55 Islamic poems full of deep advice, make you diligent in worship

55 Islamic poems full of deep advice, make you diligent in worship

Islamic poetry is a medium for conveying advice, the essence of worship, and guidance for living in the Islamic religion. Niko Sulpriyono
- As devout Muslims, it is appropriate to always do good towards fellow humans. One of the manifestations of doing good is maintaining relationships by spreading messages of kindness to other people. This positive and meaningful message is not only conveyed through preaching or lectures, such as in religious studies or other assembly forums. You can use another way to spread wise and positive messages, namely by using Islamic rhymes. 

Yes, pantun as a cultural art that still exists today is not only used to joke or seduce someone. More than that, pantun can also be a medium for conveying advice, the essence of worship, and guidance for life in the Islamic religion, with rhymes that are pleasant to listen to. 

Islamic pantun has the power to touch hearts because of its unique structure, where each stanza consists of an ending and a content. Sampiran is often not directly related to the content, so it is a contrast, but it is precisely through this contrast that the message about Islam is better conveyed in a subtle and impressive way for the listener. 
Islamic rhymes can contain light messages about religion, but have great meaning, so that the moral message you want to convey is easier to remember and carry out. Islamic pantuns are usually used in recitation events, religious cults and lectures to describe Islamic values ​​in an interesting and entertaining way. 

Therefore, it is very important to read and interpret the messages contained in Islamic rhymes. So, for those of you who want to read the following Islamic pantun, brilio.net has summarized it from various sources, Wednesday (29/5). 

Islamic poetry is full of deep advice. 

1. Sangkuriang Dayang Sumbi
Stories from Sundanese wiwitan
If it is far from the sunnah of the prophet Lost in mind, lost in body. 

2. A tree has thick leaves
The leaves have thick leaves and no fruit Even if you live a thousand years If you don't pray, what's the point? 

3. Unforgettable beautiful views
Very beautiful, full of light
Four books, Allah revealed
As a servant you must believe

4. Go to the field with father
Hoes and sickles were brought along Even though the world feels bad Trust God, may you prosper. 

5. To Baitullah in the Holy Land
Come there and be safe
Allah the Most Holy God
Don't forget His power at any time. 

6. Watch a cool film and bring a gun What are the power of nail clippers? God is not a train station The one to go to when you are in need and confused. 

7. Wrap the wound with a bandage A good bandage covers the wound Let's strengthen our faith Receive the blessing of the Almighty. 

8. There are students who ask questions Interesting and answered by the teacher
God's love is priceless
Bless us at all times. 

9. Pigeon dove
Fly high and far away
If you want to be entertained
Remember God is Most Merciful. 
10. Coming home from studying the Koran, go to the kobong
Inside the kobong there is a cot
So people don't be arrogant
Arrogance is Satan's friend. 

11. From Aceh there is the seudati dance It's really interesting to see
Tawadhu is humble
A sign of faith in the heart. 

12. Young jackfruit is fried in fat
Ripe keranji fruit is stuck
Don't be greedy for worldly treasures If you die, don't follow. 

13. At school there are lots of partitions But this partition does not exist in the cave Don't forget to learn about angels As an embodiment of the second pillar of faith. 

14. Don't like to slander people
Even people who hate God are angry Don't forget to pray
When you die you go to hell. 

15. Sparrows whistle at the tops of branches Mother makes pickles Read the Koran as ordered by God
That's where wisdom shines. 

16. The mouse deer flies and walks
The wind came and a storm hit
Repeat the memorized verse
So that it is stored in the chest. 

17. There are lots of butterflies in the garden
Lots of flies near the pond
What is the sign of a believer? 
His chest is calm and his soul is spacious. 

18. Meet your best friend
At Mr Yahud's shop
After completing the obligatory prayers
Try duha and tahajud. 

19. Soft sand from the sieve
The rest is in a pile under the stairs
Who is enough with the Koran
Guide the soul to heaven. 

20. What an expensive gemstone
Searched for by someone long ago
May love grow in your heart
Towards the noble Prophet. 

Islamic poetry invites worship. 
Islamic poetry is full of deep advice
2024 Freepik.com/various sources

21. The rice fields are very fertile
The soil is also very loose
Keep away from being arrogant
Jealousy must be buried. 

22. In this class, don't forget to bring a mat
Later, distribute the cakes to the general class
Often people misunderstand about sincerity
Many are arrogant in public. 

