Johnny Plate Doesn't Play Alone, Waiting for "Sings" Flow of Rp. 8 Trillion in BTS Corruption Funds

Johnny Plate Doesn't Play Alone, Waiting for "Sings" Flow of Rp. 8 Trillion in BTS Corruption Funds

The alleged corruption in the 4G BTS procurement project still raises big questions, considering that the state loss of Rp. 8.32 trillion cannot possibly only be enjoyed by seven suspects. 

Member of the Legal and Judicial Monitoring Division of the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Diky Anandya, said that the huge budget for the 4G BTS development project at that time could not possibly be the bank for only a few people. 

So far, the Attorney General's Office has only named seven suspects in this case. This includes the Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate. 

"It's hard to think that the alleged BTS corruption was carried out by the Minister of Communication and Informatics alone and the state loss as a result of the BPKP calculation of 8 trillion was only enjoyed by seven people who were named suspects by the AGO," said Diky when confirmed, Wednesday (31/5/2023) . 

The other six suspects are Main Director of Bakti Kominfo, Anang Achmad Latif, Account Director of Integrated Account Department of PT Huawei Tech Investment, Mukti Ali (MA); and Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan (IH). 

Then, the Main Director of PT Mora Telematics Indonesia, Gauntung Menak (GMS); University of Indonesia Human Development Expert (HUDEV) in 2020, and Yohan Suryanto (YS). 

Recently, the Attorney General's Office arrested Windy Purnama (WP), who was said to be a confidant of Irwan Hermawan. 

According to Dika, the Attorney General's Office has no reason not to trace the flow of hot money in this case based on the evidence pocketed by investigators. 

Dika also alluded to the statement by the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. 

President Joko Widodo's aide said that the Attorney General's Office had obtained a recording containing conversations regarding the names of other important officials involved in distributing the 4G BTS project. 

He hopes that the Attorney General's Office will coordinate with other institutions such as the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to follow the money flow. 

"Including coordinating with PPATK to investigate the flow of funds from suspicious transactions in the vortex of this BTS project," he said. 

It's impossible for Plate alone
Separately, General Treasurer of the Nasdem Party Ahmad Sahroni also saw that it was impossible for a big case such as the corruption in the 4G BTS procurement project to be 'played' by a Johnny G Plate. 

Meanwhile, Plate is known to be a cadre of the Nasdem Party. Before being detained, he served as Secretary General (Secretary General). 

Sahroni asked that all parties involved in the corruption be investigated indiscriminately. 

"Who are the players, vendors, and everyone involved. Because in my opinion, in a scandal of this magnitude, it is impossible for only Johnny Plate to play," said Sahroni in his statement, Wednesday (24/5/2023). 

According to him, if this case is dismantled, the various issues that have been milling about to the point of slander will become clear. 

Sahroni also alluded to Mahfud's statement, who claimed to have received information that the corrupt funds for the BTS 4G project were flowing to three political parties. 

However, Mahfud considered it only as political gossip. 

Related to this, Sahroni emphasized that the investigation of this case had nothing to do with politics, but was purely a legal process. 

"Frankly, I am pleased with Mr. Mahfud's statement. What Mr. Mahfud said is in line with what I have said, that this case is not a matter of politicization, but purely due to legal findings," he said. 

Waiting for Windy Purnama's "Song". 
The existence of Windy Purnama, the seventh suspect in the BTS 4G project corruption is said to be a key witness in exposing other parties involved in the Plate case. 

Meanwhile, Windy is said to be a confidant of the Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan. 

Irwan's lawyer, Handika Hanggowoso, revealed that his client and Windy were old friends. 

According to Handika, there are parties outside the Ministry of Communication and Informatics who are forcing the 4G BTS project to be carried out in violation of the law. 

He claimed that this condition forced Kominfo officials to comply with their wishes. Kominfo people began to contact Irwan and Windy for help. 

"When the process was running, the contract was running, it seemed, what we felt was yes, we read that there was tremendous pressure from the ministry, other institutions, from other parties," said Irwan. 

Handika said that both Irwan and Windy realized that their involvement in the project was against the law. 

However, he said, the two did not work of their own accord. He continued to emphasize that Irwan and Windy were involved because Kominfo officials asked them to help. 

Neither Irwan nor Windy are Kominfo employees, bidders, or parties involved in the implementation of the project. 

However, he was reluctant to reveal other parties who were said to be pressuring Kominfo officials. 

"That's a fact, that the one who rules who is ethical is why I'm not ethical if I inform it now," said Handika. 

Johnny Plate Tak Bermain Sendiri, Menanti "Nyanyian" Aliran Dana Rp 8 Triliun Korupsi BTS

Dugaan korupsi proyek pengadaan BTS 4G masih mengundang pertanyaan besar mengingat kerugian negara Rp 8,32 triliun tidak mungkin hanya dinikmati tujuh tersangka.

Anggota Divisi Hukum dan Monitoring Peradilan Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Diky Anandya menyebut, anggaran jumbo proyek pembangunan BTS 4G di itu tidak mungkin hanya menjadi bancakan sedikit orang.

Sejauh ini, Kejaksaan Agung memang baru menetapkan tujuh orang tersangka dalam kasus ini. Termasuk di antaranya adalah Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate.

