China is working on high-speed train to Surabaya again? This is Luhut's answer

China is working on high-speed train to Surabaya again? This is Luhut's answer

The government plans to extend the high-speed rail line to Surabaya, East Java. Currently the new fast train connects Jakarta and Bandung. 

The discourse on extending the high-speed rail line has resurfaced after a trial run with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. So if realized, who will work on this project? 

In response to this, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan opened his voice. 

"Yes, which (country) later, but if we look at it now, most of the fast train production in the world is China, 40 thousand kilometers, so the cost is cheaper," he said when met at the Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, quoted Sunday (25/ 6/2023). 

Previously, the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi tested the Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train using an inspection train with a speed of 350 kilometers (km) per hour. The trip was made from Halim Station, East Jakarta to Tegalluar Station, Bandung Regency. 

Budi looks satisfied after trying the fast train. In fact, he said the fast train project would be continued up to Surabaya. 

"We can do it and this is the first time and God willing, it will reach Surabaya," he said at KCIC Halim Station, East Jakarta, Thursday (22/6/2023). 

The same thing was also conveyed by Luhut who also tried the fast train. He plans to report to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding plans to extend the fast train line to Surabaya. 

"We have asked that later we will report to the President, the preliminary study for Bandung to Surabaya," he said. 

From his experience working on the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) project, Luhut is optimistic that Indonesia can save more budget. Indonesia will also optimize downstream so that it does not import a lot of project materials. 

"By downstreaming, there will be many materials that we no longer need to import, we will use them domestically. I think this will create new breakthroughs in this republic," he added. 

Luhut hopes that Indonesia can emulate China, which has advanced in terms of rail transportation. Moreover, China does not hesitate to transfer technology with Indonesia. 

"So we can follow China from behind, because they are far more advanced than us. But they also want to share their technology with us," he concluded. 

Kereta Cepat ke Surabaya Digarap China Lagi? Ini Jawaban Luhut

Pemerintah berencana memperpanjang jalur kereta cepat hingga ke Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Saat ini kereta cepat baru menghubungkan Jakarta dan Bandung.

Wacana memperpanjang jalur kereta cepat kembali mencuat usai dilaksanakannya uji coba dengan kecepatan 350 kilometer per jam. Lantas jika terealisasi, siapa yang bakal menggarap proyek ini?

Menanggapi ini Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan buka suara.

"Ya nanti (negara) mana saja, tapi kalau kita lihat sekarang paling banyak produksi kereta cepat di dunia kan Tiongkok, 40 ribu kilometer, jadi cost dia lebih murah," katanya saat ditemui di Djakarta Theater, Jakarta Pusat, dikutip Minggu (25/6/2023).

Sebelumnya, Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi menjajal Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung  menggunakan kereta inspeksi berkecepatan 350 kilometer (km) per jam. Perjalanan dilakukan dari Stasiun Halim, Jakarta Timur menuju Stasiun Tegalluar, Kabupaten Bandung.

Budi terlihat puas usai selesai mencoba kereta cepat. Bahkan ia menyebut proyek kereta cepat bakal dilanjutkan sampai ke Surabaya.

"Kita bisa laksanakan dan ini pertama kali dan Insyaallah ini sampai Surabaya," katanya di Stasiun KCIC Halim, Jakarta Timur, Kamis (22/6/2023).

Hal senada juga disampaikan Luhut yang turut menjajal kereta cepat. Ia berencana melapor ke Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) terkait rencana memperpanjang jalur kereta cepat hingga ke Surabaya.

"Kita udah minta nanti akan kami laporkan ke Presiden, preliminary study untuk Bandung sampai ke Surabaya," ujarnya.

Dari pengalaman menggarap proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta Bandung (KCJB), Luhut optimis Indonesia bisa menghemat lebih banyak anggaran. Indonesia juga akan mengoptimalkan hilirisasi sehingga tidak banyak mengimpor bahan material proyek.

"Dengan hilirisasi akan banyak material yang tidak perlu kita impor lagi, akan kita gunakan dalam negeri. Saya kira ini akan membuat terobosan-terobosan baru di republik ini," imbuhnya.

Luhut berharap Indonesia bisa meniru China yang sudah maju dalam hal transportasi perkeretaapian. Apalagi China tak segan melakukan transfer teknologi dengan Indonesia.

"Jadi membuat kita bisa nanti mengikuti Tiongkok juga dari belakang, karena mereka sudah jauh lebih maju dari kita. Tapi mereka ingin share juga teknologinya kepada kita," pungkasnya.

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