By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq

A sight that is starting to become a cause for concern today, where many people indifferently eat during the day of Ramadan openly. 
Apart from the possibility of an excuse like travelers, it is clear that eating and drinking including smoking in the open is something that cannot be justified. 
Likewise, food stalls, which used to be generally closed in honor of those who are fasting, today shamelessly indulge in dishes and show the eaters eating heartily during the day of Ramadan. 

What's even worse than that, there are some parties who are starting to be sarcastic at the ulemas who suggest that restaurants should be closed during the day of Ramadan. Then, wisely, he said: "People who are fasting, how come they ask for respect, mad respect. Those who should be honored are those who do not fast."

Or with language style that is no less arrogant: "If the fast is sincere, you will not be tempted by food."
In fact, to this day, the Muslim clerics who have been role models of the Ummah have agreed to voice their call for those who are aged not to fast due to illness, menstruation, traveling or other excuses not to openly eat and drink during the day of Ramadan. 
This is for the sake of keeping the message of Islam from becoming dim and preventing slander among the people. 

Imam al Mardawi al Hanbali Rahimahullah said:
يُنْكَر على من أكل في رمضان ظاهرًا، وإن كان هناك عذر. قال في الفروع: فظاهره المنع مطلقًا، وقيل لابن عقيل: يجب منع مسافر ومريض وحائض من الفطر ظاهرًا لئلا يُتَّهَم؟ فقال: إن كانت أعذارٌ خفية يمنع من إظهاره، كمريض لا أمارة له، ومسافر لا علامة عليه
"It is denied for anyone to eat openly during the day in the month of Ramadan, even though he has an excuse. It is said in the book al Furu', which is strong that he is absolutely prohibited. 

Some said before Ibn Aqil, it was obligatory to prohibit travelers, sick people, menstruating women from breaking their fast openly so that they would not be accused. 
Ibn Aqil said, 'If he has an excuse that not everyone knows about, then he is prohibited from showing it, such as an illness that has no sign or a traveler who has no trace."[1]
Imam Ramli Asy Syafi'i Rahimahullah said:

وكإطعام مسلم مكلف كافرا مكلفا في نهار رمضان وكذا بيعه طعاما علم أو ظن أنه يأكله نهارا

"Likewise (forbidden) to feed even Muslims and non-Muslims who are infidels during the day of Ramadan, as well as selling food that the buyer knows or strongly suspects has eaten during the day of fasting..."[2]
Contemporary scholar from Saudi, Shaykh bin Baz also stated:

من أفطر ‌في ‌رمضان لعذر ‌فإنه ‌يفطر ‌سرًّا ‌كالمسافر ، الذي لا يُعرف أنه مسافر ، والم said حتى لا تُتهم أنها متساهلة

“Whoever does not fast during Ramadan because of an excuse, like a traveler, should eat and drink in secret. Which other people do not know that he is a traveler. Likewise, a menstruating woman who doesn't know she's having an obstacle. This was done so that he would not be accused of belittling religion.”[3]
The same thing was stated by the fatwa committee there:

إغلاق المطاعم في نهار رمضان

"It is obligatory to close restaurants during the day of Ramadan."[4]
Dar Ifta' Mishriyah has also issued a fatwa in 2012 regarding the prohibition of eating and drinking openly for those who are old from fasting:

God bless you
“It is not permissible for a Muslim who claims to believe in Allah and His Messenger to appear to eat and drink during the day of Ramadan. 
God bless you
“This is not personal freedom, but a form of chaos and hostility to the sacred teachings of Islam. Those who blatantly break their fast during Ramadan are committing a blatant sin, which is clearly forbidden.” [5]
Hopefully it can be a useful reminder. 
[1] Al-Inshaf (7/348)
[2] Nihayatul Muhtaj (3/471)
[3] Fatawa Nur 'ala Darb (16/89)
[4] Fatwa Syabakah Islamiyah no. 2097
[5] From various Egyptian online media sources. 

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