News Spreads that Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo Will Be Named a Suspect, KPK: Scheduled to Present Tomorrow

News Spreads that Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo Will Be Named a Suspect, KPK: Scheduled to Present Tomorrow

The news that the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo will be named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), widely spread. 

One of these information was shared by the Instagram account @pedeoproject, Wednesday (14/6/2023). 

The upload stated that Syahrul Yasin Limpo and two other people had committed acts of corruption. 

The leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture is said to have been dragged into the case of alleged misuse of the Letter of Accountability (SPJ), which in fact includes state finances. 

Apart from that, the minister from the Nasdem Party is also suspected of being involved in cases of gratuities, bribery, assistance, joint actions, and the merger of several cases. 

Then, is this news true? 

KPK will summon Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo
When confirmed regarding the determination of the suspect by the Minister of Agriculture Syahril Yasin Limpo, KPK spokesperson Ali Fikri only replied that his party was indeed investigating a case of alleged corruption within the ministry of agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture). 

"So far, what we know is that the stage of the process of requesting information from a number of parties regarding alleged corruption at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture," he told, Thursday (15/6/2023). 

According to him, the investigation is a law enforcement process as a follow-up to public reports received by the KPK. 

"Because it is still in the investigation process, of course we cannot convey further. We will immediately convey the development," he said. 

Ali added, the KPK had sent an invitation to Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo to provide information regarding the investigation into the alleged corruption case. 

He also hoped that the person concerned would attend to fulfill the invitation. 

"That's right, it's scheduled to attend tomorrow Friday, at 09.30 WIB, at the KPK's Red and White Building," said Ali. 

"The information we have, a letter has been sent to the person concerned," he continued. 

The Minister of Agriculture's response to the news of the determination of the suspect
Meanwhile, the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo admitted that he did not know anything about his designation as a suspect in the corruption case by the KPK. 

When met by the media crew after inspecting the national shallot development center area in Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province, Wednesday (14/6/2023), Syahrul appeared evasive and did not want to comment when asked for information regarding the determination of the suspect. 

"Wow, I don't understand that, I don't understand," he said as he passed through a crowd of journalists, quoted by Kompas TV, Wednesday (14/6/2023). 

Tersiar Kabar Mentan Syahrul Yasin Limpo Bakal Ditetapkan Jadi Tersangka, KPK: Dijadwalkan Hadir Besok

Kabar Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo akan ditetapkan menjadi tersangka oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), santer tersiar.

Informasi tersebut salah satunya dibagikan oleh akun Instagram @pedeoproject, Rabu (14/6/2023).

Unggahan menyebutkan, Syahrul Yasin Limpo bersama dua orang lain telah melakukan perbuatan tindak pidana korupsi.

Pimpinan Kementan itu disebut terseret kasus dugaan penyalahgunaan Surat Pertanggungjawaban (SPJ) yang notabene termasuk keuangan negara.

Selain itu, menteri dari Partai Nasdem ini juga diduga terlibat dalam kasus gratifikasi, suap-menyuap, pembantuan, bersama-sama perbuatan berlanjut, serta penggabungan beberapa perkara.

Lalu, benarkah kabar tersebut?

KPK akan panggil Mentan Syahrul Yasin Limpo
Saat dikonfirmasi terkait penetapan tersangka Mentan Syahril Yasin Limpo, Juru Bicara KPK Ali Fikri hanya menjawab bahwa pihaknya memang tengah menyelidiki kasus dugaan korupsi di tubuh kementerian pertanian (Kementan).

"Sejauh ini yang kami ketahui benar tahap proses permintaan keterangan kepada sejumlah pihak atas dugaan korupsi di Kementan RI," ujarnya kepada, Kamis (15/6/2023).

Menurut dia, penyelidikan tersebut merupakan proses penegakan hukum sebagai tindak lanjut dari laporan masyarakat yang diterima KPK.

"Karena masih pada proses penyelidikan tentu tidak bisa kami sampaikan lebih lanjut. Segera kami sampaikan perkembangannya," kata dia.

Ali menambahkan, KPK telah telah melayangkan undangan kepada Mentan Syahrul Yasin Limpo untuk memberikan keterangan terkait penyelidikan kasus dugaan korupsi.

Dia juga mengharapkan yang bersangkutan akan hadir memenuhi undangan tersebut.

"Benar, dijadwalkan untuk hadir besok Jumat, pukul 09.30 WIB, di Gedung Merah Putih KPK," terang Ali.

"Informasi yang kami peroleh, surat sudah dikirimkan ke yang bersangkutan," sambungnya.

Tanggapan Mentan atas kabar penetapan tersangka
Sementara itu, Mentan Syahrul Yasin Limpo mengaku tidak tahu menahu terkait penetapan dirinya sebagai tersangka terkait kasus korupsi oleh KPK tersebut.

Sewaktu ditemui awak media usai meninjau kawasan sentra pengembangan bawang merah nasional di Kabupaten Solok, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Rabu (14/6/2023), Syahrul tampak mengelak dan tidak mau berkomentar saat diminta keterangan terkait penetapan tersangka tersebut.

"Wah, saya nggak ngerti itu, nggak ngerti," ujarnya sembari berlalu melewati kerumunan wartawan, dikutip Kompas TV, Rabu (14/6/2023).

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