The Mystery of the Disappearance of Tutut Suharto and the Appearance of Jusuf Hamka at CMNP
Toll road entrepreneur Jusuf Hamka has again demanded the state, in this case the Ministry of Finance, immediately pay a debt of Rp 179 billion to PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (CMNP).
The debt has even now swelled to Rp. 800 billion because it was included in calculating the accumulated interest of 2 percent per month according to the court judge's decision in favor of CMNP.
During the 1998 financial crisis, the government refused to pay deposits and current accounts held by CMNP at Bank Yama because the two entities were considered to be equally affiliated with the Cendana Family.
Where did Soeharto's tutut go?
Until now, it is not clear how Siti Hardijanti Rukmana (SHR) alias Tutut Suharto and her family who founded the company suddenly stopped doing much at CMNP, both as commissioners and directors of the company.
The last member of the Cendana Family to occupy the position of CMNP directors is Danty Indriastuty Purnamasari, son of Tutut Suharto who served as CMNP President Director until 2016.
It is also recorded that Tutut Suharto served as the company's commissioner, until he resigned in 2003. Apart from being no longer listed on the list of company management, neither Tutut Suharto nor other members of the Cendana family are listed on the CMNP shareholder list at this time.
PT Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada or the Citra Group, which is a company owned by Tutut, was no longer registered as a shareholder after being sold to another party.
Meanwhile, when referring to the court's decision, in this case the Supreme Court (MA) which won the CMNP deposit claim against the state, the judge made the decision on January 15 2010.
Who is BNP Paribas Singapore?
Later, after no longer serving as administrators or shareholders, the figures of Tutut Suharto and the Cendana Family seemed to slowly disappear from CMNP. The central figure in the company then turned to Jusuf Hamka.
Citing data that can be seen in the company profiles listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the majority shareholder in CMNP is not Jusuf Hamka's family, but a company from Singapore, BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch.
The investment company holds a 58.95 percent stake in CMNP, aka controlling shares in the private toll road company.
Because it is a company registered in a tax haven country, it is difficult to trace who is behind the majority shareholder of CMNP or the owner of the investment in BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch.
Just so you know, the reputation of PNB Paribas itself has been known negatively because its business is often associated with money laundering practices, especially in various tax haven countries.
This French-headquartered bank is also frequently sued and fined in various countries for violating anti-money laundering regulations.
Quoting the official website of the US Department of Justice (United States Department of Justice), BPN Paribas once admitted guilt and was required to pay a fine of US$8.9 billion or the equivalent of Rp. 133.5 trillion (exchange rate of Rp. 15,000).
The fine was imposed by the United States government because the bank was deemed to be managing illegal financial transactions in countries subject to economic sanctions from Uncle Sam.
Meanwhile, as quoted by Reuters, the banking financial supervisory authority in France (French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority) also imposed a fine on BNP Paribas of 10 million Euros or Rp. 164.26 billion for violating anti-money laundering rules.
Next, the French media, RFI, has also written articles regarding allegations of money laundering from the Bongo family from Gabon.
Where the family of the former ruler of Gabon, who is known to be corrupt, is suspected of buying a lot of property in France through investment in BNP Paribas.
Appearance of Jusuf Hamka at CMNP
Jusuf Hamka himself began to frequently appear in media reports as one of the toll road entrepreneurs since joining CMNP in 2012. Still referring to data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange, direct ownership of the Jusuf Hamka Family in CMNP is actually only 9.35 percent.
The Jusuf Hamka Family's shares are traceable to Fitria Yusuf, who is the daughter of Jusuf Hamka, who holds a 4.42 percent stake. Next is Feisal Hamka who is also Jusuf Hamka's son with 4.93 percent.
There is no name Jusuf Hamka in the ranks of direct shareholders. In addition, there is also no direct share ownership in CMNP from Tutut Soeharto or his relatives from the Cendana Family.
Jusuf Hamka himself has stated on several occasions that he is the beneficial owner at CMNP.
The term beneficial owner refers to someone with minority share ownership, but can also become the controller of the company, of course with the approval of the controlling shareholder or the majority shareholder.
In Indonesia, apart from being known as a conglomerate owner of roads since entering CMNP, the figure of Jusuf Hamka is also popular because his social activities are actively shared on social media such as building many mosques, giving charity, and selling yellow rice on the roadside.
Meanwhile, as quoted from Kontan's report, before the entry of investment from BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch, CMNP shares had changed hands several times by several other companies registered in Singapore, one of which was Merah Putih Limited at the end of 2013Then.
