Jokowi's story was 'observed' by Intel when RI wanted to control the majority of Freeport's shares
An astonishing story was told by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) when he led the takeover of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares several years ago. The mining company from the United States (US) is now majority-owned by Indonesia.
At least 51% of Freeport Indonesia's shares are now owned by the government through BUMN and the local government in Papua. This means that Indonesia is now controlling the company.
Jokowi said that during the process of taking over Freeport Indonesia's shares to Indonesia, he received many threats. According to him, it takes a lot of courage to make the Freeport Indonesia takeover plan a reality.
He bluntly had received reports that intelligence from several countries had also interfered in the Freeport takeover process.
"Is it easy for us to get 51%? It takes guts too. Wow, what will this be, which country's intelligence is moving, 'Father will fall,' because of this, this, this. Wow, an image. But I can't imagine it," said Jokowi when giving directions to Bara JP Volunteers, written Monday (19/6/2023) yesterday.
However, according to Jokowi, all the threats were just bluffs and only trying to scare. He remains firm so that Indonesia can own and control Freeport.
"People like that scare me, I can only imagine that I am horrified, I don't imagine, everything is regulated above, I just keep going for three years, the three ministers I choose for negotiations. Sir, this is it, go ahead! It's tough. Sir, come on! In three months and four months, tell me, sir, it's hard, go ahead," said Jokowi.
"In six months to report, Sir, there is pressure from this intelligence on me, come on! Finally got it," he continued.
According to him, actually Freeport already has a promise to build a smelter and conduct a downstream mine. It's just that 30 years of promise was never realized.
The export of raw materials is continuously carried out. So now that Freeport is in the hands of Indonesia, the downstream must be carried out immediately.
"In the past, Freeport promised 30 years ago what happened until now? The smelter has not finished. Because it is fresher to export raw, even though there may be gold there, not just copper. But as soon as there is a smelter there, you can see how many tons of gold and how many tons of copper," Jokowi said.
Freeport Contribution to the State Treasury
Furthermore, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta said that the government could already feel the benefits of taking over Freeport. According to him, 70% of Freeport's revenue now goes to the state treasury.
"Remember, the majority of Freeport's 51% is already ours. In the past 50 years we were only 9%. Talking like we are not owners, we are now 51%, we checked yesterday what income was for 51%? It turns out that 70% of revenue from Freeport goes to the state treasury ," said Jokowi.
According to Jokowi, there are many forms of state revenue from Freeport. Starting from the form of taxes, corporate income tax, employee taxes, to VAT. There are also those in the form of mining royalties, non-tax state revenue or PNBP, to Freeport dividends.
"We got it really big, all like that if we dare to do it," said Jokowi.
Cerita Jokowi 'Diamati' Intel saat RI Mau Kuasai Mayoritas Saham Freeport
Cerita mencengangkan diungkapkan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) saat memimpin pengambilalihan saham PT Freeport Indonesia beberapa tahun lalu. Perusahaan tambang asal Amerika Serikat (AS) itu mayoritas sahamnya kini dimiliki oleh Indonesia.
Setidaknya 51% saham Freeport Indonesia kini dimiliki oleh pemerintah lewat BUMN dan pemerintah daerah di Papua. Artinya, Indonesia kini menjadi pengendali perusahaan.
Jokowi bilang selama proses pengambil alihan saham Freeport Indonesia menjadi milik Indonesia, banyak sekali ancaman yang dia terima. Butuh nyali besar menurutnya untuk menjadikan rencana pengambil alihan Freeport Indonesia bisa terlaksana.
Dia blak-blakan sempat mendapatkan laporan bahwa ada intelijen di beberapa negara juga ikut campur dalam proses pengambil alihan Freeport.
"Kita mendapatkan 51% apa mudah? Butuh nyali juga. Wah nanti ini akan apa, ada dari intelijen negara mana bergerak, 'bapak akan jatuh,' karena ini, ini, ini. Wah bayangan. Tapi saya nggak bayangin sih," cerita Jokowi saat memberikan arahan kepada Relawan Bara JP, ditulis Senin (19/6/2023) kemarin.
Namun, menurut Jokowi semua ancaman itu cuma sebatas gertakan dan hanya mencoba menakut-nakuti. Dirinya tetap kukuh agar Indonesia bisa memiliki dan mengendalikan Freeport.
"Orang-orang seperti itu kan nakut-nakutin, cuma bayangin yang ngeri-ngeri, saya nggak bayangin, semua diatur yang di atas, saya terus aja tiga tahun, menterinya tiga yang saya pilih untuk negosiasi. Pak ini begini, maju! Berat tuh Pak ini, maju! Tiga bulan empat bulan lagi bilang ke saya, pak ini berat, maju," beber Jokowi.
"Enam bulan lagi lapor, Pak berat ini ada tekanan dari intelijen ini ini ini ke saya, maju! Akhirnya dapat," lanjutnya.
Menurutnya sebetulnya Freeport sudah punya janji untuk membangun smelter dan melakukan hilirisasi tambang. Hanya saja 30 tahun janji itu tak pernah terealisasi.
Ekspor bahan mentah terus menerus dilakukan. Maka saat ini ketika Freeport sudah berada di tangan Indonesia, hilirisasi harus segera dilakukan.
"Dulu Freeport janji 30 tahun yang lalu apa kejadian sampai sekarang? Smelter jadi aja nggak. Karena memang lebih segar diekspor mentahan, padahal mungkin di situ ada emasnya, bukan hanya tembaga saja. Tapi begitu ada smelter nanti masuk ke sana, kelihatan emasnya berapa ton, tembaganya berapa ton," ujar Jokowi.
Kontribusi Freeport ke Kas Negara
Lebih lanjut, Eks Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu mengatakan keuntungan pengambil alihan Freeport saat ini sudah bisa dirasakan pemerintah. Menurutnya, 70% pendapatan Freeport kini masuk ke kas negara.
"Ingat 51% Freeport itu mayoritas udah milik kita. Dulu 50 tahun kita hanya 9%. Ngomong kayak bukan pemilik, kita sekarang 51%, kita cek kemarin pendapatan berapa sih untuk 51%? Ternyata 70% pendapatan dari Freeport itu masuk ke kas negara," beber Jokowi.
Pendapatan negara dari Freeport menurut Jokowi ada banyak bentuknya. Mulai dari bentuk pajak, PPh badan, pajak karyawan, hingga PPN. Ada juga yang berupa royalti tambang, penerimaan negara bukan pajak atau PNBP, sampai ke dividen Freeport.
"Gede banget kita dapatnya, semua seperti itu kalau kita berani melakukan," tegas Jokowi.
spiritua ai, religius, adsense, google, youtube,
Jokowi's story
majority Freeport's shares
when RI wanted to control