Lover's Trap Meets the DG of Tax Official's Son with His Ex-girlfriend which Ends in Serious Abuse
Lover's Trap Meets the DG of Tax Official's Son with His Ex-girlfriend which Ends in Serious Abuse
The son of a GP Ansor administrator, D (17), was subjected to violence from Mario Dandy Satriyo (20), the son of an official at the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Taxes.
Mario hit D at the victim's colleague's house (R) which is located in the Grand Permata Complex, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, last Monday (20/2/2023).
In his action, Mario committed this heinous act brutally. The perpetrator showered D's body with a barrage of blows. He also kicked the victim's vital organs, such as the stomach and head.
It started with a boyfriend complaint
South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes (Pol) Ade Ary Syam revealed that Mario committed violence after his girlfriend with the initials A (15) complained about the unpleasant or unkind actions committed by the victim.
When he first complained, Mario was actually not angry. He tried to confirm complaint A by telephone.
But D never heed incoming calls. He always refused Mario's calls continuously.
Mario's girlfriend plots
Seeing that Mario's efforts were in vain, A then devised a strategy so that the perpetrator could meet with the victim.
A, who used to be D's ex-girlfriend, finally sent a short message to the victim. A wanted to make an appointment under the pretext of returning the victim's study card which was still in his hand.
"Witness A, who used to be the victim's ex-girlfriend or close friend (D), finally made an appointment for February 20, 2023," said Ade Ary on Wednesday (22/2/2023).
"The victim, who happened to be at his friend R's house, then informed witness A about his location. Then, the perpetrator and witness A finally went to R's house to visit D," he continued.
When A and Mario arrived at the location using the Jeep Rubicon, D was actually reluctant to meet the two people.
The message from A stating that they were already in front of R's house was not even ignored by the victim.
Undecided, finally A asked Mario to send a short message to D.
The victim who saw the message from Mario finally did not think long. D decided to leave his friend's house through a side door and meet the two figures.
The meeting between D and Mario has been heated since the beginning. Without further ado, Mario immediately asked the victim for clarification regarding the report given by A.
The heated conversation made the debate between the two inevitable. Until one day Mario finally unleashed a raw punch towards D.
"In the end there was an incident of violence against children by the way the perpetrator kicked the victim's leg so that the victim fell, then the perpetrator hit the victim repeatedly using the perpetrator's right hand. Then when the victim had fallen, the perpetrator kicked the victim's head. Then kicked the victim in the stomach," said Ade Ary.
The perpetrator was immediately arrested
After the beating incident, R's parents, who happened to be at home, immediately intervened in Mario's action.
They immediately contacted the security of the complex and asked the officers to take Mario to the Pesanggrahan Police.
Arriving at the Pesanggrahan Police Station, the perpetrators were immediately detained by the authorities on suspicion of violence and abuse.
Then on Wednesday (22/2/2023) this case was transferred to the South Jakarta Metro Police. Then on the same day Mario was immediately named a suspect.
"Based on the testimony of witnesses and evidence and evidence we have. So yesterday we named Mario as a suspect. We have detained Mario who is 20 years old,” added Ade Ary.
For this incident, Mario's perpetrator was charged with Article 76 c in conjunction with Article 80 of Law Number 35/2014 with a maximum penalty of five years, a subsidiary of Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, which also carries a five-year sentence.
The victim is not conscious
Spokesperson for the victim's family, M Rustam, said that victim D had not regained consciousness until now.
Rustam said that D was still being treated in the ICU, not yet conscious as told by the police.
"That's right, he's still in the ICU. He hasn't regained consciousness from a coma until now," Rustam told, Wednesday (22/2/2023).
Furthermore, Rustam revealed, D experienced brain swelling as a result of the abuse that was carried out by Mario
However, the hospital failed to operate because D was still in a coma.
"Lastly, it was reported that there was swelling in the brain area, that's why he wasn't conscious yet. Indeed, the wound was quite serious, so we didn't dare to say anything to many people," continued Rustam.
Previously reported, the incident of persecution D by Mario occurred February 20, 2023 at the Grand Permata Complex, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.
The incident started with D having problems with his ex-girlfriend with the initials A (15).
A himself is now dating the perpetrator with the initials Mario.