23. Walk with friends
This smile is really wide
Educate your heart to be generous
To get God's love. 

24. Travel to Kenya
Just keep eating rice
Worship only Him
Clean intentions, sincere. 

25. The king is strong and powerful
The admiral goes to war
So that you don't have regrets in your heart
Don't get tricked by people. 

26. Borrow mom's toothbrush
It turns out it's in a drawer
Why praise religion? 
If they are arrogant and hate each other. 

27. Body aches from sleeping on the bed
Woke up at five o'clock
So the person must be honest
So that we can get a reward. 

28. In Bali there are many Gapura
The gate is an old model
Don't care about what people say
As long as you are true to your religion. 

29. Sumatra Island, Kalimantan Island
Bali Island, Sumba Island
Let's pray five times a day
The main pillar of religion. 

30. There is leftover cooked brisket
Spilled over by Juju's neighbor's cat
Yesterday I promised to pray before going to bed
Today I fell asleep without changing clothes. 

31. Take a daytime walk
Meet Saidah and say hello
Work hard every day
Don't forget to pray. 

32. Rhythmic wing flapping
Cranes descended on the rice fields
Monotheism is the main thing
As the key to heaven. 

33. Birds fly in the sky
Like a plane taking off
Don't commit sin
Because you will run aground. 

34. Meeting the president at the palace
Until the palace is fed
The Koran is the most perfect book
Come on, study it and put it into practice. 

35. To the sea fishing
Fish content is very useful
The holy Qur'an has taught
Humble, frugal, simple. 
Islamic poetry is full of nobility. 

36. Fishermen rowing canoes
Spread the nets on the edge of the sea
If you love the Koran
Read, understand and we will practice. 

37. Keep money in a drawer
The drawer locks so it's safe
The Koran is a holy book
Awake until the end of time. 

38. Tour Monas on a cart
While eating shellfish satay
Don't go near liquor
Because the Koran forbids it. 

39. Take a walk around the village
Don't forget to stop by the rice fields
It's okay to have fun
But don't forget to worship. 

40. Meeting a best friend
At Mr Yahud's shop
After completing the obligatory prayers
Try duha and tahajud. 

41. So people should not be angry
If you are angry, other people will be hurt
Everyone prays in congregation
Because the rewards are many. 

42. Instead of being arrogant and jealous
We'd better be friendly
Instead of praying alone
It's better to pray together. 

43. Take a trip to the old town
Don't forget to buy dragon fruit
Don't fight your parents
If you want to go to heaven. 

44. The beautiful sound of a bekisar chicken
He landed on the fence
Mother's love is very great
Fight for your child firmly. 

45. Read the Koran every day
Don't forget to always invite friends
Three actions let's avoid
Drinking, gambling and fighting. 

Increase motivation to worship through these 5 tips. 

Maintaining consistency in worship is the main foundation in deepening your spiritual relationship with God. Be it prayer, dhikr, reading the Koran, or other spiritual practices. Sincerity and consistency in worship form a strong foundation in a person's spiritual life. To become more diligent in worship, you need several tips for diligent worship, here are the reviews. 

1. Set clear goals. 
You can determine your worship specifically by motivating whatever you want to achieve. The reasons and goals of worship make you more focused on the goals you will achieve, such as getting closer to God. 

2. Make a schedule. 
Make a realistic schedule and adjust it to your daily routine. Consistency in worship times is very helpful for forming good habits. 

3. Understand the meaning of worship. 
Get to know the meaning and purpose behind every act of worship you perform. Understanding the meaning of worship can improve your spiritual quality and make your worship more meaningful. 

4. Pray to be given strength and steadfastness. 
Pray to God to give you strength and steadfastness in carrying out your worship. Praying is a way to ask for steadfastness in one's path. 

5. Record progress and be consistent. 
Make notes about your progress in carrying out worship. Note whether you succeeded in carrying out your worship according to the specified schedule and how you felt after doing it. This can help you see your progress and motivate yourself to stay consistent. 

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