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Ransom of IDR 100 million for KKB to release 3 motorcycle taxi drivers held hostage in Puncak Jaya

Ransom of IDR 100 million for KKB to release 3 motorcycle taxi drivers held hostage in Puncak Jaya

Puncak Jaya - Three motorcycle taxi drivers in Puncak Jaya, Central Papua who were held hostage by the armed criminal group (KKB) have been freed. The three were released after negotiations and paying a ransom of IDR 100 million. 

This was revealed by Danrem 173/Praja Vira Braja Brigadier General Sri Widodo. He said the negotiation process went smoothly until the three motorcycle taxi drivers were released. 
"The negotiation process went smoothly and the KKB finally released the three motorcycle taxi drivers after receiving a ransom of Rp. 100 million," said Brigadier General Sri when confirmed by, Tuesday (25/4/2023). 
Brigadier General Sri said the negotiations involved six negotiators and two KKB representatives. Negotiations were held in Yambidugum Village, Mewoluk District, Puncak Jaya, Central Papua, Tuesday (25/4) at around 11.00 WIT. 

"Around 15.00 WIT then the negotiator's representative handed over Rp. 100 million to 2 KKB representatives who at that time were witnessed by his colleagues totaling 50 people carrying traditional weapons of war in the form of arrows, spears and machetes," he said. 
It's just that, said Brigadier General Sri, the negotiation process was taking place behind closed doors. All telecommunications equipment from the six negotiators was confiscated by the KKB. However, he said the negotiation process was amicable. 
"The negotiators started with the Head of Mewoluk District, Head of Mggininik Village, community leaders, youth leaders, traditional leaders, and religious leaders. The negotiation process was carried out in a family manner," he said. 
After the negotiations were carried out, the KKB asked the negotiators to return to their respective homes. Furthermore, the negotiators and the three motorcycle taxi drivers were evacuated to the Puncak Jaya Police for health checks. 

"The six negotiators along with the three motorcycle taxi drivers were taken to the Puncak Jaya Police to have their health checked and also questioned," said Brigadier General Sri. 
Brigadier General Sri further confirmed that the situation in Puncak Jaya is now conducive. The three motorcycle taxis that were freed are also in good health. 


"Based on the results of an examination by medical personnel at the Muliah Hospital, the three motorcycle taxi drivers were delivered in good health," he concluded. 

KKB Asks for Distribution of Village Funds

Brigadier General Sri also revealed the reason for the KKB taking hostages and releasing the three motorcycle taxi drivers. The KKB demands to get a distribution of village funds. 
"So the reason they were released was because everything they demanded had been met," said Brigadier General Sri. 
"Their demand is to demand a share in the distribution of village funds. They question why those who get there and here don't get it. They ask for money and it is fulfilled," he said. 
Brigadier General Sri emphasized that the perpetrators of the hostage-taking were allegedly KKB sympathizers led by Teranus Enumbi. Currently, the authorities are investigating the identity of the perpetrators. 
"The perpetrators are unknown people who are suspected of being sympathizers of the Teranus Enumbi KKB group. However, we are currently investigating in detail who the hostage takers were, whether they had become DPOs from the security forces," he said. 
He also said that the three motorcycle taxi drivers could be released no later than 24 hours after being taken hostage by the KKB. The negotiation process went smoothly. 
"About almost 2 hours ago they were all released or no more than 24 hours," said Brigadier General Sri. 

Chronology of 3 Ojek Riders Hostage

Brig. The three were then intercepted by KKB members. 
"They dropped off their passengers at Kampung Balingup, the three of them were intercepted by unknown persons and took them hostage around 14.30 WIT," said Brigadier General Sri to detikcom, Monday (24/4/2023) evening. 
"It is strongly suspected that it was the KKB who took the hostages," added Brigadier General Sri. 
This hostage-taking was only discovered by the victim's family at 15.50 WIT from the victim's fellow motorcycle taxi drivers. The family then reported to the Puncak Jaya Police. 
"Our staff also immediately investigated the incident. As of 20.10 WIT, we were still receiving reports that the 3 motorcycle taxi drivers were still being held hostage in the Mewoluk District," he said. 