When D was visiting the house of another colleague with the initials R at the Grand Permata Complex, Pesanggrahan on 20 February 2023, A contacted Mario to meet D.
The meeting was in order to solve the problem A with D in the past.
Even though at first D and Mario spoke well, their meeting ended in violence. Mario is said to have abused D next to R's house until he was black and blue.
Later, the police have named Mario as a suspect.
One account named @Lenterbangsaa_ wrote that the perpetrator was the son of an Echelon II official at the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance.
It is known that this account has also uploaded a number of photos and videos showing Mario often showing off his assets in the form of motorbikes and luxury cars through a number of his social media networks.
Police are not willing to disclose this information.
However, Ministry of Finance spokesman Yustinus Prastowo said Mario's parents had been summoned by the Ministry of Finance Inspectorate to clarify his son's actions.
"Currently, the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the internal compliance unit of the Directorate General of Taxes is conducting a summons process in order to examine the employee concerned," said Yustinus, reported by, Wednesday.
Jebakan Kekasih Pertemukan Anak Pejabat Ditjen Pajak dengan Mantan Pacarnya yang Berujung Penganiayaan Berat
Anak dari salah satu pengurus GP Ansor, D (17), mendapat tindak kekerasan dari Mario Dandy Satriyo (20), anak pejabat Ditjen Pajak Kemenkeu.
Mario memukul D di rumah rekan korban (R) yang terletak di Komplek Grand Permata, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (20/2/2023) lalu.
Dalam aksinya, Mario melakukan tindakan keji tersebut dengan brutal. Pelaku menghujani tubuh D dengan pukulan bertubi-tubi. Ia juga menendang organ vital korban, seperti perut dan kepala.
Berawal dari aduan pacar
Kapolres Metro Jakarta Selatan Kombes (Pol) Ade Ary Syam mengungkap, Mario melakukan kekerasan usai kekasihnya yang berinisial A (15) mengadu soal perbuatan tidak menyenangkan atau tidak baik yang dilakukan korban.
Saat pertama kali mengadu, Mario sejatinya belum naik darah. Ia mencoba mengonfirmasi aduan A melalui sambungan telepon.
Namun D tidak pernah mengindahkan telepon yang masuk. Ia selalu menolak telepon Mario secara terus-menerus.
Pacar Mario bikin siasat
Melihat usaha yang dilakukan Mario sia-sia, A kemudian membuat siasat supaya pelaku bisa bertemu dengan korban.
A yang dulunya merupakan mantan pacar D akhirnya mengirimkan pesan singkat kepada korban. A ingin membuat janji temu dengan dalih mengembalikan kartu pelajaran milik korban yang masih ada di tangannya.
"Saksi A yang dulunya adalah mantan pacar atau teman dekat korban (D) akhirnya membuat janji temu pada tanggal 20 Februari 2023," kata Ade Ary pada Rabu (22/2/2023).
"Korban yang kebetulan berada di rumah temannya, R, kemudian memberi tahu saksi A soal lokasi dirinya. Lalu, pelaku dan saksi A akhirnya bertolak ke rumah R untuk menyambangi D," sambung dia.
Ketika A dan Mario sampai di lokasi menggunakan mobil Jeep Rubicon, D sebenarnya enggan menemui kedua orang tersebut.
Pesan dari A yang menyatakan bahwa mereka telah berada di depan rumah R bahkan tidak digubris oleh korban.
Tidak habis akal, akhirnya A meminta Mario untuk mengirimkan pesan singkat kepada D.
Korban yang melihat pesan dari Mario akhirnya tidak pikir panjang. D memutuskan untuk keluar dari rumah temannya melalui pintu samping dan menemui kedua sosok itu.
Pertemuan antara D dan Mario sejak awal sudah berlangsung panas. Tanpa basa-basi, Mario langsung meminta klarifikasi kepada korban soal laporan yang diberikan A.
Obrolan yang kian panas membuat perdebatan di antara keduanya tak terhindarkan. Sampai suatu ketika Mario akhirnya melepaskan pukulan mentah ke arah D.
