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Complete List of Land and Buildings by Rafael Alun Trisambodo, Sri Mulyani: Doesn't Make Sense

Complete List of Land and Buildings by Rafael Alun Trisambodo, Sri Mulyani: Doesn't Make Sense

Complete List of Land and Buildings by Rafael Alun Trisambodo, Sri Mulyani: Doesn't Make Sense

- The case of Mario Dandy Satrio who abused David also brought the name of his father, Rafael Alun Trisambodo. Most recently, the Corruption Eradication Commission or KPK together with the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance share the task of examining the assets of the tax official. The anti-corruption agency will examine Rafael's assets after 2011. Meanwhile, the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance will examine the assets before that year. 

"With the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance, we are dividing the work," said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan, Monday, February 27, 2023. 

"To the person concerned (Rafael) this doesn't make sense, we also know it doesn't make sense. I told the Inspector General to convey this to the public, so far you have controlled it," said Sri Mulyani in the CNBC Economic Outlook event at the Hotel St. Regis Jakarta Selatan, Tuesday 28 February 2023. 

The investigation was carried out because a number of parties were suspicious of the ownership of Rafael Alun's assets. Even the Minister of Finance or Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati claimed to have long suspected the assets of the former Directorate General of Taxes. In his press statement on Friday, February 25, 2023, his party denied firing Rafael because of his son's case. 

Rafael's wealth as reported in the State Administration Wealth Report or LKHPN is indeed fantastic. Based on the latest report in 2021, his wealth is Rp. 56,104,350,289. That number has increased by nearly half a billion in the past year. The previous year, in 2020, reported assets amounted to 55,652,278,332. This amount has increased to IDR 452,071,957. 

However, the most significant increase in Rafael's assets occurred from 2019 to 2020. In 2019, the tax official reported his assets of IDR 44,278,407,799. After a year, the amount increased to IDR 11,373,870,533. Meanwhile, in 2018, Rafael reported his wealth of IDR 44,080,564,594. This amount increased by Rp. 2,660,924,713 from the previous year's Rp. 41,419,639,881. 

In 2021, while serving as Head of the General Section of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Rafael reported his assets worth IDR 56.1 billion to LHKPN. The assets consist of land and buildings worth Rp 51.9 billion, transportation equipment and machinery Rp 425 million, other movable assets Rp 420 million, securities Rp 1.5 billion, and cash Rp 1.34 billion, and other assets Rp 419 million. 

The transportation equipment and machinery owned by Rafael, valued at Rp. 425 million, consist of a 2008 Toyota Camry Sedan, self-produced at Rp. 125 million and a 2018 Toyota Kijang car, self-produced at Rp. 300 million. Meanwhile, Rafael's land and building assets are scattered in various regions. Some of them are grants without certificates with a value of up to billions. 

Following are the details of Rafael Alun Trisambodo's land property, quoted from the LHKPN:

1. Land area of ​​525 square meters in Sleman, self-produced IDR 75 million. 

2. Land area of ​​337 square meters and building area of ​​115 square meters in Manado, the proceeds alone are Rp. 182 million. 

3. Land area of ​​528 square meters and building area of ​​150 square meters in Manado, the proceeds alone are Rp. 326 million. 

4. Land area of ​​300 square meters in Manado, self-produced IDR 90 million. 

5. Land area of ​​78 square meters and building area of ​​120 square meters in West Jakarta or West Jakarta, grant without deed of IDR 1.2 billion. 

6. Land area of ​​324 square meters and building area of ​​502 square meters in South Jakarta, own income of IDR 13.5 billion. 

7. Land area of ​​766 square meters and building area of ​​559 square meters in West Jakarta, own production of IDR 21.9 billion. 

8. 1,369 square meters of land and 150 square meters of buildings in West Jakarta, a grant without deed of IDR 9 billion. 

9. Land area of ​​300 square meters and building area of ​​265 square meters in West Jakarta, own production of IDR 4.8 billion. 

10. Land area of ​​69 square meters in Sleman, inheritance of IDR 138 million. 

11. Land area of ​​178.5 square meters in Sleman, inheritance of IDR 267 million. 

Daftar Lengkap Tanah dan Bangunan Rafael Alun Trisambodo, Sri Mulyani: Doesn't Make Sense

- Kasus Mario Dandy Satrio yang menganiaya David, turut membawa nama ayahnya, Rafael Alun  Trisambodo. Terbaru, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi atau KPK bersama Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan berbagi tugas dalam memeriksa harta kekayaan pejabat pajak itu. Lembaga anti rasuah akan memeriksa harta kekayaan Rafael setelah tahun 2011. Sementara Irjen Kemenkeu akan memeriksa harta sebelum tahun itu.

