Rows of Cases Affecting the Ministry of Finance, Hashtag Sri Mulyani Retreats Becomes Trending Topic on Twitter
Rows of Cases Affecting the Ministry of Finance, Hashtag Sri Mulyani Retreats Becomes Trending Topic on Twitter
JAKARTA - The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati (left) witnessed the President Director of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Haru Koesmahargyo (right) and Deputy Main Commissioner of Bank BTN, Iqbal Latanro (center) signing the 2023 Management Work Contract after opening the MeetingBank BTN Work Year 2023 in Jakarta, Friday (27/01). In his presentation, the Minister of Finance hopes that Bank BTN will always maintain the soundness of its financial fundamentals so that it can create added value and increase synergies with various institutions/institutions in the housing ecosystem to create added value, answer the challenges of the housing sector,provide affordable housing for the community. //IST/HO. The Ministry of Finance, which is currently in the spotlight due to a series of cases, has prompted the public to ask Sri Mulyani to step down as Minister of Finance.
As is known, the first figure that brought the Ministry of Finance into the public spotlight was the former Head of the General Section of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) for the South Jakarta Regional Office II, Rafael Alun Trisambodo.
As for what is in the spotlight is Rafael Alun's assets which are considered suspicious.
This suspicion also began with a case of abuse involving his son Mario Dandy Satriyo against the son of GP Ansor officials, Cristalino David Ozora.
When the abuse case emerged and went viral, the public also highlighted the Jeep Rubicon car and the big Harley Davidson motorcycle that Mario often exhibits on his social media.
Starting from there, Rafael Alun's wealth was investigated and in fact, based on the records of the 2021 State Administration Wealth Report (LHKPN), the two luxury vehicles were not reported by the person concerned.
In the aftermath of this, Rafael Alun was removed from his position.
It didn't stop there, two other Ministry of Finance officials, namely the Head of Yogyakarta Customs and Excise, Eko Darmanto and Head of Makassar Customs, Andhi Pramono, were also in the spotlight because they often flaunted their wealth on social media.
Now, Eko also has the same fate as Rafael Alun, namely being removed from his position.
Meanwhile, Andhi is being asked to fulfill a summons from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
Apart from that, the Ministry of Finance was also hit by a suspicious movement of IDR 300 trillion.
This was conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD on Wednesday (8/3/2023).
"I received the report this morning. Most recently, there have been suspicious movements of Rp. 300 trillion within the Ministry of Finance, most of which are in the Directorate General of Taxes and Customs," he explained as quoted by Tribun Jogja.
Mahfud also revealed that he had reported 69 DGT employees to the Minister of Finance (Menkeu), Sri Mlyani for allegedly committing money laundering.
"I sent again to Mrs Sri Mulyani, there are 69 tax officials who have been reported by PPATK, suspected of money laundering," said Mahfud on Tuesday (7/3/2023).
In the Aftermath of the Ministry of Finance's Polemic, the Hashtag of Sri Mulyani Backwards Becomes a Trending Topic on Twitter
The hashtag #SriMulyaniMundur became the third trending topic on Twitter on Friday (10/3/2023) at 08.13 WIB. This hashtag appeared in the aftermath of a series of cases that hit the Ministry of Finance led by Sri Mulyani.
The series of problems that hit the Ministry of Finance made netizens raise the hashtag #SriMulyaniMundur.
Based on monitoring on Friday (10/3/2023), the hashtag was ranked third as a trending topic on Twitter.
- A strong storm is hitting the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. A series of cases that have occurred, ranging from child maltreatment of officials at the Directorate General of Taxes to showing off the wealth of tax officials, has angered the public. The domino effect had an impact on the performance of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani.
On social media, Twitter is currently busy with #SriMulyaniMundur, until Friday (9/03) the hashtag SriMulyaniMundur had reached 3,557 tweets. Netizens urged Sri Mulyani to step down from her post.
Responding to this, Social Media Activist Jhon Sitorus spoke up.
“There is a lot of hashtag #SriMulyaniMundur,” he said, quoted by from his tweet on Twitter, Thursday (9/3/2023).
Jhon then questioned, if the former Managing Director resigned from his position, then who could replace him?
"The question is, if Sri Mulyani resigns then who will replace her?" he said.
“Lizal Lamli? Refly Harun? Neno Warisman? Or Said Didu? Or perhaps Musni Umar? ” he flicked.
