4 objects house make haunted and become nest for ghosts

4 objects house make haunted and become nest for ghosts

Be careful if there are these 4 objects in the house, it will make it haunted and become a nest for spirits
- No one wants their house to be used as a place for spirits to reside. 

Apart from giving the impression of being haunted, a house that becomes a ghost's nest also makes the occupants uncomfortable because they are afraid of being haunted. 
Unfortunately, not everyone realizes that it is the residents of the house themselves who invite ghosts to come and nest in the house through existing objects. 
Based on the Javanese Primbon, there are 4 objects that become ghost nests in the house and can make the home owner haunted. 

So, what are the 4 objects that could be a ghost's nest? 

1. Keris and Heirlooms

It is no secret that keris and heirlooms are haunted haunts and are often placed in the house. 
Wos Wutah's famous Inten Belt Kitchen Keris (Tribun Jogja/Setya Krisna Sumargo)
Some beliefs in Indonesia even perform rituals at night when a suro arrives with the keris and these heirloom objects. 
It is believed that bathing keris and other heirloom objects is a way to care for these objects and summon the presence of ghosts. 

2. Doll

Based on the beliefs of many people, dolls are one of the objects that are believed to harbor ghosts in the house. 
This is because the doll has a complete appearance from head to toe, so that ghosts can inhabit the object. 
Annabelle doll at the Warrens museum in Connecticut. (SPECIAL/Tony Spera Via Kompass.com)

It is not surprising that dolls are always associated with mystical things because there have been many cases linking dolls with the presence of spirits. 

3. Painting

Apart from dolls, there are paintings that become ghosts' nests in someone's house. This is caused by paintings that resemble human forms or living creatures. 
Ghosts often live in objects that resemble humans because they have intact body parts. 
Apart from that, many paintings also have scary images, making ghosts feel comfortable living in these objects. 

4. Sculpture

Lastly, there is a statue that often becomes a haunted nest in someone's house. Since time immemorial, statues have often been a medium for clever people to carry out rituals. 
Not surprisingly, the statue still leaves an occult and scary impression to this day. 
Apart from that, the statue also has the full size of a living creature, so that ghosts reside in this object. 

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