Bus Driver Says Viral: It's Better to Lose One Life in a Small Car than One Bus
On social media, the bus driver's statement endangered other motorists. The bus driver said it's better to lose one life in a small car than many people in the bus.
The video went viral on social media. One of them was uploaded by Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament, Ahmad Sahroni on his personal Instagram account.
"Be careful if you are hit by a bus on the road," said the viral video.
The video depicts a bus driver arguing with another driver. Allegedly this debate occurred after something dangerous on the road. To the extent, words came out from a bus driver who said that it is better to kill one life in a small car than one bus.
"Yes, Mother, I'm sorry. Now, if we are bus drivers, it is better to lose one small car than one bus," said the bus driver.
The bus driver's statement certainly reaped debate. Because, the bus driver's thinking like this will endanger other road users.
Driving safety practitioner who is also the Director of Training Safety Defensive Consultant Indonesia (SDCI), Sony Susmana, strongly opposes the bus driver's words. He even said that the bus driver who said those words had to have his driver's license revoked.
"Yes, if you bring the bus aggressively so close to the accident, the motto is 'it's better to save the lives of dozens of bus passengers and sacrifice one other person'," said Sony to detikcom, Sunday (25/6/2023).
"A driver like this has to have his SIM revoked. Because apart from having the wrong mindset, there is a high risk of an accident, and his SIM is definitely fake," said Sony.
Possibly, according to Sony, the words were plagiarized from the railroad rules. But you need to be careful, the type of vehicle and the place where it goes is different between buses and trains.
"A driver with SIM B is in the advanced category. It is appropriate to drive not relying on skills, but more emphasizing ethics, awareness and vigilance. That's why he is considered competent," said Sony.
"If you still want to speed, be aggressive, etc., he must be in the wrong direction. He should be a racer. Even if he practices his skills like a racer, that's also wrong. Because it's not in his place on public roads," concluded Sony.
Viral Kata Sopir Bus: Mending Hilang Satu Nyawa di Mobil Kecil daripada Satu Bus
Di media sosial heboh pernyataan sopir bus yang membahayakan pengendara lain. Sopir bus itu bilang lebih baik menghilangkan satu nyawa di mobil kecil daripada nyawa lebih banyak orang di dalam bus.
Video itu viral di media sosial. Salah satunya diunggah oleh Wakil Ketua Komisi III DPR RI Ahmad Sahroni di akun instagram pribadinya.
"Hati-hati kalo di jalan mobil kamu dipepet bus," begitu tertulis dalam video yang viral.
Video itu menggambarkan perdebatan sopir bus dengan pengendara lain. Diduga perdebatan ini terjadi setelah ada yang membahayakan di jalan. Sampai-sampai, terlontar kata-kata dari seorang sopir bus yang mengatakan bahwa lebih baik menghilangkan satu nyawa di mobil kecil daripada satu bus.
"Ya ibu, maaf. Sekarang gini, kalau kita sopir bus, lebih baik hilangin satu nyawa mobil kecil daripada satu bus," kata sopir bus tersebut.
Pernyataan sopir bus itu tentu menuai perdebatan. Sebab, pemikiran sopir bus seperti ini bakal membahayakan pengguna jalan lain.
Praktisi keselamatan berkendara yang juga Director Training Safety Defensive Consultant Indonesia (SDCI), Sony Susmana, sangat menentang kata-kata sopir bus tersebut. Bahkan dia bilang, sopir bus yang mengeluarkan kata-kata itu harus dicabut SIM-nya.
"Ya kalau bawa busnya agresif begitu dekat sama kecelakaan akhirnya keluarlah moto 'lebih baik menyelamatkan nyawa penumpang bus yang puluhan dan korbankan satu orang lain'," kata Sony kepada detikcom, Minggu (25/6/2023).
"Pengemudi seperti ini SIM-nya harus dicabut. Karena selain mindset-nya sudah salah, berisiko tinggi kecelakaan, juga pasti SIM-nya abal-abal," tegas Sony.
Kemungkinan, menurut Sony, kata-kata itu dijiplak dari aturan kereta api. Namun perlu hati-hati, jenis kendaraan dan tempat berjalannya saja sudah berbeda antara bus dengan kereta api.
"Seorang pengemudi yang ber-SIM B itu kategorinya advance, sudah selayaknya berkendara tidak dengan mengandalkan keterampilan, tapi lebih menonjolkan etika, kesadaran dan kewaspadaan. Karena dengan itulah dia dianggap kompeten," ujar Sony.
"Kalau masih mau ngebut-ngebut, agresif dll pasti dia salah jurusan. Harusnya jadi pembalap. Kalaupun mempraktikkan keterampilannya bak pembalap, salah juga. Karena bukan pada tempatnya di jalan umum," pungkas Sony.
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Bus Driver Says Viral
It's Better to Lose One Life
Small Car than One Bus