5 Countries Producing the Most Beautiful Muslim Women in the World, Beautiful like Heavenly Angels!
Beautiful Muslim woman (Photo: herculture.org)
A number of the following countries are known as producing the most beautiful Muslim women in the world. That's why if you travel to these countries, don't be surprised if you find many beautiful women who are cool to look at.
In terms of outfit, they also have their own characteristics, such as the hijab style and others which make these Muslim women look even more elegant and charming.
The following are the five countries that produce the most beautiful Muslim women in the world, as quoted by Okezone from the YouTube channel Update Pro.
1. Türkiye
This very famous country is located between Europe and Asia so the population's genes are a mix of European and Asian.
Turkish Muslimah (Photo: Instagram/@ghazichaimaee)
Women in Turkey have greenish eyes, clean skin, sharp noses, and tall bodies but still have characteristics of Arab descent. One proof is the many beautiful drama artists who appear in Turkish dramas.
2. Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is known as the country with the most beautiful Muslim women in the world, this is due to the combination of the Slavic and Asian races when Kazakhstan was still controlled by the Mongols, Russians, North Koreans, Ukrainians, Uzbekistan, and even Germans based on a study entitled "Mental Types of theKazakh and Mongolian Women'.
So it is not surprising that Kazakhstan is divided into several ethnicities that can be distinguished from the physical aspect of their population.
Kazakhstani Muslimah (Photo: Instagram/@adakhamova_)
3. Uzbekistan
The population of Uzbekistan has a racial mix of Asian and European, so they have a tall physical appearance, clean skin, sharp noses and dark hair.
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4. Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan is a Muslim-majority country with 80 percent embracing Islam.
Women in Krgyzstan have their own charm, they have white skin with facial accents that are a mixture of Mongols and Europeans, so their beautiful faces are very distinctive.
(Photo: Pinterest)
5. Pakistan
Pakistan is a Muslim country that often produces beautiful women, one of which is celebgram @rushna_noor. With white skin, sharp nose, and thick eyebrows; makes many people admire him.
5 Negara Penghasil Wanita Muslimah Tercantik di Dunia, Adem bak Bidadari Surga!
Wanita muslimah cantik (Foto: herculture.org)
SEJUMLAH negara berikut ini dikenal sebagai penghasil wanita muslimah tercantik di dunia. Itulah mengapa jika Anda pelesiran ke negara-negara tersebut maka jangan heran jika banyak menemukan kaum hawa berparas elok sejuk dipandang mata.
Dari segi outfit juga mereka memiliki ciri khas tersendiri, seperti gaya hijab dan lainnya yang membuat para muslimah ini kian terlihat anggun memesona.
Berikut lima negara penghasil wanita muslim tercantik di dunia sebagaimana dikutip Okezone dari channel YouTube Update Pro.
1. Turki
Negara yang sangat terkenal ini terletak antara Eropa dan Asia sehingga gen penduduk perpaduan antara Eropa dan Asia.
Muslimah Turki (Foto: Instagram/@ghazichaimaee)
Wanita di Turki memiliki mata kehijauan, kulit bersih, hidung mancung, serta tubuh tinggi namun tetap memiliki ciri khas keturunan Arab. Salah satu buktinya banyaknya drama artis cantik yang tampil di drama Turki.
2. Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan terkenal dengan negara dengan penduduk muslimah tercantik di dunia, hal ini dikarenakan adanya perpaduan dari ras Slavia dan Asia saat Kazakhstan masih dikuasai oleh bangsa Mongol, Rusia, Korea Utara, Ukraina, Uzbekistan, bahkan Jerman berdasarkan studi berjudul 'Mental Types of the Kazakh and Mongolian Women'.
Sehingga tak heran, jika Kazakhstan terbagi menjadi beberapa etnis yang dapat dibedakan dari segi fisik penduduknya.
Muslimah Kazakhstan (Foto: Instagram/@adakhamova_)
3. Uzbekistan
Penduduk Uzbekistan memiliki perpaduan ras antara Asia dan Eropa sehingga memiliki penampilan fisik yang tinggi, kulit bersih, hidung yang mancung serta rambut yang berwarna gelap.
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4. Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan merupakan negara mayoritas penduduk muslim dengan 80 persen memeluk agama Islam.
Wanita di Krgyzstan memiliki pesona sendiri yang memiliki kulit putih dengan aksen wajah perpaduan antara bangsa Mongol serta Eropa sehingga paras cantiknya begitu khas.
(Foto: Pinterest)
5. Pakistan
Pakistan merupakan negara Muslim yang kerap melahirkan wanita-wanita cantik, salah satunya selebgram @rushna_noor. Dengan kulit putih, hidung mancung, serta alis tebal; membuat banyak orang mengaguminya.
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Beautiful Muslim
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