Mahfud MD Calls There Are 3 Solutions to Al Zaytun's Problem
The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said there were three solutions to solving the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) problem.
First, for legal issues will be resolved by the Police.
"Basically, there are three solutions. One, legal issues, will be resolved by the Police," said Mahfud at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Monday (3/7/2023).
Second, education administration issues will continue to be coached and monitored.
"Then there are security issues, because there are social problems, there are political problems that are little by little resolved by the Governor (West Java) Pak Ridwan Kamil together with vertical officials," said Mahfud.
As is known, Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is currently in the public spotlight because it is full of controversy.
Apart from that, Muslims also questioned the source of funds to build the Islamic boarding school complex which is located in Mekarjaya Village, Gantar District, Indramayu Regency, West Java.
In terms of worship, the Islamic boarding school applies an unusual method. For example, the Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri prayer team is mixed between men and women.
In fact, there was one woman alone in front of the crowd of men.
Due to the controversy, the government will apply administrative sanctions to criminal sanctions.
In addition to implementing a different way of worship, the leadership of the Al Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School was also mentioned as being related to the Indonesian Islamic State movement Regional Command 9 (NII KW 9).
However, even though it has been reported several times, the existence of the NII KW 9 group is said to be difficult to prove because it always moves underground.
Currently, the government is conducting an investigation into the leadership of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. Later, the government will make a decision.
Mahfud MD Sebut Ada 3 Solusi Untuk Persoalan Al Zaytun
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD mengatakan ada tiga solusi untuk menyelesaikan persoalan Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Al Zaytun.
Pertama, untuk persoalan hukum akan diselesaikan oleh Polri.
"Pokoknya penyelesaiannya tiga. Satu, masalah hukum, akan diselesaikan oleh Polri," ujar Mahfud di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Senin (3/7/2023).
Kedua, untuk masalah administrasi pendidikan akan terus dilakukan pembinaan dan pemantauan.
"Kemudian masalah keamanan, karena ada masalah sosial, ada masalah politis sedikit-sedikit itu diselesaikan oleh Gubernur (Jawa Barat) Pak Ridwan Kamil bersama aparat vertikal," ucap Mahfud.
Sebagaimana diketahui, Ponpes Al Zaytun sedang menjadi sorotan publik lantaran penuh kontroversi.
Selain itu, umat Islam juga mempertanyakan sumber dana untuk membangun kompleks ponpes yang terletak di Desa Mekarjaya, Kecamatan Gantar, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat.
Dari segi ibadah, Ponpes itu menerapkan cara yang tidak biasa. Misalnya saf shalat Idul Fitri 1444 Hijriah yang bercampur antara laki-laki dan perempuan.
Bahkan, ada satu orang perempuan sendiri berada di depan kerumunan laki-laki.
Karena kontroversi itu, pemerintah akan menerapkan sanksi administrasi hingga sanksi pidana.
Selain menerapkan cara beribadah yang berbeda, Pimpinan Ponpes Al Zaytun Panji Gumilang juga disebut-sebut terkait dengan gerakan Negara Islam Indonesia Komandemen Wilayah 9 (NII KW 9).
Namun, meski sudah beberapa kali dilaporkan, keberadaan kelompok NII KW 9 disebut-sebut tidak mudah dibuktikan karena selalu bergerak di bawah tanah.
Saat ini, pemerintah sedang melakukan investigasi terhadap pimpinan Ponpes Al Zaytun. Nantinya, pemerintah akan membuat keputusan.