of them chose to wait for the official announcement from the presidential candidate.
The most advanced statement was conveyed by PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera who stated that 80 percent of Anies Baswedan's running mate for vice president was among three names, namely Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Ahmad Heryawan (Aher), and Khofifah Indar Parawansa.
The hot issue among the three names is that Anies' running mate might have the initials A. The first initial A, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, who is the current chairman of PD, seems to hold the key to Anies' presidential ticket. But there is also Ahmad Heryawan who was pushed by PKS to become Anies' running mate.
So will Anies' cawapres partner really be a character with the initials A or another name? And most importantly, will Anies' vice presidential candidate be able to boost electability as expected?
Inikah Kandidat Kuat Cawapres Anies yang Akan Diumumkan Selepas Haji?
Anies Baswedan dikabarkan akan mengumumkan tokoh yang akan mendampinginya sebagai cawapres selepas melaksanakan ibadah haji. Inikah kandidat kuat cawapres Anies tersebut?
Kabar Anies akan mengumumkan cawapres usai ibadah haji itu terungkap usai pertemuan Tim 8 atau tim kecil bentukan partai-partai di Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP). Pertemuan itu digelar pada Rabu (21/6) di Sekretariat KPP, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.
Hadir dalam acara tersebut yakni Sugeng Suparwoto hingga Willy Aditya mewakili NasDem, Sekjen Demokrat Teuku Riefky Harsya dan Wakil Ketua Majelis Syuro PKS Sohibul Iman.
Juru Bicara Anies, Sudirman Said, mengonfirmasi kalau cawapres sudah mengerucut satu nama dan akan diumumkan sepulang ibadah Haji.
"Siapa tahu setelah dari Haji, Pak Anies punya pikiran gitu yang akhirnya muncul hari untuk pengumuman itu juga menjadi dipersiapkan," kata Sudirman di Sekretariat KPP, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (21/6/2023).
"Kita doakan ya, mudah-mudahan demikian," tambahnya.
Sudirman mengatakan, meski belum diputuskan waktunya, semuanya tetap harus dipersiapkan. Pihaknya akan mempersiapkan seputar hal teknis pengumuman cawapres Anies tersebut.
"Walaupun belum diputuskan tanggalnya, tetapi sejak sekarang sudah harus dipersiapkan mengidentifikasi tempat, acaranya bagaimana, jadi hal teknis kita kerjakan," sebutnya.
Namun Sudirman belum merincikan terkait sosok cawapres Anies tersebut. Dirinya mengatakan tidak semua hal harus diungkapkan.
"Kata orang bijak mystery is power. Jadi tidak semua dikemukakan gitu lah," sebutnya.
Namun Sudirman belum merincikan terkait sosok cawapres Anies tersebut. Dirinya mengatakan tidak semua hal harus diungkapkan.
"Kata orang bijak mystery is power. Jadi tidak semua dikemukakan gitu lah," sebutnya.
Di kesempatan yang sama, Sugeng Suparwoto menyebut pembahasan cawapres Anies sudah rampung. Ia bicara kemungkinan pendeklarasian cawapres dilakukan usai Anies melakukan ibadah haji.
"Soal pembahasan cawapres sudah dapat dikatakan selesai. Nama-nama yang diusulkan oleh partai koalisi dan masukan masyarakat telah selesai kami kaji secara mendalam. Satu nama sudah di kantong Bacapres Anies, mari kita tunggu siapa tahu sekembali Pak Anies dari ibadah haji akan ditentukan momentum terbaik untuk mendeklarasikan Pasangan Capres-Cawapres Koalisi Perubahan," tutur Sugeng.
Siapa kandidat cawapres Anies? simak di halaman berikut
Saksikan Video 'Jubir Bicara Kemungkinan Anies Umumkan Cawapres usai Ibadah Haji':
Sementara itu, Teuku Riefky mengatakan Partai Demokrat siap untuk berkolaborasi dengan seluruh anggota koalisi dan relawan Anies Baswedan. Menurutnya konsolidasi di awal adalah langkah yang penting.
"Struktur dan kader Partai Demokrat telah merapatkan barisan bersiap untuk turun bersama dengan para kader Partai Koalisi, dan Relawan Pro Perubahan di seluruh Indonesia. Konsolidasi awal diperlukan untuk persiapan Kegiatan Pemenangan dan Antisipasi Kecurangan," ucap Teuku.
Wakil Ketua Majelis Syuro PKS Sohibul Iman menyebut arahan Anies Baswedan merupakan bentuk kepastian bahwa KPP terus melaju. Timnya siap untuk memenangkan Anies di Pilpres mendatang.
"Pembahasan rapat ini menandakan tahapan kerja politik Koalisi Perubahan berjalan secara konstruktif dan progresif. Bismillah, Kami siap berlayar menuju kemenangan Pilpres 2024." tutup Sohibul.
Kandidat Cawapres Anies
Terkait sosok cawapres pendamping Anies Baswedan yang bakal diumumkan dalam waktu dekat? detikcom mencoba mewawancarai beberapa petinggi PKS, PD dan NasDem terkait cawapres pendamping Anies Baswedan beberapa waktu lalu. Namun demikian hampir semuanya memilih menunggu pengumuman resmi dari sang capres.
Pernyataan paling maju disampaikan ketua DPP PKS Mardani Ali Sera yang menyatakan 80 persen cawapres pendamping Anies Baswedan di antara tiga nama yakni Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Ahmad Heryawan (Aher), dan Khofifah Indar Parawansa.
Isu santer di antara tiga nama itu cawapres pendamping Anies kemungkinan berinisial A. Inisial A yang pertama, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono yang merupakan Ketua Umum PD saat ini seperti memegang kunci tiket pencapresan Anies. Namun ada juga Ahmad Heryawan yang didorong PKS jadi cawapres pendamping Anies.
Lantas apakah cawapres pendamping Anies bakal benar-benar tokoh berinisial A atau nama lainnya? Dan yang paling penting apakah cawapres pendamping Anies nantinya bisa mendongkrak elektabilitas seperti yang diharapkan?