# Selawat Kunci (الفاتح لما اغلق) opening Makrifatullah and all His Secrets
واعلموا أن العلماء إتفقوا على وجوب الصلاة والسلام على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم , ثم اختلفوا في تعيين الواجب فعند مالك تجب الصلوة والسلام في العمر مرة وعند الشافعي تجب في التشهد الأخير من كل فرض, وعند غيرهما تجب في كل مجلس مرة وقيل تجب عند ذكره وقيل بجب الإكثار منها من غير تقييد بعدد, وبالجملةفالصلاة على النبي أمرها عظيم وفضلها جسيم. وهي أفضل الطاعات وأجل القربات حتى قال بعض ال عارفين إنها توصل إلى الله تعالى من غير شيخ لأن الشيخ والسند فيها صاحبها ولأنها تعرض عليه ويصلي على المصلي بخلاف غيرها من الأذكار فلا بد فبها من الشيخ العارف و لا دخلها الشيطان ولم ينتفع صاحبها بها.
"Know that in fact the scholars have agreed on the obligation to recite prayers and greetings for the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. Then they disagree about when this obligation should be carried out. According to Imam Malik, once in a lifetime is enough.
According to Imam Syafi'i, it must be read at the time of the final tasyahud in every fardhu prayer. According to other scholars, it must be read once in every majlis. There are also scholars who believe that it is obligatory to read a prayer every time you hear the name of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم called.
And there are also those who say to multiply prayers without being limited by a certain number. In general, reading sholawat to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is a very great thing and has very many virtues."
Reading blessings is the most important form of worship and the greatest reward. To the extent that some of the 'Arifin said:
"In fact, the sholawat may connect the practitioner to ma'rifat billah even without a spiritual teacher (mursyid). Because the teacher and the chain directly go through the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . "
Remember, every sholawat that someone reads is always shown to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . and he the Prophet replied with a similar prayer. This is different from the remembrance (besides the prayer) which must go through a spiritual teacher (mursyid), who has reached maqam ma'rifat. Otherwise, the devil will enter it and the practitioner will not get any benefit."
(Hasiyah ash-Shawi 'ala al-Jalalain juz 3 p. 287).
Abdurrahman bin Samrah narrated a hadith narrated by Sa'id bin al-Musayyab, that the Prophet SAW said,
"I saw one of my people walking on the shirath, sometimes crawling and sometimes hanging. Then came the sholawat (which he said before when he was living in the world) and woke him up so he could stand and walk on his feet, then he was saved by his sholawat."(Narrated by Abu Musa al-Madini in at-Targhib wa at-Tarhib, hadith hasan jiddan).
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