"AI's Learning Curve: Reflecting on the Evolution of Machine Intelligence"

"AI's Learning Curve: Reflecting on the Evolution of Machine Intelligence" 

— Undefined Trio

AI pioneer Ada Lovelace famously stated that a machine can only "do whatever we know how to order it to perform." Fast forward to 2023, and we're seeing that the contemporary AI systems, such as AlphaGo and ChatGPT, are not only performing tasks we've ordered them to do, but also learning and executing tasks in ways we couldn't predict or fully understand.

The secret lies in their ability to learn from experience. AlphaGo, for instance, mastered the game of Go by playing more games than a human could possibly play in a lifetime. Similarly, ChatGPT has read more books than a human could feasibly consume. This machine learning approach has opened a world of possibilities, but it also stirs anxiety due to our lack of understanding of these new machines' behavior and evolution.

Understanding the nature of machine intelligence can alleviate some of this anxiety. It's critical to recognize that intelligence is not a uniquely human trait and doesn't always resemble human thinking. In reality, machine intelligence is more about making the right decisions in unfamiliar situations, and this can be achieved without consciousness or human-like understanding.

^18^ Source: "To understand AI's problems, look at the shortcuts taken to create it" - Nello Cristianini, The Conversation


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