At that time, Merah Putih held 25.27 percent of CMNP shares. Then, UBS AG Singapore R/A Reckson Limited with 22.29 percent, and Emierates Tarian Global Ventures SPC 9.09 percent. Meanwhile, 43.35 percent belongs to the public.
Indrawan Sumantri, Finance Director of CMNP in 2013, admitted that he did not know anything about Merah Putih's identity. According to a report written by Kontan on December 16 2013, it is suspected that Merah Putih, which is registered in Singapore, belongs to the Cendana Family.
"Wow, I don't know, we can't get any information about that," Indrawan said at the time.
Also in 2013, it was recorded that the Main Director of CMNP was still held by Tutut Suharto's daughter, namely Danty Indriastuti Purnamasari.
CMNP case chronology
Tracing back, this debt started when CMNP kept its money in deposits at Bank Yakin Makmur or Bank Yama when President Soeharto was still in power, where the bank was also owned by Tutut Soeharto.
The bank was later affected by the 1998 monetary crisis and eventually received an injection of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) funds from the government.
The flow of BLBI funds from the country was then partly used to pay deposit holders at the bank. However, the government, through the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA), refused to pay for CMNP.
The reason, according to IBRA, is that the toll road company's shares are still affiliated with the Cendana Family.
Meanwhile, according to Jusuf Hamka's claim, CMNP at that time had the status of a public company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), so the reason the government was reluctant to pay CMNP's deposits at Bank Yama was unacceptable.
Until the government liquidated Yama Bank, CMNP still could not withdraw its deposits at the bank. Jusuf Hamka did not give up, the businessman who is familiarly called Babah Alun also took legal action to collect payment of the deposits up to the Supreme Court.
Ministry of Finance search
Special Staff to the Minister of Finance, Yustinus Prastowo, said that the government is currently studying whether it is possible to make state budget payments related to receivables claimed by Jusuf Hamka and CMNP.
The Ministry of Finance had time to investigate affiliated share ownership, whether indeed CMNP is still related to the Cendana Family or has it completely transferred to another party. This is because Tutut once served as company commissioner, while his son also held directorship positions for several years.
"Company ownership can change. Individual relationships with companies can also change. Jusuf Hamka's name becomes central, even though Ms. SHR should be," said Prastowo as quoted from his Twitter account. has asked Yustinus Prastowo's permission to quote his statement on the social media.
"Based on official data at the AHU Directorate General, Mrs. SHR/Mbak Tutut was the Main Commissioner or Main Director of PT CMNP, from 1987 to 1999. Just when the government disbursed BLBI. SHR/Mbak Tutut was also the main commissioner and controller of Bank Yama, according to the settlement of obligations at BPPN," he explained.
"The involvement of Ms SHR's family has continued, her son Danty Indriastuty has continued as commissioner at CMNP, since 2001. At that time it was discovered that 3 entities owned by Ms SHR (not CMNP) had debts to banks sanctioned by IBRA. This is what has been billed so far, he added.
Misteri Hilangnya Tutut Soeharto dan Kemunculan Jusuf Hamka di CMNP
Pengusaha jalan tol Jusuf Hamka kembali menagih negara, dalam hal ini Kementerian Keuangan, segera membayarkan utang sebesar Rp 179 miliar kepada PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (CMNP).
Utang tersebut bahkan kini sudah membengkak jadi Rp 800 miliar karena ikut menghitung akumulasi bunga sebesar 2 persen per bulan sesuai dengan putusan hakim pengadilan yang memenangkan CMNP.
Saat krisis moneter 1998, pemerintah menolak membayar deposito dan giro yang disimpan CMNP di Bank Yama karena kedua entitas itu dianggap sama-sama terafiliasi dengan Keluarga Cendana.
Ke Mana Tutut Soeharto?
Hingga sekarang, belum jelas bagaimana Siti Hardijanti Rukmana (SHR) alias Tutut Soeharto maupun keluarganya yang mendirikan perusahaan tersebut kemudian secara tiba-tiba tak lagi banyak berkiprah di CMNP, baik sebagai komisaris maupun direksi perusahaan.
Sosok Keluarga Cendana terakhir yang menduduki posisi direksi CMNP adalah Danty Indriastuty Purnamasari, anak Tutut Soeharto yang sempat menjabat Presiden Direktur CMNP hingga 2016.
