Questioning Komnas HAM's Attitude in the Susi Air Pilot Hostage Case
The voice of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) was questioned in the hostage case of Susi Air pilot Philips Mark Marthens.
Komnas HAM was not as loud as usual, considered passive, unlike in the previous cases of violence in Papua.
The last case of violence in Papua released by Komnas HAM was the riot in Wamena, which killed dozens of civilians in Papua.
The rioting occurred on 23 February 2023 and Komnas HAM has taken a stand and submitted its report on 6 April 2023.
Whereas in the hostage-taking cases that have occurred since February 7, 2023, Komnas HAM seems to have let go.
The institution did not provide a firm response regarding human rights violations related to the Philips Marthens hostage.
Komnas HAM chairman Atnike Nova Sigiro even seemed resigned when asked his agency's steps regarding the release of the Susi Air pilot.
He said hostage-taking cases were the authority of the government, and Komnas HAM could only hope that the cases could be resolved peacefully.
"Komnas HAM still hopes that this hostage-taking case can be resolved peacefully. The authority to handle this hostage-taking case rests with the government," said Atnike, Sunday (2/7/2023).
Komnas HAM's seemingly hands-off attitude has drawn criticism from a number of parties, particularly human rights activists.
It's hard to hope for Komnas HAM
Former Chairman of the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights Ahmad Taufan Damanik said it was difficult for Komnas HAM to resolve the conflict in Papua, including for the release of the Susi Air pilot.
This is because Komnas HAM itself canceled the Humanitarian Pause agreement that was made on November 11, 2022 with the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP).
In fact, the agreement was also supported by the Papua Church Council, the Papuan People's Council and other Papuan figures.
"Since they unilaterally canceled the Humanitarian Pause without good reason and there has been no communication with the parties, especially with Papuan friends, it is difficult to expect their role in Papua. This unilateral cancellation has angered those who pushed for the Humanitarian Pause in Papua," said Taufan.
In fact, according to Taufan, independence within Komnas HAM's authority can break the communication deadlock between the demands of the hostage-takers, in this case the Free Papua Organization's West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) and the government.
Moreover, there was an offer from the TPNPB group Egianus Kogoya so that the Komnas HAM Papua Representative Office could become the negotiator for the hostage-taking.
"Including negotiations on the Philip case, the Egianus group requested the involvement of the Head of the Papua Representative Office to help. My hope is that if the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights wants to be well received in Papua, then it is best to give full support to the Komnas HAM Papua Representative Office," he added.
Asked not to let go
Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid emphasized that Komnas HAM should not let go of the Susi Air pilot hostage case.
Moreover, there has been a request from the TPNPB-OPM group Egianus Kogoya that Komnas HAM could become a negotiator, as stated by the Head of Komnas HAM Representative Office for Papua, Frits Ramandey.
"What is certain is that Komnas HAM cannot let go of hands because institutionally, Komnas HAM must take a coherent stance between decisions at the central level and decisions at the Representative Office level," said Usman.
Different attitude
The unclear attitude of Komnas HAM in this hostage-taking case can be seen from two different statements by Komnas HAM Chairperson Atnike Nova Sigiro and Komnas HAM Papua Representative Office Head Frits Ramandey.
Previously, Atnike said that he had handed over all handling of the hostage-taking case to the government.
Meanwhile, Frits said that Komnas HAM Representative for Papua was active as a negotiator in the case.
"And that has come to our attention, and there has been success there because the shooting threat did not occur on July 1, it was thanks to negotiations, thanks to monitoring, thanks to how Komnas HAM provided views on human rights," said Frits. tried to ask Atnike for confirmation on Friday (7/7/2023) regarding this difference in attitude. But Atnike did not answer the question.
Usman Hamid is of the opinion that the public will see that Komnas HAM's stance is unclear because it differs from the central level to the representative level.
He suggested that Komnas HAM hold a special meeting to discuss the matter and listen more objectively to their representatives in Papua to become negotiators in the case.
"So mediate the conflict that occurred, and this conflict has led to various human rights violations," said Usman.
Mempertanyakan Sikap Komnas HAM Dalam Kasus Penyanderaan Pilot Susi Air
Suara Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) dipertanyakan dalam kasus penyanderaan pilot Susi Air Philips Mark Marthens.
Komnas HAM tak selantang biasanya, dinilai pasif, tak seperti dalam kasus kekerasan di Papua sebelumnya.
Kasus kekerasan di Papua yang terakhir kali dirilis Komnas HAM yaitu kerusuhan di Wamena, yang menewaskan belasan warga sipil di Papua.
Peristiwa kerusuhan terjadi 23 Februari 2023 dan Komnas HAM telah mengambil sikap dan menyampaikan laporannya pada 6 April 2023.
Sedangkan dalam kasus penyanderaan yang terjadi sejak 7 Februari 2023, Komnas HAM seolah lepas tangan.
