9 Signs of People Who Will Die

9 Signs of People Who Will Die in Islam
Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/piranka

Every human being who lives will definitely experience death. No one knows the arrival of death except Allah SWT. However, there are several signs that can be felt when someone is about to die in Islamic teachings. 

Death is a divine secret that only Allah SWT knows. This is stated in Surah Luqman verse 34 which reads,

اِنَّ اللّٰهَ عِنْدَهٗ عِلْمُ السَّاعَةِۚ وَيُنَزِ up اذَا تَكْسِبُ غَدًاۗ وَمَا تَدْرِيْ نَفْسٌۢ بِاَيِّ اَرْضٍ تَمُوْتُۗ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ عَلِيْمٌ

Meaning: "Indeed, Allah has knowledge of the Day of Resurrection, sends down rain, and knows what is in the womb. No one can know (with certainty) what he will do tomorrow. (Similarly,) no one can know on which earth he will die. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware."

Allah SWT always gives signs to someone before he dies. This sign is given with the aim that believers can prepare the provisions needed in the afterlife, for example increasing the number of good deeds, increasing the time to pray to Allah SWT and so on. 

9 Signs of People Who Will Die in Islam

Imam Al-Ghazali mentioned the signs of impending death through a similar incident that happened to him. The same thing does not necessarily happen to ordinary people who will die. 
Summarizes the book entitled Death in the Qur'an: Ibn Kathir's Perspective by Abdul Basit and The Mysteries of Natural Life Barzakh by Ipnu Rinto Nugroho. Following are some signs of someone who will die according to Imam Al Ghazali. 

1. Body Shivering

The first sign that someone will die is that their body feels shivering. For those whose death is approaching, after Asr time, exactly 100 days before death, the whole body will shiver violently. 

Starting from the top of the hair to the toes, it will vibrate violently as if it is shivering. However, this sign does not occur for those who are conscious or lost in pleasure without thinking about death. 

2. The navel is throbbing fast

When after Asr time, it is 40 days before the day of death arrives. A person's navel will throb or beat. This is a sign that the leaf bearing the name of a Muslim on the 'Arsy has fallen. 

After seeing the leaf fall, the angel of death will take the leaf and immediately make preparations to pick it up. When everything has been prepared, the angel will come to us in human form, and Muslims will definitely be surprised to see his arrival. However, this incident made people feel confused. 

3. Pain in the Chest and Upper Abdomen

Some scholars say that the pain appears in the chest, but there are also those who say that the pain appears in the upper abdomen. We will feel the pain when Asr time enters. 

4. Increased Appetite

Approaching 7 days before death, appetite changes. This sign is given only to those who are tested by an illness where a sick person who has no appetite suddenly has a high appetite. 

5. Forehead Throbbing

Towards 3 days before death, the middle of the forehead will throb strongly. Extraordinarily powerful throbbing in the middle of the forehead (between the right and left forehead). 
The scholars argued that at that time, Muslims should immediately repent and fast so that the stomach does not contain a lot of uncleanness and make it easier for other people when they bathe. 

6. Droopy Eyes and Droopy Nose

His eyes will no longer shine. For sick people, their nose will slowly droop and turn inwards. This sign can be seen from the side. 

7. Withered ears and difficult legs to move

Next, the ear will wilt and then the tip will turn inward over time. Meanwhile, the soles of the feet will slowly fall forward, become stiff, and difficult to move. 

8. The crown of the head is throbbing fast

Exactly one day before death, the crown of the head will pulsate. This is a sign that we will not meet Asr time the next day. 

9. The appearance of cool air

The last sign we will feel before death is cool air at the navel, then down to the waist and back up to around the Adam's apple (base of the neck). 
Usually, the family who will be left behind can feel the cool air by placing their hands on their stomachs. At times like these, it is recommended to read more sentences of monotheism and istigfar. 

If Muslims see people who are experiencing times like that, it would be good if we guide them to increase their dhikr or simply read the sentences of tawhid and istigfar. All of this is done solely so that Allah SWT can forgive our mistakes or those who will die. 

Recommendations for Praying for People Who Are About to Die

Ustaz Syarif Hidayat in his book "Catching up with Death with Rasulullah", said that if someone feels the signs that have been explained previously, it is sunnah to pray for themselves. 
As narrated from Ubbad bin Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, that Aisyah informed him that she heard and listened to the Prophet SAW before he died while leaning on his back, he prayed, "O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, and meet me with a friend whonoble." (HR Bukhari)
Wallahu a'lam. 

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