How to Get Money in GTA Online Quickly

How to Get Money in GTA Online Quickly
Cara Mendapatkan Uang di GTA Online dengan Cepat (Foto: Rockstar Games)

 - Everything you do in GTA Online requires a fee. Do you know how to earn money in GTA Online? 

Cars and real estate in GTA Online cost GTA 2,000,000 US dollars. However, many do not know how to make money from online games. Don't worry because there are several ways to earn money in GTA Online. Following are the steps that players can take, as quoted from Polygon. 

How to Get Money in GTA Online Quickly

These activities will not change your life. But enough to refill you or buy a healthy snack. 

1. Steal a car and sell it at Los Santos Customs

Players will only earn a few thousand GTA$ and can do so several times a day. But it's a quick and easy way to make a little money. 

2. Participate in events around Los Santos

Participating in events like races will earn you up to around GTA$5,000 each for 10 minutes of effort. 

3. Robbing a Store

Walk into any store and point a gun at the cashier, and players will walk away with a few thousand GTA$ (and a wanted level or two). 

How to Earn Money in GTA Online Every Day

Apart from the big things, players can also earn a steady income just by doing certain things every day. Things like:

1. Spin the wheel at Diamond Casino

Players have about a 20 percent chance of winning between GTA$20,000 and 50,000. You also have the chance to win a car that changes every week. 

2. Empty your legitimate business vault

Your business such as a bar in a motorcycle club clubhouse or a salvage yard will generate a certain amount of money each day and store it in a safe. However, you will have to visit individual stores to pick them up. 

3. Find cache G

Gerald will give you a package that will give you around GTA$20,000 in cash every day. However, the location changes, so you'll have to drive to find it. 

4. Clean the stash house

Each day, you'll also find one stash house somewhere in Los Santos that you can clear of Gerard's enemies. After finding the combination and opening the safe, you just have to escape from the scene. You'll be given a little GTA$ and, just as importantly, you'll get supplies for one of your businesses. 

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