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Touches, Motorcyclists in Cimahi Beat up to Convulsions, Even though They Have Kissed Hands and Apologized

Touches, Motorcyclists in Cimahi Beat up to Convulsions, Even though They Have Kissed Hands and Apologized

A motorcyclist had a seizure after being beaten by another motorbike rider, on Jalan Raya Sangkuriang, Cipageran Village, North Cimahi District, Cimahi City, West Java, Wednesday (19/4/2023). 

The action was caught on an amateur camera and spread across various social media platforms. 

In the 53-second video that was uploaded to the Instagram account @vianooov, at first it appears that a young Honda Beat rider is trying to kiss the hand of a rider in a white helmet riding a Yamaha Mio. The two stopped by the side of the road. 

Later footage shows Beat's rider convulsing on the tarmac. 

The man in the white helmet then pulled the victim's hair and let go. 

From the caption circulating, it was stated that the Yamaha Mio rider with the white helmet felt offended by the actions of the Honda Beat rider who allegedly nudged him. 

The man with the helmet, whose identity has not yet been identified, could not accept it and then scolded the Honda Beat rider. The Honda Beat rider immediately apologized while crying. 

However, the action of the man with the helmet didn't only scold, he yelled several times and then beat the Beat rider. 

The victim who did not resist then fell on the road right in front of the Cimahi City Health BPJS office. 

Not long after, the victim had a seizure after his body was lying on the asphalt. 

Regarding this incident, members of the Satreskrim Polres Cimahi immediately moved to the scene of the incident to collect information from a number of witnesses. 

"Regarding the video, tonight the team has taken the first action at the TKP. The police have met with two BPJS security people who confirmed the incident," said Kasatreskrim Cimahi Police AKP Luthfi Olot, when contacted via WhatsApp, Wednesday. 

The case is in the hands of the police. The ranks of the Satreskrim Polres Cimahi are still gathering information to identify the identity of the suspected perpetrator. 

"Police steps are currently still in the investigative stage to gather information related to the perpetrators and pursue the perpetrators," said Olot. 

Senggolan, Pengendara Motor di Cimahi Dihajar hingga Kejang, padahal Sudah Cium Tangan dan Minta Maaf

Seorang pengendara sepeda motor mengalami kejang setelah dihajar oleh pengendara motor lainnya, di Jalan Raya Sangkuriang, Kelurahan Cipageran, Kecamatan Cimahi Utara, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat, Rabu (19/4/2023).

Aksi itu terekam kamera amatir dan tersebar di berbagai platform media sosial.

Dalam video berdurasi 53 detik yang diunggah akun Instagram @vianooov, awalnya tampak seorang pemuda pengendara Honda Beat mencoba mencium tangan pengendara berhelm putih yang mengendarai Yamaha Mio. Keduanya berhenti di tepi jalan.

Rekaman selanjutnya memperlihatkan pengendara Beat kejang di atas aspal.

Pria berhelm putih kemudian menarik rambut korban lalu melepaskannya.

Dari caption yang beredar, disebutkan bahwa pengendara Yamaha Mio berhelm putih merasa tersinggung atas aksi pengendara Honda Beat yang diduga menyenggolnya.

Pria berhelm yang belum diketahui identitasnya itu tak terima kemudian memarahi pengendara Honda Beat. Pengendara Honda Beat langsung meminta maaf sambil menangis.

Namun, aksi pria berhelm tak hanya memarahi, dia membentak berkali-kali lalu menghajar pengendara Beat.

Korban yang tak melawan kemudian tersungkur di jalan tepat di depan kantor BPJS Kesehatan Kota Cimahi.

Tak lama, korban mengalami kejang setelah tubuhnya tergeletak di atas aspal.

Terkait peristiwa itu, anggota Satreskrim Polres Cimahi langsung bergerak mendatangi lokasi kejadian untuk mengumpulkan keterangan dari sejumlah saksi.

"Berkaitan video tersebut, malam ini tim sudah melakukan tindakan pertama TKP. Polisi sudah bertemu dengan dua orang sekuriti BPJS yang membenarkan adanya peristiwa tersebut," ujar Kasatreskrim Polres Cimahi AKP Luthfi Olot, saat dihubungi via WhatsApp, Rabu.

Kasus itu dalam penanganan polisi. Jajaran Satreskrim Polres Cimahi masih mengumpulkan keterangan untuk mengidentifikasi identitas terduga pelaku.

"Langkah kepolisian saat ini masih di tahap penyelidikan untuk mengumpulkan informasi berkaitan dengan pelaku dan melakukan pengejaran terhadap pelaku," sebut Olot.
