Just Inaugurated by Jokowi 13 Days, the Makassar-Parepare Railway Project Is Corrupted
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the alleged bribery at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) was also related to the Makassar-Parepare railway construction project.
The railroad line was just inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on Wednesday (29/3/2023).
"Like what I read earlier, I explained that there is a connection (Makassar-Parepare)," said KPK deputy chairman Johanis Tanak in a press conference at the KPK, Thursday (13/4/2023).
The case then developed into bribes in construction and maintenance projects in a number of areas of Java and Sumatra.
In his presentation, Tanak revealed that the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the South Sulawesi Railroad Management Agency (PPK BPKA), Achmad Affandy, was suspected of receiving Rp. 150 million in bribes on April 11.
The bribe was given by Dion Renato Sugiarto as Director of PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA).
"Related to the project for the construction of a railway line in Makassar, South Sulawesi, worth Rp. 150 million," said Tanak.
In this case, the suspects are suspected of receiving bribes from the private sector so that officials at the DGT of the Ministry of Transportation arrange the winner of the project tender.
The entrepreneurs asked to be won as project executors. They then provide a fee of around 5 to 10 percent of the project value.
The alleged corruption at the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA is not only related to the Makassar-Parepare train line.
Tanak said that there were at least four projects that were suspected of being involved in bribery cases.
The projects are the construction of the Solo Balapan-Kadipiro-Kalioso double railway line, and the construction of a railway line in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
Then, four railroad construction projects, two supervision projects in Lampegan Cianjur, West Java; and the Java-Sumatera level crossing improvement project.
In this case, the KPK named 10 suspects, namely the Director of Railway Infrastructure Harno Trimadi and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Central Java Railway Engineering Center (BTP), Bernard Hasibuan.
Then, Head of Central Java BTP, Putu Sumarjaya; PPK BTP West Java, Syntho Pirjani Hutabarat; South Sulawesi Railway Management Agency (BPKA) PPK, Achmad Affandi; and PPK Railway Infrastructure Maintenance, Fjudisyah.
They were named suspects of receiving bribes.
The bribe givers are the Director of PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA), Dion Renato Sugiarto; Director of PT Dwifarita Fajarkharisma, Muchamad Hikmat; and Director of PT KA Properti Management (until February 2023), Yoseph Ibrahim.
Set the tender winner
In this case, the KPK suspects that the perpetrators manipulated the administrative process to determine the winning project tender.
The KPK then found out that a number of state administrators at the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA received bribes from businessmen who were project implementers.
So far, the KPK suspects that the perpetrators received bribes of more than IDR 14.5 billion from the private sector.
This number refers to the statements of a number of examinees supported by preliminary evidence.
"Bribes by the parties in the activities of the procurement and maintenance of the railways are so far suspected of reaching more than IDR 14.5 billion," said Tanak.
Baru Diresmikan Jokowi 13 Hari, Proyek Jalur Kereta Makassar-Parepare DikorupsiKomisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menyebutkan, dugaan suap di Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian (DJKA) Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) juga terkait proyek pembangunan jalur kereta Makassar-Parepare.
Jalur kereta api tersebut baru saja diresmikan Presiden Joko Widodo pada Rabu (29/3/2023).
“Sudah seperti yang saya bacakan tadi, saya jelaskan bahwa itu (Makassar-Parepare) ada keterkaitan,” kata Wakil Ketua KPK Johanis Tanak dalam konferensi pers di KPK, Kamis (13/4/2023).
Kasus tersebut kemudian dikembangkan hingga suap di proyek pembangunan dan perawatan di sejumlah wilayah Jawa dan Sumatera.
Dalam paparannya, Tanak mengungkapkan bahwa Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) Badan Pengelola Kereta Api (PPK BPKA) Sulawesi Selatan, Achmad Affandy, diduga menerima suap Rp 150 juta pada 11 April lalu.
Suap diberikan oleh Dion Renato Sugiarto selaku Direktur PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA).
“Terkait proyek pembangunan jalur kereta api di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, senilai Rp 150 juta,” ujar Tanak.
Dalam perkara ini, para tersangka diduga menerima suap dari pihak swasta agar pejabat di DJKA Kemenhub mengatur pemenang tender proyek.
Para pengusaha itu meminta agar dimenangkan sebagai pelaksana proyek. Mereka lantas memberikan fee sekitar 5 hingga 10 persen dari nilai proyek.
Adapun dugaan korupsi di DJKA Kemenhub ini tidak hanya terkait jalur kereta Makassar-Parepare.
Tanak mengatakan, setidaknya terdapat empat proyek yang diduga tersandung perkara suap.
Proyek itu adalah pembangunan jalur kereta api ganda Solo Balapan-Kadipiro-Kalioso, dan proyek pembangunan jalur kereta api di Makassar Sulawesi Selatan.
Kemudian, empat proyek konstruksi jalur kereta api, dua proyek supervisi di Lampegan Cianjur, Jawa Barat; dan proyek perbaikan pelintasan sebidang Jawa-Sumatera.
Dalam perkara ini, KPK menetapkan 10 tersangka, yaitu Direktur Prasarana Perkeretaapian Harno Trimadi dan Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) Balai Teknik Perkeretaapian (BTP) Jawa Bagian Tengah, Bernard Hasibuan.
Kemudian, Kepala BTP Jawa Bagian Tengah, Putu Sumarjaya; PPK BTP Jawa Bagian Barat, Syntho Pirjani Hutabarat; PPK Balai Pengelola Kereta Api (BPKA) Sulawesi Selatan, Achmad Affandi; dan PPK Perawatan Prasarana Perkeretaapian, Fadilansyah.
Mereka ditetapkan sebagai tersangka penerima suap.
Adapun tersangka pemberi suap adalah Direktur PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA), Dion Renato Sugiarto; Direktur PT Dwifarita Fajarkharisma, Muchamad Hikmat; dan Direktur PT KA Manajemen Properti (sampai Februari 2023), Yoseph Ibrahim.
Atur pemenang tender
Dalam kasus ini, KPK menduga para pelaku merekayasa proses administrasi hingga penentuan proyek pemenang tender.
KPK lantas mengendus sejumlah penyelenggara negara di DJKA Kemenhub menerima suap dari pengusaha yang menjadi pelaksana proyek.
Sejauh ini, KPK menduga para pelaku menerima suap lebih dari Rp 14,5 miliar dari pihak swasta.
Jumlah itu merujuk pada keterangan sejumlah terperiksa yang didukung dengan bukti permulaan.
“Suap oleh para pihak dalam kegiatan proyek pengadaan dan pemeliharaan jalan kereta api dimaksud sejauh ini diduga mencapai lebih dari Rp 14,5 miliar,” kata Tanak.