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NasDem Responds to Andi Arief: No need for cawe-chawe cawapres, let Anies

NasDem Responds to Andi Arief: No need for cawe-chawe cawapres, let Anies

Deputy Head of the NasDem Party Ahmad Ali responded to the Chairman of the Democratic Bappilu Andi Arief who wants Anies Baswedan to declare his running mate in June. Ali asked Andi Arief to comply with the decision of the General Secretary (Ketum) contained in the cooperation charter. 

"Pak Andi should stick to what was signed, which was agreed upon by his chairman in the coalition charter," Ali said when contacted, Monday (5/6/2023). 

Ali said Andi's statement could be interpreted as a threat by other parties. He asked the party supporting Anies in the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP) to work together. 

"But if you always put pressure like that, then people will actually see that this is a kind of threat, pressure. Even though there is no time limit in the coalition, you have to declare the pair. We have to maintain cohesiveness, consolidate, don't let Anies for cawe and cawe cawe, the mandate has been handed over to him," he said. 

He saw that the decline in Anies' electability could have been due to the absence of a running mate for vice president. However, said Ali, on the other hand there are also supporting parties that are not aggressively promoting Anies to the public. 

"If then the Democrats see that the decline is the result of not declaring a presidential candidate, it could be yes or no, depending on who is going to declare one. "Second, regarding the wapres, 3 political parties, 3 Ketum, have signed the coalition charter which later gave full mandate to Anies, find a deputy partner," he said. 

He assessed that currently the party supporting Anies has not socialized compactly. He wants every party to be compact and show their cooperation. 

"Actually, this decline is also one of the factors, the coalition party supporting Anies has not worked in a unified way. So there are still many, there are still parties that have not put on Anies' attributes," said Ali. 

"So it could be because of factors on social media pairing Mr. Anies with his candidate, (as if) he had officially partnered with the candidate pair, that could be one of the factors. Second, they haven't worked together, so this coalition of Anies supporters hasn't done massive political work to socialize Anies Baswedan," he added. 

Andi Arief's statement
Andi Arief previously suspected that Anies Baswedan's electability survey at survey institutions had dropped because there was no declaration for a vice presidential candidate. The Democrats have opened the option of evaluating if there has not been a pair declaration by this June. 

"If there is no pair declaration in June, it is likely that the Democrats will evaluate it," said Democratic Party Election Winning Body Chairman Andi Arief to reporters, Monday (5/6). 

When asked the purpose of the evaluation, Andi Arief said that the evaluation was comprehensive. 

"A thorough evaluation," said Andi. 

NasDem Balas Andi Arief: Tidak Usah Cawe-cawe Cawapres, Biarkan Anies

Waketum Partai NasDem Ahmad Ali merespons Ketua Bappilu Demokrat Andi Arief yang ingin Anies Baswedan mendeklarasikan pasangannya di bulan Juni. Ali meminta Andi Arief tunduk pada keputusan Ketum Umum (Ketum) yang tertuang di piagam kerja sama.

"Pak Andi harusnya memegang teguh apa yang ditandatangani, yang disepakati oleh Ketumnya di piagam koalisi," kata Ali dihubungi, Senin (5/6/2023).

Ali menyebut pernyataan Andi bisa saja ditafsirkan sebagai ancaman oleh pihak lain. Ia meminta partai pengusung Anies di Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) kompak.

"Tapi kalau selalu memberikan tekanan seperti itu, justru orang kemudian akan melihat bahwa ini semacam satu ancaman, tekanan. Padahal di koalisi itu tidak ada limitasi waktu kan untuk melaksanakan harus mendeklarasikan pasangan itu. Kita harus jaga kekompakan, melakukan konsolidasi, tidak usah cawe-cawe cawapres biarkan Anies, mandat sudah diserahkan kepada dia," tuturnya.

Ia melihat penurunan elektabilitas Anies bisa saja karena belum adanya cawapres pendamping. Namun, kata Ali, di sisi lain juga ada partai pengusung yang tak gencar mensosialisasikan Anies ke masyarakat.

"Kalau kemudian Demokrat melihat bahwa penurunan itu akibat belum mendeklarasikan capres rasanya bisa iya bisa tidak, tergantung siapa yang akan dideklarasikan itu satu. Kedua, mengenai wapres itu kan 3 parpol, 3 Ketum, sudah tanda tangani piagam koalisi yang kemudian di dalamnya memberikan mandat penuh ke Anies, cari pasangan wakil," ujar dia.

Ia menilai untuk saat ini partai pengusung Anies juga belum kompak mensosialisasikan. Ia ingin setiap partai kompak dan menunjukkan kerja samanya.

"Sebetulnya gini, penurunan itu juga salah satu faktornya adalah partai koalisi pengusung Anies belum bekerja secara kompak ya. Jadi masih banyak, masih ada partai lah sampai hari ini belum memasang atribut Anies," kata Ali.

"Jadi bisa jadi karena faktor di medsos memasang-masangkan Pak Anies dengan calonnya, (seolah) sudah resmi berpasangan dengan pasangan calon itu bisa jadi salah satu faktor. Yang kedua, belum kerja bareng, jadi koalisi pendukung Anies ini belum melakukan kerja politik secara masif untuk sosialisasikan Anies Baswedan," imbuhnya.

Pernyataan Andi Arief
Andi Arief sebelumnya menduga turunnya survei elektabilitas Anies Baswedan di lembaga survei karena belum ada deklarasi cawapres. Demokrat membuka opsi evaluasi jika belum ada deklarasi berpasangan hingga Juni ini.

"Kalau Juni belum deklarasi berpasangan, kemungkinan Demokrat akan mengevaluasi," kata Ketua Badan Pemenangan Pemilu Partai Demokrat Andi Arief kepada wartawan, Senin (5/6).

Saat ditanya maksud evaluasi tersebut, Andi Arief mengatakan evaluasi itu bersifat menyeluruh.

"Evaluasi menyeluruh," kata Andi.
