KKB is increasingly pressured and Ngenes hides in the forest, Papuan officials supplying weapons are arrested

KKB is increasingly pressured and Ngenes hides in the forest, Papuan officials supplying weapons are arrested

Sejumlah anggota KKB di Kabupaten Puncak Jaya turun gurung dan menyerah karena sudah tidak tahan hidup menderita di hutan dan gunung serta selalu dikeja-kejar pasukan TNI-Polri

PAPUA – The movements and separatist movements carried out by the KKB in Papua are getting narrower and crazier. 

Most recently, the KKB was confirmed to have run out of ammunition and weaponry after the KKB weapons supplier was arrested by the Cartenz Peace Task Force. 
Ironically, the figure suspected of supplying weapons to the KKB is a regional official in Papua. 
The Papuan official suspected of supplying weapons to the arrested KKB is known to have the initials MM. 

Apart from importing weapons, MM is also suspected of supplying ammunition for the separatist movement that relies on terror in Papua. 
The arrest of officials in Papua suspected of supplying KKB weapons was confirmed by the Dansatgas Damai Cartenz, Kombes Faizal Rahmadani. 
Kombes Faizal revealed that the official who was arrested was the Head of the Kenyam District. 
MM, the KKB official who supplied weapons and ammunition, was arrested last April. 

Currently, the Head of the Kenyam District is still undergoing intensive investigations. 
"After making the arrest last April, it is still being investigated," said Kombes Faizal. 

It was explained that previously it was indicated that MM was involved in helping to fund the Nduga KKB for the purchase of weapons and ammunition. 
Currently, the regional official in Papua is still undergoing the legal process in force. 
Previously, the Damai Cartenz task force managed to secure 13 firearms and 710 rounds of ammunition of various calibers from the hands of the KKB. 
Weapons, ammunition and other equipment belonging to the KKB were also confiscated. 
Among them are 16 magazines, 136 sharp weapons, 76 cell phones, 23 HT, four SSB radios, and 7 cameras and binoculars. 
Furthermore, SSB radios, laptops and 4 Morning Star flags were also confiscated. 
Meanwhile, a number of KKB members who had previously been hiding in the hills and forests finally surrendered after being surrounded by TNI/Polri troops. 
As a result of the siege, KKB members were isolated and suffered so that they could no longer carry out terror activities. 

Moreover, they also ran out of food, weapons and ammunition, plus the cold air. 
Under siege, pressured and unable to bear suffering, a number of KKB members in Puncak Regency chose to surrender. 
They surrendered themselves and their weapons and vowed to return to the motherland, the Republic of Indonesia. 
The arrival of the KKB group was greeted directly by the Regent of Puncak and uploaded to the @prajuritcenderawasih account. 
After gathering and handing over their weapons, they made a pledge of allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. 
The KKB members who converted admitted that they were tired of living very uncomfortable in the forests and mountains. 

KKB Makin Terdesak dan Ngenes Sembunyi di Hutan, Pejabat Papua Pemasok Senjata Ditangkap

PAPUA – Gerak dan gerakan separatis yang dilakukan KKB di Papua semakin sempit dan ngenes.

Terbaru, KKB pun dipastikan kehabisan amunisi dan persenjataan setelah pemasok senjata KKB ditangkap Satgas Damai Cartenz.
Ironisnya, sosok yang diduga pemasok senjata untuk KKB itu adalah pejabat daerah di Papua.
Pejabat Papua diduga pemasok senjata untuk KKB yang ditangkap itu diketahui berinisial MM.

Selain memasuk senjata, MM juga diduga memasok amunisi untuk gerakan separatis yang mengandalkan teror di Papua itu.
Penangkapan pejabat di Papua diduga pemasok senjata KKB itu dibenar Dansatgas Damai Cartenz, Kombes Faizal Rahmadani.
Kombes Faizal mengungkap, penjabat yang ditangkap itu merupakan Kepala Distrik Kenyam.
MM pejabat pemasok senjata dan amunisi KKB itu ditangkap pada April lalu.

Saat ini, Kepala Distrik Kenyam itu masih terus menjalani pemeriksaan intensif.
“Setelah melakukan penangkapan bulan April lalu, saat ini masih terus didalami,” ujar Kombes Faizal.

Dijelaskan, MM sebelumnya terindikasi terlibat membantu pendanaan KKB Nduga untuk pembelian senjata dan amunisi.
Saat ini, pejabat daerah di Papua itu masih menjalani proses hukum yang berlaku.
Sebelumnya satgas Damai Cartenz berhasil mengamankan 13 senjata api dan 710 butir amunisi berbagai kaliber dari tangan KKB.
Persenjataan, amunisi dan perlengkapan lainya yang dimiliki KKB juga berhasil disita.
Diantaranya 16 magazen, 136 senjata tajam, 76 telepon seluler, 23 HT, empat radio SSB, serta 7 kamera dan teropong.
Selanjutnya juga disita radio SSB, laptop dan 4 bendera Bintang Kejora.
Sementara, sejumlah anggota KKB yang sebelumnya bersembunyi di bukit dan hutan akhirnya menyerah setelah dikepung pasukan TNI/Polri.
Akibat kepungan itu, anggota KKB pun terisolir dan menderita sehingga tak bisa lagi menjalankan teror.

Apalagi mereka juga sudah kehabisan makanan, persenjataan dan amunisi, ditambah udara dingin.
Dengan kondisi terkepung, terdesak dan tak tahan menderita, sejumlah anggota KKB di Kabupaten Puncak memilih menyerah.
Mereka menyerahkan diri dan persenjataannya serta berikrar kembali ke pangkuan ibu pertiwi, NKRI.
Kedatangan sekelompok KKB itu disambut langsung Bupati Puncak dan diunggah di akun @prajuritcenderawasih.
Setelah berkumpul dan menyerahkan senjatanya, mereka melakukan ikrar setia dengan NKRI.
Para anggota KKB insaf itu mengaku sudah bosan hidup sangat tidak nyaman di hutan dan gunung. 

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