Head of RT Denies Rejecting Sacrificial Cows Dewi Perssik: We accept it
Singer Dewi Perssik has finished mediating with the head of the local RT, Malkan, following the problem of refusing a sacrificial cow. The head of RT 06, Malkan, emphasized that there was no objection to the cow belonging to Dewi Perssik.
"There has never been a refusal. Because we accept it, from 10:00 a.m. WIB to 4 (afternoon) cow hours. Is that a refusal? There is no refusal," said the head of RT 06, Malkan, after mediation in South Jakarta, Thursday (29/6/2023).
Malkan also emphasized that there was no political element in this case, because he did not reject Dewi's cow. He also said that all the cows given would be slaughtered according to the provisions.
"Yes, that's exactly it, I've never had any political ties. If my language is Jin Ifrit, I'll give a cow here, I'll cut it off," he said.
Malkan also said that he had received the cow given by Dewi Perssik. But suddenly, not long after the cow was received, Dewi through her household member asked for the cow back.
"I never knew whether the cow was entrusted or not. I received that he said from an ustad, he said Mrs. Dewi wanted a victim at this mosque. I accepted. After I received it at 10 o'clock suddenly at 1 o'clock 2 suddenly her ART want to take the cow," he said.
Furthermore, Malkan also said that he would relinquish responsibility if the cow was not taken by 7 pm. He also said that the word 'free' meant to release responsibility, not release Dewi's cow.
"At 7 pm the cow was released, when asked, 'Sir, if I leave it here again', I said 'I don't want it, if it's still here I will let it go', in the sense of releasing my responsibility, why, because who wants take care of cows, who wants to pay to look after them, this mosque isn'tsocial institutions," he said.
"Imagine if a cow whose value is not bad disappears. That's why I said that until 7 o'clock the cow was not taken by me. Regardless of my understanding, I am released from responsibility," he added.
Malkan did not respond further when asked whether this case was caused by a misunderstanding. What is clear, he said, was that the cow given by Dewi had been accepted.
"Yes, that's all you judge. Because I don't know, because I was handed over by the person who brought the cow, the consent qabul is there. I received information here, I want to accept the cow sacrifice here, I accept it," he said.
The mediation ended at around 17.01 WIB. Dewi was the first to come down from the second floor of the mosque, where the mediation was being held.
During the mediation, Dewi screamed. A number of people in the mediation room tried to calm Dewi down.
"Why is the RT getting angry? I have good intentions. I have served all residents for 5 years," shouted Dewi Perssik during mediation.
Dewi's scream was greeted with cheers by the residents who witnessed it. Residents recorded the moment of Dewi's anger with their mobile phones.
Ketua RT Bantah Tolak Sapi Kurban Dewi Perssik: Kita Menerima Kok
Penyanyi Dewi Perssik selesai menjalani mediasi dengan ketua RT setempat, Malkan, usai adanya permasalahan penolakan sapi kurban. Ketua RT 06, Malkan, menegaskan tidak ada penolakan sapi milik Dewi Perssik.
"Nggak pernah ada penolakan. Karena kita menerima kok, dari jam... sapi ada di kita dari jam 10.00 WIB sampai jam 4 (sore). Itu apa merupakan penolakan? Nggak ada penolakan ya," kata ketua RT 06, Malkan, sehabis mediasi di Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (29/6/2023).
Malkan juga menegaskan tidak ada unsur politik dalam kasus ini, karena dirinya memang tidak menolak sapi milik Dewi tersebut. Dia pun mengatakan semua sapi yang diberikan akan dipotong sesuai ketentuan.
"Ya itu justru itu, saya nggak pernah kaitan politik. Kalau bahasa saya Jin Ifrit pun kasih sapi ke sini, saya potong," kata dia.
Malkan pun mengatakan telah menerima sapi yang diberikan Dewi Perssik. Namun tiba-tiba, tak lama setelah sapi diterima, Dewi melalui ART-nya meminta kembali sapi tersebut.
"Saya tak pernah tau sapi itu dititipkan atau tidak. Saya menerima itu katanya dari seorang ustad, bilangnya Bu Dewi mau korban di mesjid ini. Saya terima. Setelah saya terima jam 10 tiba-tiba jam 1 jam 2 tiba-tiba ART-nya dia mau ambil sapi itu," sebutnya.
Lebih lanjut, Malkan pun mengatakan akan melepas tanggung jawab jika sapi itu tak kunjung diambil hingga jam 7 malam. Dirinya pun mengatakan kata 'lepas' yang dimaksudkan adalah lepas tanggung jawab, bukan melepas sapi milik Dewi.
"Yang jam 7 malam sapi dilepas, ketika ditanya, 'Pak, kalau saya titip di sini lagi', saya bilang 'saya enggak mau, kalau masih di sini akan saya lepas', dalam pengertian lepas tanggungjawab saya, kenapa, karena siapa yang mau jaga sapi, siapa yang mau bayar untuk jagain itu, masjid ini bukan lembaga sosial," sebutnya.
"Bayangin kalau sapi yang nilainya lumayan, hilang. Makanya saya bilang sampai jam 7 sapi itu tidak diambil saya lepas. Lepas dari pengertian saya lepas tanggung jawab," tambahnya.
Malkan pun tidak menanggapi lebih lanjut ketika ditanyai apakah kasus ini disebabkan oleh salah paham. Yang jelas, kata dia, sapi yang diberikan Dewi sudah diterima.
"Ya itu anda menilai semua. Karena saya nggak tau, karena saya sudah diserahkan oleh orang yang bawa sapi, ijab qabulnya ada. Saya diterima informasi di sini, mau terima korban sapi di sini, saya terima," tuturnya.
Mediasi itu selesai sekitar pukul 17.01 WIB. Dewi lebih dulu turun dari lantai dua masjid, tempat mediasi dilakukan.
Ketika mediasi, terdengar ada teriakan-teriakan yang dilontarkan Dewi. Sejumlah orang di ruang mediasi pun mencoba menenangkan Dewi.
"RT kok marah-marah? Saya punya niat baik, saya sudah 5 tahun buat warga semua," teriak Dewi Perssik ketika mediasi.
Teriakan Dewi itu pun disambut sorakan oleh warga yang menyaksikan. Warga pun merekam momen kemarahan Dewi dengan handphone masing-masing.