“Dengan Irjen Kemenkeu kami bagi-bagi kerjaan,” kata Deputi Pencegahan dan Monitoring KPK Pahala Nainggolan, Senin, 27 Februari 2023.

"Terhadap yang bersangkutan (Rafael) ini doesn't make sense, kami juga tahu itu gak make sense. Saya bilang ke irjen untuk sampaikan ke publik, selama ini Anda kontrol itu," kata Sri Mulyani dalam acara CNBC Economic Outlook di Hotel St. Regis Jakarta Selatan, Selasa 28 Februari 2023.

Pemeriksaan itu lantaran sejumlah pihak menaruh curiga terhadap kepemilikan aset Rafael Alun. Bahkan Menteri Keuangan atau Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengklaim telah lama mencurigai harta eks Direktorat Jenderal Pajak itu. Dalam keterangan persnya pada Jumat, 25 Februari 2023 lalu, pihaknya membantah memecat Rafael karena kasus anaknya.

Mantan Pejabat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) Jakarta Selatan Rafael Alun Trisambodo diduga memiliki sebuah rumah mewah atas nama istrinya, Erni Torondek, di Jalan Bukit Zaitun, Lingkungan V, Kelurahan Kleak, Kecamatan Malalayang, Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.

Harta Rafael sebagaimana dilaporkan di Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara atau LKHPN memang terbilang fantastis. Berdasarkan laporan terakhir pada 2021, hartanya mencapai Rp 56.104.350.289. Jumlah tersebut naik hampir setengah miliar dalam kurun setahun. Tahun sebelumnya, pada 2020, harta yang dilaporkan senilai 55.652.278.332. Jumlah ini naik Rp 452.071.957.

Namun kenaikan harta Rafael yang paling signifikan adalah terjadi pada 2019 hingga 2020. Pada 2019, pejabat pajak itu melaporkan hartanya sebesar Rp 44.278.407.799. Selang setahun, jumlahnya naik Rp 11.373.870.533. Sementara pada 2018, Rafael melaporkan hartanya sebesar Rp 44.080.564.594. Jumlah tersebut naik Rp 2.660.924.713 dari tahun sebelumnya Rp 41.419.639.881.

Pada 2021, saat menjabat sebagai Kepala Bagian Umum Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kementerian Keuangan, Rafael melaporkan hartanya senilai Rp 56,1 miliar ke LHKPN. Harta itu terdiri tanah dan bangunan Rp 51,9 miliar, alat transportasi dan mesin Rp 425 juta, harta bergerak lainnya Rp 420 juta, Surat Berharga Rp 1,5 miliar, dan kas Rp 1,34 miliar, serta harta lainnya Rp 419 juta.

Alat transportasi dan mesin milik Rafael senilai Rp 425 juta itu terdiri dari mobil Toyota Camry Sedan tahun 2008, hasil sendiri Rp 125 juta dan mobil Toyota Kijang tahun 2018, hasil sendiri Rp 300 juta. Adapun harta tanah dan bangunan Rafael tersebar di berbagai daerah. Beberapa di antaranya hibah tanpa akta dengan nilai hingga miliaran.

Berikut rincian harta tanah bangunan Rafael Alun Trisambodo, dikutip dari LHKPN:

1. Tanah seluas 525 meter persegi di Sleman, hasil sendiri Rp 75 juta.

2. Tanah seluas 337 meter persegi dan bangunan seluas 115 meter persegi di Manado, hasil sendiri Rp 182 juta.

3. Tanah seluas 528 meter persegi dan bangunan seluas 150 meter persegi di Manado, hasil sendiri Rp 326 juta.

4. Tanah Seluas 300 meter persegi di Manado, hasil sendiri Rp 90 juta.

5. Tanah seluas 78 meter persegi dan bangunan seluas 120 meter persegi di Jakarta Barat atau Jakbar, hibah tanpa akta Rp 1,2 miliar.

6. Tanah seluas 324 meter persegi dan bangunan seluas 502 meter persegi di Jakarta Selatan, hasil sendiri Rp 13,5 miliar.

7. Tanah seluas 766 meter persegi dan bangunan seluas 559 meter persegi di Jakbar, hasil sendiri Rp 21,9 miliar.

8. Tanah seluas 1.369 meter persegi dan bangunan 150 meter persegi di Jakbar, hibah tanpa akta Rp 9 miliar.

9. Tanah seluas 300 meter persegi dan bangunan seluas 265 meter persegi di Jakbar, hasil sendiri Rp 4,8 miliar.

10. Tanah Seluas 69 meter persegi di Sleman, warisan Rp 138 juta.

11. Tanah Seluas 178.5 meter persegi di Sleman, warisan Rp 267 juta.
