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Mystery Mrawan Alas Gumitir Tunnel

Mystery Mrawan Alas Gumitir Tunnel

The Mystery off the Mrawan Alas Gumitir Tunnel, It is said that it is haunted and gives you goosebumps for a long time
The Mystery of the Mrawan Alas Gumitir Tunnel, It is said that it is haunted and gives you goosebumps for a long time (Photo: YouTube @Pustaka Lestari Chanel)

- The Mrawan Tunnel, which is located near Mrawan Station in the Sidomulyo area, Silo, Jember Regency, holds various mysterious stories that have long been on the lips of the local community. 

Built during the Dutch colonial era by the railway company Staatsspoorwegen, this tunnel is 690 meters long and has a long history, from its construction to the various mystical events that are often associated with it. 
This article will review the history of the Mrawan tunnel, the beautiful scenery around it, and the haunted mysteries that give goosebumps. 

History and Construction of the Mrawan Tunnel

The Mrawan Tunnel began construction in 1901 and was completed in 1910 by Staatsspoorwegen, a railway company owned by the Dutch colonial government. 

This construction began with building walls on both sides of the tunnel in the 1901-1902 period, then continued with construction of the closing arch which took eight years. 
This tunnel penetrates Mount Gumitir which borders Jember Regency with Banyuwangi Regency, becoming one of the vital connecting routes in the southern cross section of Java Island. 

Role in Transportation

At the beginning of its operation, the Mrawan tunnel was used as a means of passenger transportation and transport of export commodities such as coffee, sugar and rice, as well as daily agricultural products for people in the Banyuwangi area and its surroundings. 
Until now, this tunnel is still actively used and is under the management of Operation Area IX Jember, passed by long-distance trains such as Mutiara Timur Siang, Mutiara Timur Malam, Sritanjung, Tawangalun, and local trains Pandanwangi and Probowangi. 

The Beauty and Awesomeness of Alas Gumitir

Even though it is known for its haunted stories, the scenery around the Mrawan tunnel is very beautiful. This tunnel is surrounded by lush green trees and is located in the Mount Gumitir tourist area, which is a special attraction for tourists. The name Mrawan itself is taken from the river that flows near this station and tunnel complex. 

Mystical Stories Around the Tunnel

The long history of the Mrawan tunnel cannot be separated from the mystical stories that accompany it. One of the most famous stories is about the spirits of forced laborers who died while building this railway line. 

Local residents believe that many forced laborers died of hunger and exhaustion due to working without proper wages and food. Their spirits are believed to still haunt this area, making the Gumitir base their home. 

Mysteries and Mystical Events
The Mystery of the Mrawan Alas Gumitir Tunnel, It is said that it is haunted and gives you goosebumps for a long time (Photo: YouTube @Pustaka Lestari Chanel)

Tunnel Guard Testimony

Tunnel guard officers (PJTW) at Mrawan Station often report strange events around the tunnel. They said they heard the voices of people crying for help and saw the shadows of workers in tattered clothes along the tunnel route. It is said that these figures were forced laborers who starved to death as a result of Romusha's work during the colonial period. 

The Connection of Mystical Stories with Romusha

The Mrawan Tunnel was built during the Dutch colonial period and was later also used during the Japanese colonial period. During the Japanese occupation, a system of forced labor known as Romusha was introduced. 
Hundreds of forced laborers were ordered to build this tunnel, but only a handful survived. Many of them died due to very harsh working conditions and lack of food. 

Disposal of PKI Bodies

Apart from stories of forced laborers, Gumitir's base is also known as a dumping ground for the bodies of PKI members during post-independence Indonesia. The bodies were said to have been dumped and scattered in several places on the Gumitir base, especially at the highest point of the Gumitir Highway, known as Watu Gudang. 
The Mrawan Tunnel at the Gumitir base is not only a historical transportation route, but also holds many mysteries and mystical stories that make the hairs on the back of your neck goosebumps. 
From the spirits of forced laborers to the story of the dumping of the bodies of PKI members, it is all part of the dark history that surrounds this tunnel. 
For the local community and the officers who work there, these stories serve as a reminder of a past full of suffering and cruelty. Behind its natural beauty, the Mrawan tunnel and the Gumitir base hold mysterious stories that are still alive today. 

Misteri Terowongan Mrawan Alas Gumitir, Konon Angkernya Bikin Merinding Lama
Misteri Terowongan Mrawan Alas Gumitir, Konon Angkernya Bikin Merinding Lama (Foto: YouTube @Pustaka Lestari Chanel )

- Terowongan Mrawan, yang terletak di dekat Stasiun Mrawan di wilayah Sidomulyo, Silo, Kabupaten Jember, menyimpan berbagai cerita misteri yang telah lama menjadi buah bibir masyarakat sekitar. 

Dibangun pada masa kolonial Belanda oleh perusahaan kereta api Staatsspoorwegen, terowongan ini memiliki panjang 690 meter dan menyimpan sejarah panjang, mulai dari pembangunan hingga berbagai kejadian mistis yang kerap dikaitkan dengannya. 
Artikel ini akan mengulas sejarah terowongan Mrawan, pemandangan indah di sekitarnya, dan misteri-misteri angker yang membuat bulu kuduk merinding.

