8 Signs You Have Extraordinary Inner Strength According to Psychology

8 Signs You Have Extraordinary Inner Strength According to Psychology
 –  Inner strength is an invisible strength that allows us to survive through difficult times. Inner strength is very different from physical strength. 

Inner strength talks about having the mental and emotional resilience to bounce back from adversity. According to psychology, there are certain qualities or signs that indicate extraordinary inner strength. 
Everyone certainly has inner strength, but the difference is the level of strength. In life, of course you don't just use physical strength, but you need inner strength for certain things. 
Basically, inner strength and physical strength must work in balance and harmony. 

Reporting from The Vessel page, there are several signs that can show that you have extraordinary inner strength, including:

1. Accept change
Change is a constant in life and is often a source of fear and uncertainty for many people. However, people who have strong inner strength have a different perspective and approach to change. 
Instead of avoiding change, they accept it and use it as an opportunity to learn, grow and adapt. Basically, change is not something to be feared but is used as an opportunity for further development. 
In the field of psychology, a willingness to accept change is seen as a key sign of resilience and inner strength. 

2. Be honest with yourself
People who have strong inner strength prioritize honesty and being authentic. This attitude is a beautiful sign of inner strength,
Prioritizing honesty with yourself means standing up for your values ​​and beliefs. They feel comfortable with themselves and accept their strengths and weaknesses. People who have strong inner strength are not strong enough to show vulnerability or express their true feelings. So if you find yourself consistently standing up for what you believe in. You don't even hesitate to show your true emotions. 

3. Can bounce back from difficulties
In living life, there are certainly ups and downs, both obstacles and challenges. Setbacks, disappointments and failures are part of the journey. 
How you react to a challenge can reveal how much inner strength you really have. A psychologist calls the ability to rise from difficulties resilience. 
Resilience itself is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties, to get up and continue moving forward. Resilience is not about avoiding or ignoring pain but about acknowledging it and facing it head-on. 

4. Have a strong life purpose
A sign of someone who has strong inner strength is having a clear purpose in life. This goal is like a compass that can guide your decisions and actions and give you a clear direction in life. 
Having a clear goal can certainly push them forward even when facing difficulties. They provide motivation to overcome challenges and pursue their goals. 

5. Have a positive outlook
People who have strong inner strength are those who have the ability to maintain a positive outlook whatever the problems and conditions. It's not about denying difficulties but rather acknowledging them and choosing to focus on the positive things. 
Having and maintaining a positive outlook is not just wishful thinking but about having the resilience to move forward and the optimism to imagine a brighter future. 

6. Dare to say no
A person with extraordinary inner strength can understand that saying “yes” to everything is not healthy. In essence, they are not lulled by the term pleasing other people continuously. 
There are several conditions where they dare to say no, even if it makes them uncomfortable and unhappy. They can understand about setting boundaries to differentiate between what is truly important and what is not. 

7. Have more patience
Patience means the ability to tolerate delays, remain calm in the face of difficulties and to move on when things don't go according to plan. 
With patience, they have the strength to remain calm and collected in any situation. 

8. Prioritize self-discipline
Self-discipline is an indicator of strong inner strength. This indicator is the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses. Being disciplined is about setting goals for themselves and having the will to stick to them. 

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