By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq
1. What is the ruling on having sex with husband and wife during the day in Ramadan? 
Scholars agree that this includes invalidating the fast, and not only has to make up the fast, but also requires expiation for the offender. 

2. What is expiation? 
Namely, with the first order of freeing slaves, if you can't afford to fast for two consecutive months, if you can't either, then give one mud to 60 poor people to eat. 

3. Who did it? 
The only person who pays expiation according to the scholars, including Syafi'iyah, is only the husband, not his wife. 

4. If so, when is the limit of permissibility of husband and wife relations? 
When it is time to break the fast, it is permissible for husband and wife relationship to be lawful as it is eating and drinking until dawn rises in the morning. 

5. What happens when you suddenly hear the call to prayer? 
Must stop immediately. If you are determined to continue, your fast will be broken and expiation will be obligated. 

But that's if the call to prayer is Fajr. If it turns out that Isya's call to prayer, please continue.... 
6. Is it permissible for husband and wife to have intercourse as soon as it is time to break the fast? And what's the law? 
Can. The law is permissible according to some scholars, while others are of the view that it is makruh because it can weaken stamina. 

7. What if you are not fasting because of an excuse, such as traveling, is it permissible to have sex with husband and wife? 
Of course it is allowed. Someone who is taking the waiver of not fasting may do anything that is prohibited for people who are fasting, including the permissibility of husband and wife relations. But this is if the excuse does not fast because of traveling, yes, not because of illness. Isn't it weird, does it hurt, how come you can still do that? 

8. Is it true that the narrations say that there were former Salafists who broke their iftar with jima'? 
Correct. Among them is Abdullah bin Umar's best friend, he sometimes breaks his iftar with his wife. Mentioned in Mu'jam al Kabir with the hasan isnad:
رُبَّمَا أَفْطَرَ ابْنُ عُمَرَ عَلَى الْجِمَاعِ
"Is that he often breaks his fast by having sex."

This is because Abdullah bin Umar radhiyallahu'anhuma is one of those people whose libido is very strong. 
My message is that you shouldn't get involved, it would be a shame if Isya and Terawih become victims. In fact, I'm worried, tomorrow I won't be able to fast. 
Meanwhile, you are single, don't just smile, go wash your face...! 

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