Lembaga itu tidak memberikan respons tegas terkait pelanggaran HAM terkait penyanderaan Philips Marthens.
Ketua Komnas HAM Atnike Nova Sigiro bahkan terkesan pasrah saat menanyakan langkah lembaganya terkait pembebasan pilot Susi Air.
Ia menyebut kasus penyanderaan adalah kewenangan pemerintah, dan Komnas HAM hanya bisa berharap agar kasus itu bisa selesai dengan damai.
"Komnas HAM tetap berharap agar kasus penyanderaan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan damai. Kewenangan penanganan kasus penyanderaan ini berada di tangan pemerintah," kata Atnike, Minggu (2/7/2023).
Sikap Komnas HAM yang seolah lepas tangan mengundang kritik dari sejumlah pihak, khususnya pegiat HAM.
Sulit berharap pada Komnas HAM
Mantan Ketua Komnas HAM RI Ahmad Taufan Damanik mengatakan, sulit berharap kepada Komnas HAM untuk menyelesaikan konflik di Papua, termasuk untuk pembebasan pilot Susi Air.
Sebab, Komnas HAM sendiri membatalkan secara sepihak perjanjian Jeda Kemanusiaan yang pernah dibuat pada 11 November 2022 bersama Persatuan Gerakan Pembebasan Papua Barat atau United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP).
Padahal, perjanjian itu juga didukung oleh Dewan Gereja Papua, Majelis Rakyat Papua dan tokoh-tokoh Papua lainnya.
"Sejak mereka membatalkan sepihak Jeda Kemanusiaan tanpa alasan yang kuat serta tidak ada komunikasi dengan para pihak terutama dengan teman-teman Papua, sulit mengharapkan peran mereka di Papua. Pembatalan sepihak itu menimbulkan kemarahan pihak yang mendorong Jeda Kemanusiaan di Papua," kata Taufan.
Padahal, menurut Taufan, independensi dalam kewenangan Komnas HAM bisa memecah kebuntuan komunikasi antara tuntutan pihak penyandera dalam hal ini Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat Organisasi Papua Merdeka (TPNPB-OPM) dengan pemerintah.
Apalagi, ada tawaran dari pihak TPNPB kelompok Egianus Kogoya agar Komnas HAM Kantor Perwakilan Papua bisa menjadi negosiator penyanderaan itu.
"Termasuk untuk negosiasi kasus Philip, kelompok Egianus meminta keterlibatan Kepala Perwakilan Papua utk membantu. Harapan saya kalau Komnas HAM RI mau diterima baik di Papua, maka sebaiknya berikan dukungan penuh kepada Komnas HAM Kantor Perwakilan Papua," imbuh dia.
Diminta tak lepas tangan
Direktur Eksekutif Amnesty Internasional Indonesia Usman Hamid menegaskan agar Komnas HAM tak lepas tangan dengan kasus penyanderaan pilot Susi Air.
Terlebih sudah ada permintaan dari TPNPB-OPM kelompok Egianus Kogoya agar Komnas HAM bisa menjadi negosiator seperti yang disampaikan Kepala Kantor Komnas HAM Perwakilan Papua Frits Ramandey.
"Yang pasti Komnas HAM tidak boleh lepas tangan karena secara kelembagaan, Komnas HAM harus mengambil sikap yang koheren antara keputusan di tingkat pusat dan keputusan di tingkat Kantor Perwakilan," kata Usman.
Beda sikap
Sikap Komnas HAM yang tak jelas dalam kasus penyanderaan ini terlihat dari dua pernyataan berbeda antara Ketua Komnas HAM Atnike Nova Sigiro dan Kepala Kantor Perwakilan Komnas HAM Papua Frits Ramandey.
Sebelumnya, Atnike menyebut menyerahkan semua penanganan kasus penyanderaan itu kepada pemerintah.
Sedangkan Frits menyebut Komnas HAM Perwakilan Papua aktif menjadi negosiator dalam kasus tersebut.
"Dan itu jadi perhatian kami, dan ada keberhasilan di situ karena ancaman penembakan tidak terjadi pada tanggal 1 Juli, itu berkat negosiasi, berkat pemantauan, berkat bagaimana Komnas HAM memberikan pandangan-pandangan terkait HAM," ucap Frits. mencoba meminta konfirmasi kepada Atnike pada Jumat (7/7/2023) terkait perbedaan sikap ini. Namun Atnike tidak menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.
Usman Hamid berpendapat, publik akan melihat sikap Komnas HAM menjadi tidak jelas karena berbeda dari tingkat pusat ke tingkat perwakilan.
Dia mengusulkan agar Komnas HAM menggelar rapat khusus membahas permasalahan tersebut dan mendengarkan perwakilan mereka di Papua secara lebih objektif untuk menjadi negosiator kasus itu.
"Jadi menengahi konflik yang terjadi, dan konflik ini kan telah menimbulkan berbagai pelanggaran HAM," kata Usman.