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Penyebar Hoax Panglima Deklarasi Anies Dalam Buruan Tim Khusus TNI

Penyebar Hoax Panglima Deklarasi Anies Dalam Buruan Tim Khusus TNI

TNI membentuk tim khusus untuk mengusut berita bohong (hoax) video dengan narasi Panglima TNI Laksamana Yudo Margono bersama ribuan TNI deklarasi mendukung Anies Baswedan sebagai presiden 2024. Penyebar hoax itu kini dalam buruan tim khusus TNI.

"Betul membentuk tim khusus, kita punya Sat Siber. (Tim khusus) terdiri dari) Sintel TNI, Kababinkum, Puspom TNI, Puspen, Sat Siber," kata Kapuspen TNI Laksda Julius Widjojono kepada wartawan, Jumat (19/5/2023).

Julius menyebut penyebaran hoax dengan niat mendiskreditkan institusi TNI terus berulang. Dia menegaskan TNI menjunjung netralitas terkait penyelenggaraan Pemilu.

"Modus seperti ini bukan kali pertama, berulang, dengan niatan kuat untuk menyerang TNI sebagai institusi dan mendiskreditkan Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono, yang jelas-jelas menyampaikan netralitas TNI," katanya.

Hoax Panglima TNI Mendukung Anies
Di media sosial, beredar video dengan narasi ribuan TNI dipimpin Panglima TNI Laksamana Yudo Margono deklarasi yang mendukung Anies Baswedan sebagai Presiden 2024. TNI memastikan video tersebut hoax.

"Berita viral yang dimuat MI (Menara Istana) berdurasi delapan menit dan dua detik dengan judul 'di pimpin langsung panglima yudo Margono !! ribuan TNI resmi deklarasikan Anies presiden 2024' adalah HOAX," tulis Pusat Penerangan (Puspen) TNI melalui akun Instagram-nya, Rabu (17/5).

"TNI menyatakan dengan pasti bahwa video tersebut adalah tidak benar atau HOAX," lanjutnya.

Selengkapnya pada halaman berikut.

Simak juga 'Nekat! 3 Pria di Parepare Maling Rumah TNI-Polri':

Puspen TNI mengatakan video hoax berdurasi 8 menit 2 detik tersebut mengedit video Panglima TNI dan kegiatan prajurit TNI serta kegiatan olah raga Anies Baswedan seolah-olah dalam satu acara Partai NasDem. Padahal, kata Puspen TNI, kegiatan olahraga tersebut dilakukan Anies di Kopasus saat masih menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta.

"Perlu diketahui bahwa kegiatan oleh raga Anies Baswedan di Kopasus pada tanggal 9 November 2019 ketika itu masih menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI. Jadi bukan Anies Baswedan dengan anggota partai NasDdem di Jawa Barat seperti yang dinarasikan dalam video YouTube itu," tulis Puspen TNI.

"Video kegiatan Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono, prajurit TNI AD dan prajurit TNI AL dari korps Marinir adalah video kegiatan di tempat lain dan tidak saat kegiatan Anies Rasyid Baswedan di Bandung," sambungnya.

Video itu, kata Puspusn TNI, diedit sedemikian rupa sehingga seolah-olah prajurit TNI menyampaikan dukungannya kepada Anies. Video tersebut sedang diselidiki pihak TNI.

"Kreasi yang dilakukan oleh editor MI narasi durasi 2 menit dua belas detik yang seolah-olah disampaikan prajurit TNI dengan menggunakan masker adalah tidak benar dan juga bukan suara prajurit melainkan suara orang lain yang sengaja disiapkan editor. Video ini sedang dalam penyelidikan pihak TNI," tulis Puspen TNI.

"Dari judul menyebutkan di pimpin langsung Panglima Yudo Margo dengan seragam loreng baret biru, emblem logo TNI AL. Seharusnya seragam Panglima TNI menggunakan loreng baret hitam, emblem Mabes TNI segi lima. Dan juga video tersebut adalah kegiatan Laksamana TNI Yuho Margono di dermaga JICT Tanjung Priok saat masih menjabat Kasal," imbuhnya.

Puspen TNI juga menegaskan bahwa tidak ada Brigade 08 dalam tubuh TNI seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam video. TNI pun meminta pemilik video tersebut untuk meminta maaf dan menghapus video hoax tersebut.

Hoax Spreader Commander Anies Declaration in Hunt for TNI Special Team

The TNI formed a special team to investigate video hoaxes with narration by the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, along with thousands of TNI declarations supporting Anies Baswedan as president in 2024. The hoax spreaders are now being hunted by a special TNI team. 

"It's true that we formed a special team, we have Sat Cyber. (Special team) consists of) Sintel TNI, Kababinkum, Puspom TNI, Puspen, Sat Siber," said Head of Puspen TNI Rear Admiral Julius Widjojono to journalists, Friday (19/5/2023). 

Julius said the spread of hoaxes with the intention of discrediting the TNI institution continued to be repeated. He emphasized that the TNI upholds neutrality regarding the holding of elections. 

"This is not the first time such a mode has been repeated with the strong intention to attack the TNI as an institution and discredit TNI Admiral Yudo Margono, who clearly conveyed TNI neutrality," he said. 

TNI Commander's Hoax Supports Anies

On social media, a video circulating with the narrative of thousands of TNI led by TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono makes a declaration supporting Anies Baswedan as President in 2024. The TNI has confirmed that the video is a hoax. 

"The viral news published by MI (Menara Istana) with a duration of eight minutes and two seconds with the title 'directly led by Commander Yudo Margono !! thousands of TNI officially declare Anies president 2024' is a HOAX," wrote the TNI Information Center (Puspen) via Instagram account - his, Wednesday (17/5). 

"The TNI stated with certainty that the video was untrue or a HOAX," he continued. 

More on the following page. 

See also 'Reckless! 3 Men in Parepare Thieves TNI-Polri's House:

Puspen TNI said the hoax video lasted 8 minutes 2 seconds, edited the video of the TNI Commander and the activities of TNI soldiers and Anies Baswedan's sports activities as if they were part of a NasDem Party event. In fact, said the Puspen TNI, the sports activities were carried out by Anies at Kopasus when he was still the Governor of DKI Jakarta. 

"It should be noted that Anies Baswedan's activities at Kopasus on November 9 2019 when he was still the Governor of DKI. So it was not Anies Baswedan with members of the NasDdem party in West Java as narrated in the YouTube video," wrote Puspen TNI. 

"The video of the activities of TNI Admiral Yudo Margono, TNI AD soldiers and TNI AL soldiers from the Marine Corps are videos of activities elsewhere and not during Anies Rasyid Baswedan's activities in Bandung," he continued. 

The video, said Puspusn TNI, was edited in such a way that it looked as if TNI soldiers were expressing their support for Anies. The video is being investigated by the TNI. 

"The creation by the MI editor of a narrative duration of 2 minutes and 12 seconds which appears to be conveyed by a TNI soldier wearing a mask is incorrect and also not the voice of a soldier but the voice of another person which the editor deliberately prepared. This video is being investigated by the TNI," wrote Puspen TNI. 

"From the title it says directly led by Commander Yudo Margo in a blue striped beret uniform, the Indonesian Navy logo emblem. The TNI Commander's uniform should have used black stripes, the TNI Headquarters emblem is pentagon. And also the video is the activities of TNI Admiral Yuho Margono at the Tanjung Priok JICT pier when he was still serving as Chief of Staff," he added. 

Puspen TNI also emphasized that there was no Brigade 08 within the TNI as shown in the video. The TNI also asked the owner of the video to apologize and delete the hoax video. 