Tutut Soeharto juga tercatat sempat menjabat komisaris perusahaan, hingga kemudian ia mundur pada tahun 2003. Selain tak lagi tercantum di daftar pengurus perusahaan, tak ada nama Tutut Soeharto maupun anggota Keluarga Cendana lainnya di daftar pemegang saham CMNP saat ini.
PT Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada atau Grup Citra yang merupakan perusahaan milik Tutut juga kemudian tak lagi terdaftar sebagai pemegang saham setelah dijual ke pihak lain.
Sementara apabila merujuk putusan pengadilan, dalam hal ini Mahkamah Agung (MA) yang memenangkan gugutan deposito CMNP atas negara, putusan tersebut diketok hakim pada 15 Januari 2010.
Siapa BNP Paribas Singapura?
Belakangan setelah tak lagi menjabat sebagai pengurus maupun pemegang saham, sosok Tutut Soeharto maupun Keluarga Cendana perlahan seakan hilang di CMNP. Sosok sentral di perusahaan tersebut kemudian beralih ke Jusuf Hamka.
Mengutip data yang bisa dilihat di profil perusahaan tercatat Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), pemilik saham mayoritas di CMNP bukanlah keluarga Jusuf Hamka, melainkan perusahaan asal Singapura, BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch.
Perusahaan investasi tersebut memegang kepemilikan saham di CMNP sebesar 58,95 persen alias menjadi pengendali saham di perusahaan jalan tol swasta tersebut.
Lantaran merupakan perusahaan yang terdaftar di negara surga pajak, sulit menelusuri siapa di balik pemegang saham mayoritas CMNP atau pemilik dari investasi di BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch.
Asal tahu saja, reputasi PNB Paribas sendiri selama ini dikenal negatif karena kerap kali bisnisnya dikaitkan dengan praktik pencucian uang, terutama di berbagai negara surga pajak.
Bank yang bermarkas di Perancis ini juga sering digugat dan didenda di berbagai negara karena melanggar regulasi anti-pencucian uang.
Mengutip laman resmi US Departement of Justice (Departemen Kehakiman Amerika Serikat), BPN Paribas pernah mengaku bersalah dan diharuskan membayar denda sebesar 8,9 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 133,5 triliun (kurs Rp 15.000).
Denda tersebut dijatuhkan pemerintah Amerika Serikat karena bank tersebut dianggap mengelola transaksi keuangan ilegal di negara-negara yang terkena sanksi ekonomi dari Paman Sam.
Sementara dikutip dari Reuters, otoritas pengawas keuangan perbankan di Perancis (French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority) juga pernah menjatuhkan denda pada BNP Paribas sebesar 10 juta Euro atau Rp 164,26 miliar karena dianggap melanggar aturan anti-pencucian uang.
Berikutnya media Perancis, RFI juga pernah menulis artikel terkait dugaan pencucian uang dari keluarga Bongo asal Gabon.
Di mana keluarga mantan penguasa Gabon yang terkenal korup itu diduga membeli banyak properti di Perancis melalui investasi di BNP Paribas.
Kemunculan Jusuf Hamka di CMNP
Jusuf Hamka sendiri mulai sering muncul dalam pemberitaan media sebagai salah satu pengusaha jalan tol sejak masuk ke CMNP pada tahun 2012. Masih merujuk pada data Bursa Efek Indonesia, kepemilikan secara langsung Keluarga Jusuf Hamka di CMNP sejatinya hanya sebesar 9,35 persen.
Saham Keluarga Jusuf Hamka terlacak dari Fitria Yusuf yang merupakan putri Jusuf Hamka yang memegang saham sebesar 4,42 persen. Berikutnya adalah Feisal Hamka yang juga merupakan anak Jusuf Hamka sebesar 4,93 persen.
Tidak ada nama Jusuf Hamka dalam jajaran pemegang saham langsung. Selain itu, tidak ada pula kepemilikan saham langsung di CMNP dari Tutut Soeharto maupun kerabatnya dari Keluarga Cendana.
Jusuf Hamka sendiri dalam beberapa kesempatan menyebut kalau dirinya adalah beneficial owner di CMNP.
Istilah beneficial owner merujuk pada seseorang dengan kepemilikan saham minoritas, namun bisa ikut menjadi pengendali perusahaan, tentunya dengan persetujuan dari pengendali saham atau pemegang mayoritas saham.
Di Indonesia, selain dikenal sebagai konglomerat pemilik jalan sejak masuk ke CMNP, sosok Jusuf Hamka juga populer karena kegiatan sosialnya aktif dibagikan di media sosial seperti membangun banyak masjid, bersedekah, hingga berjualan nasi kuning di pinggir jalan.