"Sulit rasanya menganggap bahwa dugaan korupsi BTS ini dilakukan oleh Menkominfo seorang diri dan kerugian negara hasil perhitungan BPKP sebesar 8 triliun itu hanya dinikmati oleh tujuh orang yang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka oleh Kejagung," kata Diky saat dikonfirmasi, Rabu (31/5/2023).

Adapun enam tersangka lainnya adalah Direktur Utama Bakti Kominfo, Anang Achmad Latif, Account Director of Integrated Account Departement PT Huawei Tech Investment, Mukti Ali (MA); dan Komisaris PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan (IH).

Kemudian, Direktur Utama PT Mora Telematika Indonesia, Galubang Menak (GMS); Tenaga Ahli Human Development (HUDEV) Universitas Indonesia Tahun 2020, dan Yohan Suryanto (YS).

Baru-baru ini, Kejaksaan Agung menangkap Windy Purnama (WP) yang disebut orang kepercayaan Irwan Hermawan.

Menurut Dika, Kejaksaan Agung tidak memiliki alasan untuk tidak menelusuri aliran uang panas dalam kasus ini berdasarkan bukti yang telah dikantongi penyidik.

Dika juga menyinggung pernyataan Menteri Koordinator bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. 

Anak buah Presiden Joko Widodo itu menyebut, Kejaksaan Agung sudah mendapatkan rekaman yang memuat percakapan mengenai nama-nama pejabat penting lain yang terlibat dalam pembagian proyek BTS 4G.

Ia berharap Kejaksaan Agung berkoordinasi dengan lembaga lain seperti Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) untuk mengikuti aliran uang itu atau follow the money.

“Termasuk berkoordinasi dengan PPATK untuk mengusut aliran dana dari transaksi mencurigakan dalam pusaran proyek BTS ini," ujar dia.

Tak mungkin Plate sendiri
Terpisah, Bendahara Umum Partai Nasdem Ahmad Sahroni juga memandang kasus besar seperti korupsi proyek pengadaan BTS 4G ini mustahil hanya ‘dimainkan’ oleh seorang Johnny G Plate.

Adapun, Plate diketahui merupakan kader Partai Nasdem. Sebelum ditahan, ia duduk sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen).

Sahroni meminta semua pihak yang terlibat dalam korupsi itu diusut tanpa pandang bulu.

"Siapa saja pemainnya, vendornya, dan semua yang terlibat. Karena menurut saya di skandal sebesar ini, tidak mungkin hanya seorang Johnny Plate yang bermain,” kata Sahroni dalam keterangannya, Rabu (24/5/2023).

Menurut dia, jika kasus ini dibongkar maka berbagai isu yang berseliweran hingga fitnah akan menjadi jelas.

Sahroni juga menyinggung pernyataan Mahfud yang mengaku mendapatkan informasi bahwa aliran dana korupsi proyek BTS 4G mengalir ke tiga partai politik.

Namun, Mahfud menganggap hal itu hanya sebagai gosip politik.

Terkait hal ini, Sahroni menegaskan pengusutan kasus ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan politik, melainkan murni proses hukum.

"Terus terang saya senang dengan statement Pak Mahfud. Apa yang disampaikan oleh Pak Mahfud senada dengan yang saya pernah katakan, bahwa kasus ini bukan soal politisasi, tapi murni karena temuan hukum," tutur dia.

Menanti “Nyanyian” Windy Purnama
Keberadaan Windy Purnama, tersangka ketujuh dalam korupsi proyek BTS 4G disebut menjadi saksi kunci mengungkap pihak lain yang terlibat dalam kasus Plate.

Adapun, Windy disebut sebagai orang kepercayaan Komisaris PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan.

Pengacara Irwan, Handika Hanggowoso mengungkapkan, kliennya dan Windy merupakan teman lama.

Menurut Handika, terdapat pihak di luar Kominfo yang memaksa proyek BTS 4G dilaksanakan dengan melanggar hukum.

Ia mengklaim, kondisi itu membuat pejabat Kominfo terpaksa menuruti kemauan mereka. Orang-orang Kominfo pun mulai menghubungi Irwan dan Windy untuk meminta bantuan.

“Ketika proses sudah berjalan, sudah kontrak, berjalan, sepertinya, yang kami rasa ya, kami baca ada tekanan luar biasa dari pihak kementerian, institusi-institusi lain, dari pihak-pihak lain,” kata Irwan.

Handika mengatakan, baik Irwan maupun Windy menyadari keterlibatan mereka dalam proyek itu melanggar hukum.

Namun, kata dia, keduanya tidak bekerja atas kemauan sendiri. Ia terus menegaskan Irwan dan Windy ikut terlibat karena diminta untuk membantu oleh pejabat Kominfo.

Baik Irwan maupun Windy bukan pegawai Kominfo, peserta lelang, maupun pihak terkait dalam pelaksanaan proyek itu.

Meski demikian, ia enggan membeberkan pihak lain yang disebut-sebut menekan pejabat Kominfo.

“Itu fakta, bahwa yang memerintah siapa ini etikanya kok saya enggak etis kalau saya menginformasikannya sekarang,” tutur Handika.

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