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Portrait of Customs and Excise Officials Showing Wealth, "Double Degree" Student at UI and Australia

Portrait of Customs and Excise Officials Showing Wealth, "Double Degree" Student at UI and Australia

After the name Mario Dandy Satrio (20) came to the surface because he abused D (17) into a coma and often showed off his parents' assets who were Ministry of Finance officials, another name emerged. 

She is Atasya Yasmine, the daughter of a high-ranking official from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise under the umbrella of the Ministry of Finance. 

His father, Andhi Pramono, is the Head of Makassar Customs, South Sulawesi, as reported by 

Atasya is under scrutiny because she often shows off luxury goods on social media. 

In an upload on Instagram, it is known that the price of clothes worn by Atasya from head to toe reaches IDR 25 million. 

Meanwhile, a video circulating on Twitter allegedly shows Atasya dancing in a nightclub in Australia. 

The video was uploaded by the Twitter account @PartaiSocmed. 

Andhi Pramono's daughter in action. Now I'm studying in Australia but every night my work is party happy and spree.

— #99 (@PartaiSocmed) March 9, 2023
Atasya is known to be studying in Australia, to be precise at Melbourne University. 

This was conveyed by the Head of the International Special Class Program (KKI) at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (UI), Isfandiarni. 

According to Isfandiarni, Atasya is a KKI double degree student majoring in management. 

Under the program, students spend their first two years of education at UI, and the remainder at UI partner universities abroad. 

"Currently (Atasya) is studying at Melbourne University, and God willing, he will graduate at the end of this semester because the KKI program is indeed two years in Indonesia (UI) and two years abroad, namely at our partner university. So he is currently studying in Melbourne," he said, Thursday (9/3/2023). 

The wealth of Atasya's father is in the spotlight
Andhi Pramono is currently in the spotlight because he has assets of up to IDR 13.7 billion by 2021. 

Based on the State Officials Wealth Report or LHKPN, Andhi's assets began to increase dramatically in 2016. 

The amount of his wealth from the previous year quadrupled. 

Furthermore, the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) revealed odd findings from Andhi's transaction history. 

"Many were deposited in cash from companies," said Head of PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana, Thursday. 

PPATK has submitted the results of their analysis to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). 

KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan said that the KPK would follow up on the report by summoning Andhi. 

"So we will conduct an LHKPN examination, we will clarify with APR (Andhi Pramono) maybe next week we will invite him," said Pahala at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (8/3/2023). 

Potret Anak Petinggi Bea Cukai Pamer Kekayaan, Mahasiswi “Double Degree” di UI dan Australia

Setelah nama Mario Dandy Satrio (20) muncul ke permukaan karena menganiaya D (17) hingga koma dan kerap pamer harta orangtuanya yang merupakan pejabat Kementerian Keuangan, muncul nama lain.

Dialah Atasya Yasmine, anak pejabat petinggi Direktorat Jenderal Bea Cukai yang ada di bawah payung Kementerian Keuangan.

Ayahnya yang bernama Andhi Pramono merupakan Kepala Bea Cukai Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, sebagaimana dilansir TribunJakarta .com.

Atasya disorot karena kerap memamerkan barang-barang mewah di media sosial.

Dalam sebuah unggahan di Instagram, diketahui bahwa harga pakaian yang dikenakan Atasya dari kepala hingga kaki mencapai Rp 25 juta.

Sementara itu, di Twitter beredar pula video yang diduga menunjukkan Atasya tengah menari di sebuah kelab malam di Australia.

Video itu diunggah oleh akun Twitter @PartaiSocmed.

Puterinya Andhi Pramono in action. Sekarang sedang study di Australia tapi tiap malam kerjaannya party happy2 dan foya2. pic .twitter .com/pYozLQna25

— #99 (@PartaiSocmed) March 9, 2023
Atasya diketahui tengah menempuh pendidikan di Australia, tepatnya di Melbourne University.

Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Ketua Program Kelas Khusus Internasional (KKI) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (UI), Isfandiarni.

Menurut Isfandiarni, Atasya merupakan mahasiswi double degree KKI yang mengambil jurusan manajemen.

Di bawah program tersebut, para siswa menjalani dua tahun pertama pendidikan mereka di UI, dan sisanya di universitas mitra UI di luar negeri.

“Saat ini (Atasya) sedang study di Melbourne University, dan insya Allah akhir semester ini lulus karena memang program KKI itu kan dua tahun di Indonesia (UI) dan dua tahun di luar negeri, yaitu di universitas mitra kami. Jadi dia saat ini sedang kuliah di Melbourne,” ungkapnya, Kamis (9/3/2023).

Kekayaan ayah Atasya jadi sorotan
Andhi Pramono saat ini tengah menjadi sorotan karena memiliki harta kekayaan mencapai Rp 13,7 miliar per tahun 2021.

Berdasarkan Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara atau LHKPN, harta kekayaan Andhi mulai naik drastis saat tahun 2016.

Jumlah hartanya dari tahun sebelumnya bertambah empat kali lipat.

Lebih lanjut, Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) mengungkap temuan janggal dari riwayat transaksi Andhi.

"Banyak setoran tunai dari perusahaan-perusahaan," kata Kepala PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana, Kamis.

PPATK sudah menyampaikan hasil analisis mereka ke Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

Deputi Pencegahan dan Monitoring KPK Pahala Nainggolan mengatakan bahwa KPK akan menindaklanjuti laporan tersebut dengan memanggil Andhi.

"Jadi kita akan lakukan pemeriksaan LHKPN, kita klarifikasi kepada saudara APR (Andhi Pramono) mungkin Minggu depan akan kita undang,” kata Pahala di Gedung Merah Putih KPK, Jakarta, Rabu (8/3/2023).