Sementara itu dikutip dari laporan Kontan, sebelum masuknya investasi dari BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch, saham CMNP sempat beberapa kali berpindah tangan oleh beberapa perusahaan yang terdaftar di Singapura lainnya, salah satunya yakni Merah Putih Limited pada akhir 2013 lalu.
Kala itu, Merah Putih menggenggam 25,27 persen saham CMNP. Kemudian, UBS AG Singapore R/A Reckson Limited sebesar 22,29 persen, dan Emierates Tarian Global Ventures SPC 9,09 persen. Adapun, 43,35 persen milik publik.
Indrawan Sumantri, Direktur Keuangan CMNP pada 2013, mengaku tidak tahu menahu terkait identitas Merah Putih. Menurut laporan yang ditulis Kontan pada 16 Desember 2013, Merah Putih yang tercatat di Singapura ini ditenggarai dimiliki oleh Keluarga Cendana.
"Wah, saya tidak tahu, kami tidak dapat informasi tentang hal itu," ujar Indrawan kala itu.
Di tahun 2013 pula, Direktur Utama CMNP tercatat masih dipegang putri Tutut Soeharto, yakni Danty Indriastuty Purnamasari.
Kronologi kasus CMNP
Merunut ke belakang, utang tersebut bermula saat CMNP menyimpan uangnya dalam bentuk deposito di Bank Yakin Makmur atau Bank Yama saat Presiden Soeharto masih berkuasa, di mana bank tersebut dimiliki juga oleh Tutut Soeharto.
Bank tersebut kemudian ikut terimbas krisis moneter 1998 dan akhirnya mendapatkan suntikan dana Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (BLBI) dari pemerintah.
Aliran dana BLBI dari negara itu kemudian sebagian dipakai untuk membayar para pemegang simpanan di bank tersebut. Namun pembayaran untuk CMNP, pemerintah melalui Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional (BPPN), menolak membayarnya.
Alasannya, menurut BPPN, perusahaan jalan tol itu kepemilikan sahamnya masih terafiliasi dengan Keluarga Cendana.
Sementara menurut klaim Jusuf Hamka, CMNP kala itu sudah berstatus perusahaan terbuka di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), sehingga alasan pemerintah enggan membayar deposito milik CMNP di Bank Yama tidak bisa diterima.
Hingga kemudian Bank Yama dilikuidasi pemerintah, CMNP tetap tidak bisa menarik depositonya di bank tersebut. Jusuf Hamka tak menyerah, pengusaha yang akrab disapa Babah Alun itu pun menempuh upaya hukum menagih pembayaran deposito tersebut hingga ke MA.
Penelusuran Kemenkeu
Staf Khusus Menteri Keuangan Yustinus Prastowo mengatakan, pemerintah tengah mempelajari apakah bisa dilakukan pembayaran APBN terkait piutang yang diklaim Jusuf Hamka dan CMNP.
Kemenkeu sempat mendalami kepemilikan saham afiliasi, apakah memang CMNP masih terkait dengan Keluarga Cendana atau sepenuhnya sudah berpindah ke pihak lain. Ini mengingat Tutut sempat menjabat komisaris perusahaan, sementara anaknya juga selama beberapa tahun menduduki posisi direksi.
"Kepemilikan perusahaan bisa berganti. Hubungan individu dengan perusahaan juga bisa berubah. Nama Jusuf Hamka menjadi sentral, padahal seharusnya Ibu SHR," terang Prastowo dikutip dari akun Twitternya. telah meminta izin Yustinus Prastowo untuk mengutip pernyataannya di media sosial tersebut.
"Berdasarkan data resmi di Ditjen AHU, Ibu SHR/Mbak Tutut adalah Komisaris Utama atau Direktur Utama PT CMNP, kurun 1987 hingga 1999. Persis saat pemerintah mengucurkan BLBI. Ibu SHR/Mbak Tutut juga komisaris utama dan pengendali Bank Yama, sesuai penyelesaian kewajiban di BPPN," paparnya.
"Keterlibatan keluarga Ibu SHR berlanjut, diteruskan anaknya Danty Indriastuty sebagai komisaris di CMNP, sejak tahun 2001. Pada waktu itu diketahui terdapat 3 entitas milik Ibu SHR (bukan CMNP) memiliki utang pada bank-bank yang disehatkan BPPN. Ini yang ditagih hingga kini," tambah dia.
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Tutut Suharto