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Elon Musk Successfully Implants Chips in Human Brains

Elon Musk Successfully Implants Chips in Human Brains
Young People, Elon Musk has announced that his neurotechnology company, Neuralink, has successfully implanted a chip in a human brain for the first time. 

According to Musk, the chip can control devices or gadgets simply through thought. Currently, the first human has received an implant from Neuralink, his brain implant start-up company and his condition has recovered well. 

"Preliminary results show promising neuron spike detection," he said via the X account @elonmusk. 

According to Musk, the initial users of the product, called His Place, were those who had lost the use of their limbs. 

As reported by CNN, they explained that the chip was surgically installed in the part of the brain that controls the desire to move. 

The chip is installed by a robot, then records and sends brain signals to an application. Its original goal was "to give people the ability to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their own thoughts. 

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Elon Musk Sukses Tanam Chip Di Otak Manusia
Kaum Muda, Elon Musk telah mengumumkan perusahaan neuroteknologi miliknya, Neuralink, berhasil menanam chip di otak manusia untuk pertama kalinya. 

Menurut Musk, chip bisa mengontrol gawai atau gadget cukup lewat pikiran. Saat ini, manusia pertama sudah menerima implan produk Neuralink, perusahaan rintisan implan otak miliknya dan kondisiny sudah pulih dengan baik.

"Hasil awal menunjukkan deteksi lonjakan neuron yang menjanjikan," katanya via akun X @elonmusk.

Menurut Musk, pengguna awal produk yang diberi nama Tempatnya ini adalah mereka yang kehilangan fungsi anggota tubuhnya.

Seperti dilaporkan CNN, mereka menjelaskan chip dipasang lewat pembedahan di bagian otak yang mengontrol keinginan untuk bergerak.

Chip dipasang oleh robot, lalu merekam dan mengirim sinyal otak ke sebuah aplikasi. Tujuan awalnya adalah "untuk memberi orang kemampuan untuk mengendalikan kursor komputer atau keyboard menggunakan pikiran mereka sendiri.

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