GP Ansor's Manager's Child Is Tortured Mario to Coma, Victims' Family Is Not Peaceful and Refused Assistance For Hospital Fees
GP Ansor's Manager's Child Is Tortured Mario to Coma, Victims' Family Is Not Peaceful and Refused Assistance For Hospital Fees
GP Ansor's Manager's Child Is Tortured Mario to Coma, Victims' Family Is Not Peaceful and Refused Assistance For Hospital Fees
The good efforts of Mario Dandy Satriyo (20), the perpetrator of youth molesters initial D (17) in the number of Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, seem free.
The reason, the D family closed the path of peace after the victim was battered until unconscious by Mario.
D is the son of the organizer of the Youth Movement (GP) of Ansor, the autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) that works in the youth field.
Family spokesman for D, M Rustam, said that the victim's family closes the path of peace if the perpetrator submits it at any time.
"There is no peace mediation, the D is just the condition. If someone's child is beaten like that, which parent would want to process like that, "said Rustam to Kompas. com, Wednesday (22/2/2023).
However, the D family has accepted an apology from Mario's family when visiting the victim to Green Gem Medika Hospital.
Mario's family apologizes for the violence committed by the perpetrator.
"So last night the perpetrator's family made it to the hospital. They expressed their apologies and we (D family) accepted their apologies as well," Rustam said.
However, the apology received by the perpetrator's family does not mean stopping the legal process that is underway.
"The procedure is still in progress. We have also received guidance from LBH GP Ansor. So we are requesting the case to be processed fairly," Rustam said.
D family denied hospital bill
Besides not making peace, D family also strongly rejected the hospital cost assistance offered by Mario's family.
According to Rustam, the D family stated that they will cover all the hospital expenses themselves.
"There was an offer from the perpetrator's family to cover the hospital cost, but the family refused," Rustam said.
"The family decided to bear the entire cost of the hospital themselves," she added.
Mario has now been identified as a suspect. He was trapped in Article 76 c juncto Article 80 of Act Number 35/2014 with criminal threat maximum five years subsidiary Article 351 verse 2 of the KUHP with criminal threat five years.
As for the incident of molestation D by Mario occurred on February 20, 2023 in Complex Grand Permata, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.
Mario who came to the scene of the Jeep Rubicon driving brutally abused D.
Conflict starts from D who has an issue with his ex-girlfriend initials A (15). A himself is now dating Mario's perpetrator.
When D was visiting his colleague's house initializing R in Complex Grand Permata, Pesanggrahan, on February 20, 2023, A contacted Mario to meet D together.
The meeting was in order to resolve A and D issues in the past.
Although D and Mario initially spoke well, their meeting ended in a violent act. Mario called harassing the D in front of R house to the batter.
D is known to have been beaten in various parts of the body. He got a Muddy hit to the ground. Then Mario kicks D stomach and head when he falls.
Police have recently established Mario as a suspect.
One of the accounts named @LenteraBangsaa_ wrote that the perpetrator is the son of an official in the General Directorate of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance.
The account is also known for uploading a number of photos and videos showing MDS frequently showing off his assets in the form of motorcycles and luxury cars through a number of its social media networks.
Police are not willing to disclose the information.
Anak Pengurus GP Ansor Dianiaya Mario hingga Koma, Keluarga Korban Ogah Damai dan Tolak Bantuan Biaya RS
Iktikad baik keluarga Mario Dandy Satriyo (20), pelaku penganiayaan pemuda berinisial D (17) di bilangan Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan, tampak percuma.
Pasalnya, keluarga D menutup jalur damai usai korban dibuat babak belur hingga tak sadarkan diri oleh Mario.
D merupakan anak dari pengurus Gerakan Pemuda (GP) Ansor, badan otonom Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) yang bergerak di bidang kepemudaan.
Juru bicara keluarga D, M Rustam, mengatakan bahwa keluarga korban menutup jalur damai jika pelaku mengajukannya sewaktu-waktu.
"Tidak ada mediasi damai, D-nya aja seperti itu kondisinya. Kalau anak orang dipukul seperti itu, kira-kira orangtua mana yang mau proses seperti itu," ungkap Rustam kepada Kompas .com, Rabu (22/2/2023).
Meski begitu, keluarga D telah menerima permintaan maaf dari keluarga Mario saat menjenguk korban ke Rumah Sakit Medika Permata Hijau.
Keluarga Mario meminta maaf atas kekerasan yang dilakukan pelaku.
"Jadi kemarin malam keluarga pelaku sempat datang ke RS. Mereka menyampaikan permohonan maaf dan kami (keluarga D) juga menerima permintaan maaf mereka," kata Rustam.
Namun, permintaan maaf keluarga pelaku yang diterima keluarga D bukan berarti menghentikan proses hukum yang tengah berjalan.
"Prosedur tetap berjalan. Kami juga telah mendapat pendampingan dari LBH GP Ansor. Jadi kami minta kasus ini diproses secara adil," tutur Rustam.
Keluarga D tolak penanggungan biaya rumah sakit
Selain ogah berdamai, keluarga D juga dengan tegas menolak bantuan biaya rumah sakit yang ditawarkan keluarga Mario.
Menurut Rustam, keluarga D menyatakan bahwa mereka akan menanggung sendiri seluruh biaya rumah sakit.
"Ada tawaran dari keluarga pelaku untuk menanggung biaya RS, tetapi keluarga menolak," ujar Rustam.
"Keluarga memutuskan untuk menanggung seluruh biaya RS seorang diri," sambung dia.
Saat ini Mario telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Ia dijerat Pasal 76 c juncto Pasal 80 UU Nomor 35/2014 dengan ancaman pidana maksimal lima tahun subsider Pasal 351 ayat 2 KUHP dengan ancaman pidana lima tahun.
Adapun peristiwa penganiayaan D oleh Mario terjadi pada 20 Februari 2023 di Kompleks Grand Permata, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan.
Mario yang datang ke tempat kejadian perkara mengendarai Jeep Rubicon itu menganiaya D secara brutal.
Konflik berawal dari D yang memiliki persoalan dengan sang mantan kekasihnya berinisial A (15). A sendiri kini telah berpacaran dengan pelaku Mario.
Ketika D sedang berkunjung ke rumah rekannya berinisial R di Kompleks Grand Permata, Pesanggrahan, pada 20 Februari 2023, A menghubungi Mario untuk bersama-sama menemui D.
Pertemuan itu dalam rangka menyelesaikan persoalan A dengan D di masa lalu.
Meski awalnya D dengan Mario berbicara baik-baik, pertemuan mereka berujung pada aksi kekerasan.Mario disebut menganiaya D di depan rumah R hingga babak belur.
D diketahui mendapat pukulan di berbagai bagian tubuh. Ia mendapat pukulan Bertubi-tubi hingga tersungkur. Kemudian, Mario menendang perut serta kepala D saat posisi terjatuh.
Belakangan, polisi telah menetapkan Mario sebagai tersangka.
Salah satu akun bernama @LenteraBangsaa_ menuliskan bahwa pelaku adalah anak seorang pejabat eselon II di Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kementerian Keuangan.
Akun itu diketahui juga mengunggah sejumlah foto dan video yang menunjukkan MDS kerap pamer harta berupa motor dan mobil mewah melalui sejumlah jejaring media sosialnya.
Polisi belum bersedia mengungkap informasi tersebut.