Deretan Kasus Menimpa Kemenkeu, Tagar Sri Mulyani Mundur Jadi Trending Topic Twitter
JAKARTA - Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati (kiri) menyaksikan Direktur Utama PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Haru Koesmahargyo (kanan) dan Wakil Komisaris Utama Bank BTN, Iqbal Latanro (tengah) menandatangani Kontrak Kerja Manajemen Tahun 2023 usai membuka Rapat Kerja Bank BTN Tahun 2023 di Jakarta, Jumat (27/01). Pada paparannya, Menteri Keuangan berharap Bank BTN senantiasa menjaga kesehatan fundamental keuangannya sehingga dapat menciptakan nilai tambah dan meningkatkan sinergi dengan berbagai institusi/lembaga dalam ekosistem perumahan untuk menciptakan nilai tambah, menjawab tantangan sektor perumahan, menyediakan perumahan yang terjangkau bagi masyarakat. //IST/HO. Kemenkeu yang kini tengah menjadi sorotan akibat deretan kasus membuat publik meminta Sri Mulyani mundur sebagai Menkeu.
Seperti diketahui, sosok yang pertama sehingga Kemenkeu menjadi sorotan publik adalah mantan Kepala Bagian Umum Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) Kanwil Jakarta Selatan II, Rafael Alun Trisambodo.
Adapun yang menjadi sorotan adalah harta kekayaan Rafael Alun yang dianggap mencurigakan.
Kecurigaan ini pun berawal dari kasus penganiayaan yang melibatkan sang anak Mario Dandy Satriyo terhadap putra petinggi GP Ansor, Cristalino David Ozora.
Pada saat kasus penganiayaan ini mencuat dan viral, publik turut menyoroti mobil Jeep Rubicon dan motor gede Harley Davidson yang kerap dipamerkan oleh Mario di media sosial miliknya.
Berawal dari situlah, kekayaan Rafael Alun diusut dan faktanya berdasarkan catatan Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN) tahun 2021, kedua kendaraan mewah itu tidak dilaporkan yang bersangkutan.
Buntut dari hal tersebut, Rafael Alun pun dicopot dari jabatannya.
Tak sampai di situ, dua pejabat Kemenkeu lain yaitu Kepala Bea Cukai Yogyakarta, Eko Darmanto dan Kepala Bea Cukai Makassar, Andhi Pramono turut menjadi sorotan lantaran kerap pamer kekayaannya di media sosial.
Kini, Eko pun senasib dengan Rafael Alun yaitu dicopot dari jabatannya.
Sementara, Andhi tengah diminta untuk memenuhi panggilan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).
Selain itu, Kemenkeu juga dihantam dengan adanya pergerakan uang mencurigakan sebesar Rp 300 triliun.
Hal ini disampaikan oleh Menko Polhukam, Mahfud MD pada Rabu (8/3/2023) lalu.
"Saya sudah dapat laporan yang pagi tadi. Terbaru malah ada pergerakan mencurigakan sebesar Rp 300 triliun di lingkungan Kemenkeu yang sebagian besar ada di Ditjen Pajak dan Bea Cukai," jelasnya dikutip dari Tribun Jogja.
Mahfud juga mengungkapkan dirinya melaporkan 69 pegawai DJP ke Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu), Sri Mlyani lantaran diduga melakukan pencucian uang.
“Saya kirim lagi ke Bu Sri Mulyani, ada 69 pegawai pajak yang sudah dilaporkan oleh PPATK, diduga melakukan pencucian uang," kata Mahfud pada Selasa (7/3/2023).
Buntut Polemik Kemenkeu, Tagar Sri Mulyani Mundur Jadi Trending Topic Twitter
Tagar #SriMulyaniMundur menjadi trending topic ketiga di Twitter pada Jumat (10/3/2023) per pukul 08.13 WIB. Tagar ini muncul buntut deretan kasus yang menerpa Kemenkeu yang dipimpin Sri Mulyani.
Deretan masalah yang menghantam Kemenkeu ini membuat netizen menaikan tagar #SriMulyaniMundur.
Berdasarkan pantauan pada Jumat (10/3/2023), tagar tersebut berada di peringkat ketiga trending topic di Twitter.
- Badai kencang tengah menerpa Kementrian Keuangan RI. Rentetan kasus yang terjadi dari penganiayaan anak pejabat Ditjen Pajak hingga pamer kekayaan pegawai pajak membuat masyarakat geram. Efek dominonya berdampak pada kinerja Menteri Keuangan RI, Sri Mulyani.
Di media sosial Twitter sedang ramai #SriMulyaniMundur, hingga Jumat (9/03) tagar SriMulyaniMundur sudah mencapai 3.557 tweet. Warganet mendesak Sri Mulyani lengser dari jabatannya.
Merespon hal itu, Pegiat Media Sosial Jhon Sitorus angkat suara.
“Lagi rame tagar #SriMulyaniMundur,” ungkapnya, dikutip dari cuitannya di Twitter, Kamis (9/3/2023).
Jhon lalu mempertanyakan, jika eks Direktur Pelaksana itu mundur dari jabatannya, maka siapa yang bisa menggantikan?
“Pertanyaannya, kalo Sri Mulyani mundur lalu penggantinya siapa?” ujarnya.
“Lizal Lamli? Refly Harun? Neno Warisman? Atau Said Didu? Atau jangan-jangan Musni Umar? ” sentilnya.