Puncak Jaya -
Three motorcycle taxi drivers in Puncak Jaya, Central Papua who were held hostage by the armed criminal group (KKB) have been freed. The three were released after negotiations and paying a ransom of IDR 100 million. 
This was revealed by Danrem 173/Praja Vira Braja Brigadier General Sri Widodo. He said the negotiation process went smoothly until the three motorcycle taxi drivers were released. 
"The negotiation process went smoothly and the KKB finally released the three motorcycle taxi drivers after receiving a ransom of Rp. 100 million," said Brigadier General Sri when confirmed by, Tuesday (25/4/2023). 
Brigadier General Sri said the negotiations involved six negotiators and two KKB representatives. Negotiations were held in Yambidugum Village, Mewoluk District, Puncak Jaya, Central Papua, Tuesday (25/4) at around 11.00 WIT. 
"Around 15.00 WIT then the negotiator's representative handed over Rp. 100 million to 2 KKB representatives who at that time were witnessed by his colleagues totaling 50 people carrying traditional weapons of war in the form of arrows, spears and machetes," he said. 
It's just that, said Brigadier General Sri, the negotiation process was taking place behind closed doors. All telecommunications equipment from the six negotiators was confiscated by the KKB. However, he said the negotiation process was amicable. 

"The negotiators started with the Head of Mewoluk District, Head of Mggininik Village, community leaders, youth leaders, traditional leaders, and religious leaders. The negotiation process was carried out in a family manner," he said. 
After the negotiations were carried out, the KKB asked the negotiators to return to their respective homes. Furthermore, the negotiators and the three motorcycle taxi drivers were evacuated to the Puncak Jaya Police for health checks. 
"The six negotiators along with the three motorcycle taxi drivers were taken to the Puncak Jaya Police to have their health checked and also questioned," said Brigadier General Sri. 
Brigadier General Sri further confirmed that the situation in Puncak Jaya is now conducive. The three motorcycle taxis that were freed are also in good health. 
"Based on the results of an examination by medical personnel at the Muliah Hospital, the three motorcycle taxi drivers were delivered in good health," he concluded. 
KKB's reason for freeing 3 motorcycle taxi drivers is on the next page. 

KKB Asks for Distribution of Village Funds

Brigadier General Sri also revealed the reason for the KKB taking hostages and releasing the three motorcycle taxi drivers. The KKB demands to get a distribution of village funds. 

"So the reason they were released was because everything they demanded had been met," said Brigadier General Sri. 
"Their demand is to demand a share in the distribution of village funds. They question why those who get there and here don't get it. They ask for money and it is fulfilled," he said. 
Brigadier General Sri emphasized that the perpetrators of the hostage-taking were allegedly KKB sympathizers led by Teranus Enumbi. Currently, the authorities are investigating the identity of the perpetrators. 
"The perpetrators are unknown people who are suspected of being sympathizers of the Teranus Enumbi KKB group. However, we are currently investigating in detail who the hostage takers were, whether they had become DPOs from the security forces," he said. 
He also said that the three motorcycle taxi drivers could be released no later than 24 hours after being taken hostage by the KKB. The negotiation process went smoothly. 

"About almost 2 hours ago they were all released or no more than 24 hours," said Brigadier General Sri. 
Hostage chronology on the next page. 

Chronology of 3 Ojek Riders Hostage

Brig. The three were then intercepted by KKB members. 
"They dropped off their passengers at Kampung Balingup, the three of them were intercepted by unknown persons and took them hostage around 14.30 WIT," said Brigadier General Sri to detikcom, Monday (24/4/2023) evening. 
"It is strongly suspected that it was the KKB who took the hostages," added Brigadier General Sri. 
This hostage-taking was only discovered by the victim's family at 15.50 WIT from the victim's fellow motorcycle taxi drivers. The family then reported to the Puncak Jaya Police. 
"Our staff also immediately investigated the incident. As of 20.10 WIT, we were still receiving reports that the 3 motorcycle taxi drivers were still being held hostage in the Mewoluk District," he said. 

Tebusan Rp 100 Juta untuk KKB Lepaskan 3 Tukang Ojek Disandera di Puncak Jaya

Puncak Jaya - Tiga tukang ojek di Puncak Jaya, Papua Tengah yang sempat disandera kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) telah dibebaskan. Ketiganya dibebaskan setelah dilakukan negosiasi dan membayar uang tebusan sebesar Rp 100 juta.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan Danrem 173/Praja Vira Braja Brigjen Sri Widodo. Dia menyebut proses negosiasi berjalan lancar sampai ketiga tukang ojek itu dibebaskan.
"Proses negosiasi berjalan lancar dan KKB akhirnya melepaskan ketiga tukang ojek usai menerima uang tebusan Rp 100 juta," ungkap Brigjen Sri ketika dikonfirmasi detikcom, Selasa (25/4/2023).
Brigjen Sri mengatakan negosiasi melibatkan enam orang negosiator dan dua perwakilan KKB. Negosiasi dilakukan di Kampung Yambidugum, Distrik Mewoluk, Puncak Jaya, Papua Tengah, Selasa (25/4) sekitar pukul 11.00 WIT.