"Akhirnya terjadi peristiwa kekerasan pada anak dengan cara pelaku menendang kaki korban sehingga korban terjatuh, kemudian pelaku memukul korban berkali-kali menggunakan tangan kanan pelaku. Kemudian saat korban sudah terjatuh, pelaku menendang kepala korban. Kemudian menendang perut korban," ungkap Ade Ary.
Pelaku langsung ditahan
Usai peristiwa pemukulan, orang tua R yang kebetulan berada di rumah, langsung melerai aksi Mario.
Mereka langsung menghubungi pihak keamanan komplek dan meminta kepada petugas agar Mario dibawa ke Polsek Pesanggrahan.
Sesampainya di Polsek Pesanggrahan, pelaku langsung ditahan oleh aparat atas dugaan kekerasan dan penganiayaan.
Kemudian pada Rabu (22/2/2023) kasus ini dilimpahkan ke Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan. Lalu pada hari yang sama Mario langsung ditetapkan sebagai tersangka.
“Berdasarkan keterangan saksi dan barang bukti dan alat bukti kami dapatkan. Maka kemarin kami telah tetapkan Mario sebagai tersangka. Kami telah melakukan penahanan Mario yang berusia 20 tahun,” imbuh Ade Ary.
Atas kejadian ini, pelaku Mario dijerat pasal 76 c juncto pasal 80 UU Nomor 35/2014 dengan ancaman pidana maksimal lima tahun subsider pasal 351 ayat 2 KUHP yang juga ancaman pidana lima tahun.
Korban belum sadarkan diri
Juru bicara keluarga korban, M Rustam, menyebutkan bahwa korban D hingga kini belum siuman.
Rustam mengatakan bahwa D masih dirawat di ruang ICU, belum sadar seperti yang disampaikan oleh polisi.
"Betul, dia masih di ruang ICU. Belum sadarkan diri dari koma sampai saat ini," kata Rustam kepada Kompas .com, Rabu (22/2/2023).
Lebih lanjut, Rustam mengungkapkan, D mengalami pembengkakan otak akibat penganiayaan yang dilakukan Mario
Namun, pihak rumah sakit urung melakukan tindakan operasi karena D masih dalam keadaan koma.
"Terakhir sih kabarnya ada pembengkakan di daerah otak, makanya belum sadarkan diri. Memang lukanya cukup berat, makanya kami belum berani ngomong apa-apa ke banyak orang," lanjut Rustam.
Diberitakan sebelumnya, peristiwa penganiayaan D oleh Mario terjadi 20 Februari 2023 di Komplek Grand Permata, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan.
Peristiwa itu berawal dari D yang memiliki persoalan dengan sang mantan kekasihnya berinisial A (15).
A sendiri kini telah berpacaran dengan pelaku berinisial Mario.
Ketika D sedang berkunjung ke rumah rekan lainnya berinisial R di Komplek Grand Permata, Pesanggrahan pada 20 Februari 2023, A menghubungi Mario untuk bersama-sama menemui D.
Pertemuan itu dalam rangka menyelesaikan persoalan A dengan D di masa lalu.
Meski awalnya D dengan Mario berbicara baik-baik, namun pertemuan mereka berujung pada aksi kekerasan. Mario disebut menganiaya D di samping rumah R hingga babak belur.
Belakangan, polisi telah menetapkan Mario sebagai tersangka.
Salah satu akun bernama @LenteraBangsaa_ menuliskan bahwa pelaku adalah anak seorang pejabat Eselon II di Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kementerian Keuangan.
Akun itu diketahui juga mengunggah sejumlah foto dan video yang menunjukkan Mario kerap pamer harta berupa motor dan mobil mewah melalui sejumlah jejarang media sosialnya.
Polisi belum bersedia mengungkap informasi tersebut.
Namun, juru bicara Kemenkeu Yustinus Prastowo mengatakan, orangtua Mario telah dipanggil Inspektorat Kemenkeu untuk mengklarifikasi perbuatan anaknya.
"Saat ini, Inspektorat Jenderal Kemenkeu bekerjasama dengan unit kepatuhan internal Direktorat Jenderal Pajak sedang melakukan proses pemanggilan dalam rangka pemeriksaan terhadap pegawai yang bersangkutan," ujar Yustinus, dilansir, Rabu.
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DG of Tax Official's Son
His Ex-girlfriend
Lover's Trap Meets
which Ends in Serious Abuse