Our teacher Sheikh Hasan Hitou wrote a story in his book المُتَفَيْقِهُوْن. 
When I was studying at Al Azhar, my teacher told me that he read a sentence in the Muamalah Chapter which reads:

(وَيَحْرُمُ لٍ لٍ). 
"I can't even understand this sentence, I finally saw it in several syarah books, even hasyiyah, but still, there are no scholars who explain this sentence. And I almost thought there was something wrong with the books and the scholars who wrote them, because no one really explained the meaning of this difficult sentence."

"However, before that I corrected myself first. Because if the error came from the author, there must be other scholars who would explain this sentence, it is impossible for them to agree on one mistake. Therefore, most likely the fault lies with me and how I understand."

"Finally, I went to my teacher to ask this. Then he said:
"O my son, whoever takes knowledge from a book without the guidance of a teacher, he will go astray. So having a teacher is a must. A teacher is tasked with explaining complicated things, interpreting general meanings to be more specific, and explaining specific terms in a field of science. 

If a book can provide benefits without a teacher, then Allah will not send down a book with an Apostle who explains the contents of the book. Nor will Allah hold accountable those who are given knowledge and punish those who hide it."

Then he said to me: "O my son, indeed the correct sentence is
(وَيَحْرُمُ بُرٍّ لُوْلٍ لُوْلٍ)
And things like this don't need a dictionary, syarah book, or even hasyiyah. This only requires laughter like your tawadhu when you ask me."
He said to Sheikh Hasan:

"By Allah, I will not forget my teacher's advice since that day. I also remember the words of Imam Shafi'i:
(( ا امرئ لاَّ ابه لبه ))
(No one is laughed at for a mistake that is made unless the truth which he knows after that will be deeply embedded in his heart)
It was then that I really understood what my teacher meant when he told the story. He taught how to study properly to the experts. 

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