"Sekitar pukul 15.00 WIT kemudian perwakilan negosiator menyerahkan uang Rp 100 juta kepada 2 orang perwakilan KKB yang saat itu disaksikan rekan-rekannya yang berjumlah 50 orang dengan membawa alat perang tradisional berupa panah, tombak dan parang," tururnya.
Hanya saja, kata Brigjen Sri, proses negosiasi berlangsung tertutup. Seluruh alat telekomunikasi dari keenam negosiator disita oleh KKB. Namun dia menyebut proses negosiasi berjalan secara kekeluargaan.
"Negosiator dimulai dari Kepala Distrik Mewoluk, Kepala Kampung Mggininik, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh pemuda, tokoh adat, dan tokoh agama. Proses negosiasi berjalan secara kekeluargaan," ujarnya.
Setelah negosiasi dilakukan, KKB meminta para negosiator untuk kembali ke rumah mereka masing-masing. Selanjutnya para negosiator dan ketiga tukang ojek dievakuasi ke Polres Puncak Jaya untuk diperiksa kesehatannya.

"Keenam negosiator bersama ketiga tukang ojek itu dibawa ke Polres Puncak Jaya untuk dicek kesehatannya dan juga dimintai keterangan," tutur Brigjen Sri.
Lebih lanjut Brigjen Sri memastikan situasi di Puncak Jaya saat ini sudah kondusif. Ketiga ojek yang dibebaskan juga dalam kondisi sehat.

"Dari hasil pemeriksaan oleh tenaga medis RSUD Muliah, ketiga tukang ojek itu disampaikan dalam keadaan sehat," pungkasnya.

KKB Minta Pembagian Dana Desa

Brigjen Sri juga mengungkap alasan KKB menyandera dan melepaskan ketiga tukang ojek tersebut. KKB menuntut mendapatkan pembagian dana desa.
"Jadi alasan mereka berhasil dibebaskan, lantaran semua yang menjadi tuntutan mereka telah dipenuhi," ungkap Brigjen Sri.
"Tuntutan mereka, yakni menuntut dapat bagian pembagian dana desa. Mereka mempertanyakan kenapa yang di sana dapat dan di sini tidak dapat. Ujuk-ujuknya mereka minta uang dan itu dipenuhi," tuturnya.
Brigjen Sri menegaskan pelaku penyanderaan diduga adalah simpatisan KKB pimpinan Teranus Enumbi. Saat ini aparat tengah mendalami identitas para pelaku.
"Para pelaku adalah orang tak dikenal yang diduga simpatisan dari KKB kelompok Teranus Enumbi. Namun kami saat ini sedang kami dalami secara detail siapa mereka yang menyandera, apakah sudah menjadi DPO dari aparat keamanan," tegasnya.
Dia juga menyampaikan ketiga tukang ojek bisa dibebaskan tidak lebih dari 24 jam pascapenyanderaan oleh KKB. Proses negosiasi berlangsung lancar.
"Kira-kira hampir 2 jam yang lalu mereka semua telah dibebaskan atau tidak lebih dari 24 jam," ucap Brigjen Sri.

Kronologi Penyanderaan 3 Tukang Ojek

Brigjen Sri Widodo mengatakan penyanderaan itu berawal saat ketiga korban sedang mengantar penumpang di wilayah Kampung Balinggup, Distrik Mewoluk, Puncak Jaya pada Senin (24/4). Ketiganya lalu diadang para anggota KKB.
"Mereka menurunkan penumpangnya di Kampung Balinggup, ketiganya diadang oleh orang tak dikenal dan menyandera mereka sekitar pukul 14.30 WIT," ujar Brigjen Sri kepada detikcom, Senin (24/4/2023) malam.
"Diduga kuat yang menyandera adalah KKB," imbuh Brigjen Sri.
Penyanderaan ini baru diketahui oleh pihak keluarga korban pada pukul 15.50 WIT dari rekan korban sesama tukang ojek. Pihak keluarga kemudian melaporkan ke Polres Puncak Jaya.
"Jajaran kami juga langsung ikut melakukan pendalaman atas kejadian itu. Hingga sampai pukul 20.10 WIT, kami masih mendapat laporan bahwa ke 3 tukang ojek itu masih disandera di Distrik Mewoluk," ujarnya.