Sejarah dan Pembangunan Terowongan Mrawan

Terowongan Mrawan mulai dibangun pada tahun 1901 dan selesai pada tahun 1910 oleh Staatsspoorwegen, perusahaan kereta api milik pemerintah kolonial Belanda. 

Pembangunan ini dimulai dengan membangun tembok di kedua sisi terowongan pada periode 1901-1902, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan konstruksi lengkung penutup yang memakan waktu delapan tahun. 
Terowongan ini menembus Gunung Gumitir yang membatasi Kabupaten Jember dengan Kabupaten Banyuwangi, menjadi salah satu jalur penghubung vital di kawasan lintas selatan Pulau Jawa.

Peran dalam Transportasi

Pada awal pengoperasiannya, terowongan Mrawan digunakan sebagai sarana transportasi penumpang dan pengangkutan komoditas ekspor seperti kopi, gula, dan beras, serta hasil pertanian sehari-hari masyarakat di wilayah Banyuwangi dan sekitarnya. 
Hingga saat ini, terowongan ini masih aktif digunakan dan berada di bawah pengelolaan Daerah Operasi IX Jember, dilalui oleh kereta api jarak jauh seperti Mutiara Timur Siang, Mutiara Timur Malam, Sritanjung, Tawangalun, dan kereta api lokal Pandanwangi serta Probowangi.

Keindahan dan Keangkeran Alas Gumitir

Meskipun dikenal dengan cerita-cerita angkernya, pemandangan di sekitar terowongan Mrawan sangat indah. Terowongan ini dikelilingi oleh pepohonan hijau yang rimbun dan berada di kawasan wisata Gunung Gumitir, yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para wisatawan. Nama Mrawan sendiri diambil dari sungai yang mengalir di dekat kompleks stasiun dan terowongan ini.

Cerita Mistis di Sekitar Terowongan

Sejarah panjang terowongan Mrawan tidak lepas dari cerita-cerita mistis yang menyertainya. Salah satu kisah paling terkenal adalah tentang arwah para pekerja paksa yang meninggal saat membangun jalur kereta api ini. 

Penduduk sekitar percaya bahwa banyak pekerja paksa yang meninggal karena kelaparan dan kelelahan akibat kerja tanpa upah dan makanan yang layak. Arwah-arwah mereka diyakini masih menghantui kawasan ini, menjadikan alas Gumitir sebagai rumah mereka.

Misteri dan Kejadian Mistis
Misteri Terowongan Mrawan Alas Gumitir, Konon Angkernya Bikin Merinding Lama (Foto: YouTube @Pustaka Lestari Chanel )

Kesaksian Penjaga Terowongan

Para petugas jaga terowongan (PJTW) di Stasiun Mrawan sering kali melaporkan kejadian-kejadian aneh di sekitar terowongan. Mereka mengaku mendengar suara-suara tangisan orang meminta tolong dan melihat bayangan sosok pekerja dengan pakaian compang-camping di sepanjang jalur terowongan. Konon, sosok-sosok ini adalah para pekerja paksa yang mati kelaparan akibat kerja Romusha pada masa penjajahan.

Kaitan Kisah Mistis dengan Romusha

Terowongan Mrawan dibangun pada masa kolonial Belanda dan kemudian juga digunakan pada masa penjajahan Jepang. Selama pendudukan Jepang, sistem kerja paksa yang dikenal sebagai Romusha diperkenalkan. 
Ratusan pekerja paksa diperintahkan untuk membuat terowongan ini, namun hanya segelintir yang selamat. Banyak dari mereka yang meninggal akibat kondisi kerja yang sangat keras dan minimnya makanan.

Pembuangan Mayat PKI

Selain cerita para pekerja paksa, alas Gumitir juga dikenal sebagai tempat pembuangan mayat-mayat anggota PKI pada masa pasca kemerdekaan Indonesia. Mayat-mayat tersebut konon dibuang dan disebar di beberapa tempat di alas Gumitir, terutama di titik tertinggi Jalan Raya Lintas Gumitir, yang dikenal dengan sebutan Watu Gudang.
Terowongan Mrawan di alas Gumitir bukan hanya sekadar jalur transportasi bersejarah, tetapi juga menyimpan banyak misteri dan cerita mistis yang membuat bulu kuduk merinding. 
Dari arwah para pekerja paksa hingga cerita pembuangan mayat anggota PKI, semua itu menjadi bagian dari sejarah kelam yang melingkupi terowongan ini.
Bagi masyarakat sekitar dan para petugas yang bekerja di sana, kisah-kisah tersebut menjadi peringatan tentang masa lalu yang penuh penderitaan dan kekejaman. Di balik keindahan alamnya, terowongan Mrawan dan alas Gumitir menyimpan cerita-cerita misteri yang masih hidup hingga kini.
