Aceh Kembali Jadi Incaran Dunia 4.685 Milliar Barrel Oil Ditemukan , Lebih Besar Cadangan Migas Arab Saudi

Aceh Kembali Jadi Incaran Dunia 4.685 Milliar Barrel Oil Ditemukan , Lebih Besar Cadangan Migas Arab Saudi

Pimpinan DPRA Teuku Raja Kemangan (TRK) menilai ke depan Aceh bakal kaya raya dengan kembali ditemukan cadangan minyak dan gas (migas) terbesar di dunia yang berada di laut lepas Andaman. /

 - Pimpinan DPRA Teuku Raja Kemangan (TRK) menilai ke depan Aceh bakal kaya raya dengan kembali ditemukan cadangan minyak dan gas (migas) terbesar di dunia yang berada di laut lepas Andaman.

Jika itu berhasil maka diprediksi kita (Aceh) tidak miskin lagi’, ujarnya menjawab wartawan, baru baru ini.
Disebutkan dari data yang diperoleh cadangan migas itu diprediksi lebih besar dari milik Arab Saudi yakni 4.685 milliar barrel oil.
Berdasarkan hasil konfirmasi  Yanin Kholison Kepala Departemen Formalitas dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Sumbagut menyebutkan benar ada penemuan potensi cadangan migas baru di blok Andaman II di area offshore sekitar 150 mil laut dengan kedalaman 1000 dengan operator KKKS Harbour Energy.

Kegiatan ini katanya diawasi oleh pemerintah pusat mengingat lokasinya berada di atas area 12 mil laut di area WK seluas sekitar 3000 Km2.
Saat ini masih dikaji lebih lanjut mengenai potensi ini, dan rencananya akan dilaksanakan pengeboran lanjutan untuk memastikan kandungan potensi migas tersebut.
Jadi incaran dunia sebagaimana dilansir detik finance bahwa Aceh jadi incaran dunia dengan penemuan harta karun’ migas di Laut Andaman.
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi atau SKK Migas memiliki strategi untuk mendorong produksi gas lewat sejumlah proyek. Untuk jangka panjang (long term), SKK Migas akan mendorong produksi di perairan Andaman, Aceh.

Tenaga Ahli Lingkungan SKK Migas Mohammad Kemal mengatakan penemuan cadangan migas di wilayah tersebut telah menarik perhatian dunia internasional.
Menurut Muhammad Kemal, para ahli memperkirakan ada cadangan raksasa di wilayah tersebut. Untuk long term-nya di atas 2028 kita akan melihat dari potensi-potensi eksplorasi, yang paling besar tentunya adalah di Andaman Integrated.

Di penghujung 2022 lalu, Kementerian ESDM sempat menyampaikan perkembangan penemuan cadangan minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di wilayah utara Aceh atau Sumatera Utara.
Nah, ladang migas itu mencakup Andaman I, Andaman II, Andaman III dan South Andaman Ladang migas itu mencakup Andaman I, Andaman II, Andaman III dan South Andaman.
Dia memaparkan, Andaman I dikelola MP dan Premier. Kemudian, Andaman II dikelola Premier, MP dan BP. Sementara, Andaman III dikelola Repsol dan Petronas. Lalu, South Andaman dikelola MP dan Premier.
Progres terkini, kata dia, pengeboran Timpan I di Andaman II telah selesai. Kemudian, seismik Andaman II dilaksanakan seluas 3.620 km2. Lanjutnya, pada tahun depan akan dilakukan pengeboran di tiga sumur yakni Halwa dan Timpan 2 di Andaman II, serta di Layaran yang merupakan bagian dari South Andaman.
“Pada tahun 2023 direncanakan akan dibor sekitar 3 sumur di lokasi Hawa, Timpan 2 dan Layaran,” demikian Kemal

Aceh Becomes World's Target Again 4,685 Billion Barrels of Oil Found, Larger to Saudi Arabia's Oil and Gas Reserves

The leader of the DPRA, Teuku Raja Kemangan (TRK), believes that in the future Aceh will become wealthy by discovering the world's largest oil and gas reserves in the Andaman seas. /

- Leader of the DPRA Teuku Raja Kemangan (TRK) assesses that in the future Aceh will become very wealthy with the discovery of the world's largest oil and gas reserves (oil and gas) which are in the Andaman seas. 

If it succeeds, it is predicted that we (Aceh) will no longer be poor,' he said answering journalists recently. 
It is stated that from the data obtained by the oil and gas reserves it is predicted to be larger than that of Saudi Arabia , namely 4,685 billion barrels of oil. 
Based on the confirmation results Yanin Kholison Head of Formality and Communication Department of SKK Migas Sumbagut said it was true that there had been a discovery of potential new oil and gas reserves in the Andaman II block in an offshore area of ​​around 150 nautical miles with a depth of 1000 with the Harbor Energy PSC operator. 

This activity is said to be supervised by the central government considering its location is over an area of ​​12 nautical miles in a WK area of ​​around 3000 Km2. 
Currently, this potential is still being studied further, and it is planned that further drilling will be carried out to confirm the content of this potential oil and gas. 
So the world's target, as reported by detikfinance, is that Aceh is the world's target with the discovery of a treasure of oil and gas in the Andaman Sea. 
The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities or SKK Migas has a strategy to boost gas production through a number of projects. For the long term, SKK Migas will boost production in Andaman waters, Aceh. 

SKK Migas Environmental Expert Mohammad Kemal said the discovery of oil and gas reserves in the area has attracted international attention. 
According to Muhammad Kemal, experts estimate that there are gigantic reserves in the region. For the long term above 2028 we will see from the exploration potentials, the biggest one is of course in the Andaman Integrated. 

At the end of 2022, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources had time to convey the progress of the discovery of oil and gas reserves in the northern region of Aceh or North Sumatra. 
Well, the oil and gas field includes Andaman I, Andaman II, Andaman III and South Andaman The oil and gas field includes Andaman I, Andaman II, Andaman III and South Andaman. 
He explained, Andaman I was managed by MP and Premier. Then, Andaman II is managed by Premier, MP and BP. Meanwhile, Andaman III is managed by Repsol and Petronas. Then, South Andaman is managed by MP and Premier. 
The latest progress, he said, was that the Timpan I drilling in Andaman II had been completed. Then, the Andaman II seismic was carried out covering an area of ​​3,620 km2. He continued, next year three wells will be drilled, namely Halwa and Timpan 2 in Andaman II, as well as in Layaran which is part of South Andaman. 
"In 2023 it is planned to drill around 3 wells at the Hawa, Timpan 2 and Layaran locations," said Kemal. 

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