Puncak Jaya - Tiga tukang ojek di Puncak Jaya, Papua Tengah yang sempat disandera kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) telah dibebaskan. Ketiganya dibebaskan setelah dilakukan negosiasi dan membayar uang tebusan sebesar Rp 100 juta.
Hal tersebut diungkapkan Danrem 173/Praja Vira Braja Brigjen Sri Widodo. Dia menyebut proses negosiasi berjalan lancar sampai ketiga tukang ojek itu dibebaskan.
"Proses negosiasi berjalan lancar dan KKB akhirnya melepaskan ketiga tukang ojek usai menerima uang tebusan Rp 100 juta," ungkap Brigjen Sri ketika dikonfirmasi detikcom, Selasa (25/4/2023).
Brigjen Sri mengatakan negosiasi melibatkan enam orang negosiator dan dua perwakilan KKB. Negosiasi dilakukan di Kampung Yambidugum, Distrik Mewoluk, Puncak Jaya, Papua Tengah, Selasa (25/4) sekitar pukul 11.00 WIT.
"Sekitar pukul 15.00 WIT kemudian perwakilan negosiator menyerahkan uang Rp 100 juta kepada 2 orang perwakilan KKB yang saat itu disaksikan rekan-rekannya yang berjumlah 50 orang dengan membawa alat perang tradisional berupa panah, tombak dan parang," tururnya.
Hanya saja, kata Brigjen Sri, proses negosiasi berlangsung tertutup. Seluruh alat telekomunikasi dari keenam negosiator disita oleh KKB. Namun dia menyebut proses negosiasi berjalan secara kekeluargaan.

"Negosiator dimulai dari Kepala Distrik Mewoluk, Kepala Kampung Mggininik, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh pemuda, tokoh adat, dan tokoh agama. Proses negosiasi berjalan secara kekeluargaan," ujarnya.
Setelah negosiasi dilakukan, KKB meminta para negosiator untuk kembali ke rumah mereka masing-masing. Selanjutnya para negosiator dan ketiga tukang ojek dievakuasi ke Polres Puncak Jaya untuk diperiksa kesehatannya.
"Keenam negosiator bersama ketiga tukang ojek itu dibawa ke Polres Puncak Jaya untuk dicek kesehatannya dan juga dimintai keterangan," tutur Brigjen Sri.
Lebih lanjut Brigjen Sri memastikan situasi di Puncak Jaya saat ini sudah kondusif. Ketiga ojek yang dibebaskan juga dalam kondisi sehat.
"Dari hasil pemeriksaan oleh tenaga medis RSUD Muliah, ketiga tukang ojek itu disampaikan dalam keadaan sehat," pungkasnya.
Alasan KKB bebaskan 3 tukang ojek di halaman selanjutnya.

KKB Minta Pembagian Dana Desa

Brigjen Sri juga mengungkap alasan KKB menyandera dan melepaskan ketiga tukang ojek tersebut. KKB menuntut mendapatkan pembagian dana desa.

"Jadi alasan mereka berhasil dibebaskan, lantaran semua yang menjadi tuntutan mereka telah dipenuhi," ungkap Brigjen Sri.
"Tuntutan mereka, yakni menuntut dapat bagian pembagian dana desa. Mereka mempertanyakan kenapa yang di sana dapat dan di sini tidak dapat. Ujuk-ujuknya mereka minta uang dan itu dipenuhi," tuturnya.
Brigjen Sri menegaskan pelaku penyanderaan diduga adalah simpatisan KKB pimpinan Teranus Enumbi. Saat ini aparat tengah mendalami identitas para pelaku.
"Para pelaku adalah orang tak dikenal yang diduga simpatisan dari KKB kelompok Teranus Enumbi. Namun kami saat ini sedang kami dalami secara detail siapa mereka yang menyandera, apakah sudah menjadi DPO dari aparat keamanan," tegasnya.
Dia juga menyampaikan ketiga tukang ojek bisa dibebaskan tidak lebih dari 24 jam pascapenyanderaan oleh KKB. Proses negosiasi berlangsung lancar.

"Kira-kira hampir 2 jam yang lalu mereka semua telah dibebaskan atau tidak lebih dari 24 jam," ucap Brigjen Sri.
Kronologi penyanderaan di halaman selanjutnya.

Kronologi Penyanderaan 3 Tukang Ojek

Brigjen Sri Widodo mengatakan penyanderaan itu berawal saat ketiga korban sedang mengantar penumpang di wilayah Kampung Balinggup, Distrik Mewoluk, Puncak Jaya pada Senin (24/4). Ketiganya lalu diadang para anggota KKB.
"Mereka menurunkan penumpangnya di Kampung Balinggup, ketiganya diadang oleh orang tak dikenal dan menyandera mereka sekitar pukul 14.30 WIT," ujar Brigjen Sri kepada detikcom, Senin (24/4/2023) malam.
"Diduga kuat yang menyandera adalah KKB," imbuh Brigjen Sri.
Penyanderaan ini baru diketahui oleh pihak keluarga korban pada pukul 15.50 WIT dari rekan korban sesama tukang ojek. Pihak keluarga kemudian melaporkan ke Polres Puncak Jaya.
"Jajaran kami juga langsung ikut melakukan pendalaman atas kejadian itu. Hingga sampai pukul 20.10 WIT, kami masih mendapat laporan bahwa ke 3 tukang ojek itu masih disandera di Distrik Mewoluk," ujarnya.
