Busting the Myth of NEM, GPA and Rank
There are three concepts that I don't fully believe in in the education system namely: NEM, GPA and ranking.
I went through the education system for 22 years (1 year Kindergarten, 6 years Elementary, 6 years Middle-High School, 4 years Undergraduate, 5 years Master & Doctoral) and then continued teaching for 15 years at universities in three developed countries (USA, South Korea, Australia) and homeland.
I witnessed how irrelevant these three concepts are to what is normally defined as success.
It turns out that my indication is supported by research conducted by Thomas J. Stanley which maps out 100 factors that will influence a person's level of success based on a survey of 733 millionaires in the US.
Based on the results of his research, it turns out that good grades (namely NEM, GPA and of course ranking) are only the number 30 success factor! Meanwhile, the IQ factor ranks 21st and attending a favorite university/school ranks 23rd. So I want to say simply:
▪ Does your child have a math score of 45? Does not matter.
▪ Did not pass the physics exam?
Not a big problem.
▪ NEM not quite as expected?
At best, the result is not being able to enter your favorite school.
Which, according to research results, does not really influence Aniwei's success.
▪ GPA is in the two point group (both two point nine….teen or two point right)?
Don't be sad. Pan GPA is a myth.
At best it is just a measuring tool.
That is not accurate aniwei.
▪ Does your child attend SMA 11 and not SMA 3 Bandung?
Then what are the factors that determine a person's success?
According to Stanley's research, the following are the top ten factors that will influence success:
1. Honesty (Being honest with all people)
2. Hard discipline (Being well-disciplined)
3. Easy to get along with people
4. Companion support (Having a supportive spouse)
5. Hard work (Working harder than most people)
6. Love for what is done (Loving my career/business)
7. Leadership (Having strong leadership qualities)
8. Competitive personality (Having a very competitive spirit/personality)
9. Live regularly (Being very well-organized)
10. Ability to sell ideas (Having an ability to sell my ideas/products).
Almost all of these factors are not covered by NEM and GPA. In this curriculum we categorize soft skills. Usually students get it from extra-curricular activities.
Mematahkan Mitos NEM, IPK dan Rangking
Ada tiga konsep yang tidak saya percayai sepenuhnya dalam sistem pendidikan yaitu: NEM, IPK dan rangking.
Saya mengarungi sistem pendidikan selama 22 tahun (1 tahun TK, 6 tahun SD, 6 tahun SMP-SMA, 4 tahun S1, 5 tahun S2 & S3) dan kemudian dilanjut mengajar selama 15 tahun di universitas di tiga negara maju (AS, Korsel, Australia) dan tanah air.
Saya menjadi saksi betapa tidak relevannya ketiga konsep di atas dengan apa yang secara normal didefinisikan sebagai kesuksesan.
Ternyata sinyalemen saya ini didukung oleh riset yang dilakukan oleh Thomas J. Stanley yang memetakan 100 faktor yang akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kesuksesan seseorang berdasarkan survey terhadap 733 millioner di US.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian beliau ternyata nilai yang baik (yakni NEM, IPK dan tentu saja rangking) hanyalah faktor sukses no ke 30! Sementara itu faktor IQ pada urutan ke-21 dan bersekolah ke universitas/sekolah favorit di urutan ke-23. Jadi saya ingin mengatakan secara sederhana:
▪ Anak anda nilai matematikanya 45 ? Tidak masalah.
▪ Tidak lulus ujian fisika ?
Bukan masalah besar.
▪ NEM tidak begitu sesuai harapan ?
Paling banter akibatnya adalah tidak bisa masuk sekolah favorit.
Yang memang, menurut hasil riset, tidak terlalu pengaruh ke kesuksesan aniwei.
▪ IPK termasuk golongan dua koma (baik dua koma sembilan….belas maupun dua koma pas) ?
Jangan sedih. IPK pan hanya mitos.
Paling banter adalah hanya alat ukur.
Yang tidak akurat aniwei.
▪ Anak anda sekolah di SMA 11 dan bukan SMA 3 Bandung ?
Lalu apakah faktor yang menentukan kesuksesan seseorang itu ?
Menurut riset Stanley berikut ini adalah sepuluh faktor teratas yang akan mempengaruhi kesuksesan:
1. Kejujuran (Being honest with all people)
2. Disiplin keras (Being well-disciplined)
3. Mudah bergaul (Getting along with people)
4. Dukungan pendamping (Having a supportive spouse)
5. Kerja keras (Working harder than most people)
6. Kecintaan pada yang dikerjakan (Loving my career/business)
7. Kepemimpinan (Having strong leadership qualities)
8. Kepribadian kompetitif (Having a very competitive spirit/personality)
9. Hidup teratur (Being very well-organized)
10. Kemampuan menjual ide (Having an ability to sell my ideas/products).
Hampir kesemua faktor ini tidak terjangkau dengan NEM dan IPK. Dalam kurikulum ini kita kategorikan soft skill. Biasanya peserta didik memperolehnya dari kegiatan ekstra-kurikuler.