Mantri Injects Dead Head of Curuggoong Village Allegedly because of an affair, there is a photo of the victim on the mobile phone of the perpetrator's wife
Mantri Injects Dead Head of Curuggoong Village Allegedly because of an affair, there is a photo of the victim on the mobile phone of the perpetrator's wife
Raden Yayan Elang, SH's lawyer, paramedic for injecting death to the Head of Curuggoong Village, Serang, Banten, said SH got emotional when he saw photos of the victim on the mobile phone gallery of the perpetrator's wife.
The victim, said Elang, had repeatedly approached SH's wife.
SH then went to the victim's house to ask the village head's intention to approach his wife who works as a village midwife.
"There are allegations of an affair between the victim and the perpetrator's wife," said Elang, to reporters at the Serang City Police Headquarters, Monday (13/3/2023).
Elang said that when he wanted to meet the victim, SH had already prepared a syringe filled with liquid.
However, the goal is not to kill, but to provide a deterrent effect.
"According to his confession, he (SH) has brought the injection so far, it's been prepared. However, the aim is not to kill, only to give a deterrent effect," said Elang.
Don't believe in extramarital affairs
Meanwhile, the attorney for the victim's family, Eki Wijaya Pratama, asked the public and investigators not to believe the issue of extramarital affairs in the murder case.
"We as a family are also still gathering evidence, still looking, this incident is suspected to be where the problem ends, we are still looking for it. If there are issues (affairs) don't believe too much if the facts are not like that," Eki Wijaya told reporters, Monday (13/3/2023).
Eki asked all parties to respect the legal process being carried out by the Serang City Police.
Regarding the motive, the family asked not to speculate and raise rumors that were not true.
"This incident should not be twisted. The motives and allegations are still being investigated," said Eki.
Injected liquid
Deputy Head of the Serang City Police, AKBP Hujra Soumena said the perpetrator admitted injecting 5 ml of diphenhydramine liquid or medicine to relieve symptoms of allergies and cold coughs to the Curuggoong Village Head.
However, the police are still waiting for the forensic team's autopsy results to determine the exact cause of death.
"The perpetrator used a syringe which was filled with a liquid drug, namely diphenhydramine, after which the syringe was injected into the left side of the back of the victim," Hujra told reporters at his office.
Previously it was reported that the Head of Curuggoong Village, Padarincang District, Serang Regency, Banten, Salamunasir, was killed by a man with the initials SH who worked as an orderly, allegedly by injection, Sunday (12/3/2023).
Based on information from the Padarincang Police, initially the perpetrator came to the victim's house at around 12.00 WIB.
A commotion ensued until the perpetrator took out a syringe and injected it into the victim's back.
Shortly, the victim experienced convulsions until he was unconscious and finally died.
Mantri Suntik Mati Kades Curuggoong Diduga karena Perselingkuhan, Ada Foto Korban di Ponsel Istri Pelaku
Raden Yayan Elang, pengacara SH, mantri penyuntik mati Kepala Desa Curuggoong, Serang, Banten, mengatakan, SH sempat emosi saat melihat ada foto-foto korban di galeri ponsel istri pelaku.
Korban, kata Elang, sudah berkali-kali mendekati istri SH.
SH kemudian mendatangi rumah korban untuk menanyakan maksud sang kades mendekati istrinya yang berprofesi sebagai bidan desa.
"Ada dugaan perselingkuhan antara korban dengan istri pelaku," ujar Elang, kepada wartawan di Mapolresta Serang Kota, Senin (13/3/2023).
Elang mengatakan, saat hendak menemui korban, SH memang sudah mempersiapkan jarum suntik berisi cairan.
Namun, tujuannya bukan membunuh, melainkan untuk memberikan efek jera.
"Kalau suntikan itu sejauh ini menurut pengakuannya dia (SH) bawa, udah disiapkan. Tapi, tujuannya bukan untuk membunuh, hanya untuk memberi efek jera saja," kata Elang.
Tak percaya isu perselingkuhan
Sementara, kuasa hukum keluarga korban, Eki Wijaya Pratama, meminta masyarakat dan penyidik untuk tidak mempercayai isu perselingkuhan di kasus pembunuhan tersebut.
"Kami sebagai keluarga juga masih mengumpulkan bukti, masih mencari, peristiwa ini dugaannya persoalan di mana muaranya, masih kita cari. Kalau ada isu-isu (perselingkuhan) jangan terlalu percaya kalau peristiwa faktanya tidak seperti itu," kata Eki Wijaya kepada wartawan, Senin (13/3/2023).
Eki meminta semua pihak menghormati proses hukum yang sedang dilakukan Polresta Serang Kota.
Terkait motif, pihak keluarga meminta agar tidak berandai-andai dan melemparkan isu yang tidak benar.
"Ini jangan sampai dipelintir peristiwa ini. Adapun motif dan dugaannya masih dicari tahu," ujar Eki.
Cairan yang disuntikkan
Wakil Kepala Polresta Serang Kota, AKBP Hujra Soumena mengatakan, pelaku mengaku menyuntikkan cairan diphenhydramine atau obat untuk meredakan gejala alergi dan batuk pilek sebanyak 5 ml kepada Kades Curuggoong.
Namun, polisi masih menunggu hasil otopsi tim forensik untuk mengetahui penyebab pasti kematian.
"Pelaku menggunakan jarum suntik yang di dalamnya sudah diisi dengan obat cairan yaitu diphenhydramine, setelah itu jarum suntik disuntikan ke punggung bagian kiri korban," kata Hujra kepada wartawan di kantornya.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, Kepala Desa Curuggoong, Kecamatan Padarincang, Kabupaten Serang, Banten, Salamunasir, dibunuh oleh seorang pria berinisal SH yang bekerja sebagai mantri, diduga dengan cara disuntik, Minggu (12/3/2023).
Berdasarkan informasi dari Polsek Padarincang, awalnya, pelaku datang ke rumah korban sekitar pukul 12.00 WIB.
Terjadilah keributan hingga pelaku mengeluarkan jarum suntik lalu menyuntikannya ke bagian punggung korban.
Tak lama, korban mengalami kejang-kejang hingga tidak sadarkan diri dan akhirnya meninggal.