Which is more handsome, Prophet Yusuf and Prophet Muhammad?
Which is more handsome, Prophet Yusuf and Prophet Muhammad?
Prophet Muhammad (illustration)
--In the Sirah Nabawiyah it is stated that the Prophet Muhammad SAW was a dashing figure and had a handsome face, in fact, the handsomeness of the Prophet Muhammad exceeded that of the Prophet Yusuf AS.
The Prophet Yusuf himself was known for his good looks, which made the people around him amazed and captivated by him. In the book al-Mahabbah by Imam Ghazali, it is stated that Imam Muhammad bin Ash'ath said that during the time of the Prophet Yusuf AS, the people of Egypt lived for four months without food.
If they were hungry, they just looked at Prophet Yusuf so that his good looks made them forget about their hunger. In fact, there's more to it than that. A group of women sliced their fingers unconsciously because they were amazed at the handsomeness of the Prophet Yusuf.
However, in fact the good looks of the Prophet Yusuf are only part of the good looks that Allah bestows on His creatures. Because, it is said that the handsomeness inherent in the Prophet Muhammad SAW was greater than that of the Prophet Yusuf.
Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi al-Maliki in his book, Muhammad Insanul Kamil, said that the percentage of good looks, beauty and elegance that Allah SWT sent down to nature was divided into several parts, namely 50 percent for Prophet Muhammad SAW, 25 percent for Prophet Yusuf AS, and the remaining 25 percentand distributed to the entire universe and its contents which include natural beauty, the beauty of animals, the handsomeness and beauty of humans, and so on.
Sayyid Muhammad said, basically both the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet Yusuf were equally handsome and charming anyone who saw them. They were also each given 10 headscarves of light to protect their appearance from slander.
However, all the hijabs of Prophet Yusuf AS have been removed since the world. Meanwhile, only one hijab of the Prophet Muhammad SAW has been opened in the world, while the rest will be opened and revealed in heaven.
Because, if all of the Prophet Muhammad's hijabs were removed from the start of the world, Sayyid Muhammad said that people would involuntarily tear their hearts because they could not help but be amazed at seeing the Prophet at the end of this era.
Lebih Ganteng Mana Nabi Yusuf dan Nabi Muhammad?
Nabi Muhammad (ilustrasi)
--Dalam Sirah Nabawiyah disebutkan, Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah sosok yang gagah dan berwajah tampan, bahkan, ketampanan Nabi Muhammad ini melebihi Nabi Yusuf AS.
Nabi Yusuf sendiri dikenal karena ketampanannya, yang membuat orang-orang di sekitarnya dibuat kagum dan terlena karenanya. Dalam kitab al-Mahabbah karya Imam Ghazali disebutkan, Imam Muhammad bin Asy'ats berkata pada masa Nabi Yusuf AS, penduduk Mesir pernah hidup selama empat bulan tanpa makanan.
Jika mereka lapar, mereka cukup memandang Nabi Yusuf sehingga ketampanannya menjadikan mereka lupa akan rasa laparnya. Bahkan, ada yang lebih dari itu. Sekumpulan perempuan mengiris-ngiris jarinya secara tanpa sadar karena takjub melihat ketampanan Nabi Yusuf.
Namun, nyatanya ketampanan Nabi Yusuf ini hanyalah sebagian ketampanan yang Allah timpakan kepada makhluk-Nya. Sebab, disebutkan bahwa ketampanan yang melekat pada Nabi Muhammad SAW lebih besar porsinya dibandingkan Nabi Yusuf.
Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi al-Maliki dalam kitabnya, Muhammad Insanul Kamil, mengatakan, persentase ketampanan, keindahan, dan keelokan yang Allah SWT turunkan ke alam ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian, yakni 50 persen untuk Nabi Muhammad SAW, 25 persen untuk Nabi Yusuf AS, dan sisanya 25 persen lagi dibagikan kepada seluruh alam raya beserta isinya yang meliputi keindahan alam, keelokan hewan, ketampanan dan kecantikan manusia, dan lain sebagainya.
Sayyid Muhammad mengatakan, pada dasarnya baik Nabi Muhammad maupun Nabi Yusuf sama-sama tampan dan memesona siapa pun yang melihat mereka. Mereka juga sama-sama diberi 10 hijab dari cahaya guna menjaga penampilannya dari fitnah.
Akan tetapi, semua hijab Nabi Yusuf AS telah dibuka semenjak di dunia. Sedangkan hijab Nabi Muhammad SAW baru satu yang dibuka di dunia, sementara sisanya akan dibuka dan ditampakan kelak di surga.
Sebab, jika semua hijab Nabi Muhammad dibuka semenjak di dunia, Sayyid Muhammad menyebut jika orang-orang akan tanpa sadar mengoyak-ngoyak jantungnya karena tidak kuasa menahan takjub melihat Sang Nabi akhir zaman ini.