The story of the Prophet Uzair, who was resurrected after sleeping for 100 years
Prophet Uzair was one of the Prophets of the Bani Israel who was entrusted with guarding the Torah. Ibnu Kathir in Qashashul Anbiya states that the scholars actually had disagreements about Uzair's prophethood.
However, the popular opinion states that Uzair was a prophet sent by Allah to the Children of Israel. His lifetime was between Prophet David and Prophet Sulaiman or between Prophet Zakaria and Prophet Yahya.
Regarding the full name, scholars also had different opinions. Some say Uzair bin Jarwah, and others say Uzair bin Sarukha.
One of the miraculous things about his story is that he died 100 years and then came back to life.
Once crossed a country where the buildings had become rubble
(photo: islampos)
When Prophet Uzair was sent, at that time no one among the Children of Israel had memorized the Torah. Then Allah inspired him to be able to memorize the Torah and then teach it to the Children of Israel.
It is narrated that one day, he passed through a country that was being destroyed. According to popular opinion, the country in question is Baitul Maqdis.
He passed there after being destroyed by King Bukhtannashar. The inhabitants were killed until the country looked deserted.
Prophet Uzair crossed the rubble of a collapsed building, then stopped for a moment and reflected on why this had happened.
As a person who is known to be devout, he believes in the resurrection of the human spirit on the last day.
Wonder about death and how God resurrects His creatures
(photo: islampos)
At that time he wondered about things that most people rarely think about.
"How did Allah revive this village after he died?" he said after seeing the terrible destruction in the country called Baitul Maqdis.
Not long after, a feeling of extreme drowsiness suddenly assaulted him. Allah made him die or sleep for 100 years, but he was brought back to life.
When he woke up, Allah asked him through an angel.
"How long have you stayed?"
“One or maybe half a day.” he answered. When he first fell asleep it was daytime and when he woke up it was daytime. When he looked to the side, it turned out that the donkey had changed, only the bones were left.
Revived after being killed or sleeping for 100 years
(photo: Friday sermon)
Then Allah said in Surah Al Baqarah verse 259.
“In fact you have lived here for 100 years. Look at your food and drink which have not changed; and look at your donkey (which has become bones)..."
After gaining confidence in Allah's power, Prophet Uzair was returned to the land he had seen on a donkey which he miraculously brought back to life. It turned out that it was already filled with lots of people.
People don't know him anymore. When he came to the house, there lived an old woman, her eyes were blind and she was approximately 120 years old.
Once suspected of being a fraud, his people even made him an idol
(photo: pinterest)
"Is this Uzair's house, O Mother?" he asked. The old woman in front of her confirmed it and then cried because in 100 years no one had mentioned Uzair's name.
He introduced himself and told about his experience of death or long sleep for 100 years. The old woman in front of her didn't just believe it.
As a person whose prayers are effective, he prayed for the blind woman in front of him to be able to see again. He rubbed his palm over the old woman's eyes.
By Allah's will, the blind old woman was finally able to see again the face of Prophet Uzair that she once knew.
It didn't take long for news of his arrival to spread throughout the village. Even though there were people who were suspicious, the residents finally believed it because they had memorized the contents of the Torah.
Unfortunately, the people even went beyond the limits by considering him the Son of God and even being worshiped. However, throughout his life he conveyed messages about the signs of God's greatness to his people.
Kisah Nabi Uzair, Dibangkitkan Setelah Tertidur 100 Tahun
Nabi Uzair adalah salah satu Nabi dari kaum Bani Israil yang mendapat amanah menjaga kitab Taurat. Ibnu Katsir dalam Qashashul Anbiya menyatakan bahwa para ulama sebenarnya berselisih pendapat tentang kenabian Uzair.
Tapi, pendapat yang termasyhur menyatakan bahwa Uzair seorang nabi utusan Allah untuk kaum Bani Israil. Masa hidupnya adalah di antara Nabi Daud dan Nabi Sulaiman atau antara Nabi Zakaria dan Nabi Yahya.
Tentang nama lengkap, ulama juga sempat berbeda pendapat. Ada yang menyebut Uzair bin Jarwah, dan ada juga yang menyebut Uzair bin Sarukha.
Salah satu yang ajaib dari kisahnya adalah pernah diwafatkan 100 tahun kemudian hidup lagi.
Pernah melintasi sebuah negeri yang bangunannya sudah menjadi puing-puing
(foto: islampos)
Saat Nabi Uzair diutus, saat itu di kalangan Bani Israil tidak ada yang hafal kitab Taurat. Kemudian Allah memberikan ilham kepadanya untuk bisa menghafalkan kitab Taurat lalu mengajarkan ke Bani Israil.
Diriwayatkan bahwa pada suatu hari, ia melintasi suatu negeri yang sedang hancur. Menurut pendapat termasyhur, negeri yang dimaksud adalah Baitul Maqdis.
Ia melintas di sana setelah dihancurkan Raja Bukhtannashar. Penduduknya pun terbunuh sampai negerinya terlihat sepi.
Nabi Uzair melintasi puing-puing bangunan yang sudah roboh, kemudian berhenti sejenak dan merenung mengapa hal tersebut dapat terjadi.
Sebagai seorang pribadi yang terkenal taat, ia meyakini tentang hari dibangkitkannya ruh manusia pada hari akhir.
Bertanya-tanya tentang kematian dan cara Allah membangkitkan makhluk-Nya
(foto: islampos)
Saat itu ia bertanya-tanya tentang hal yang jarang terpikir oleh manusia kebanyakan.
“Bagaimana Allah menghidupkan kampung ini setelah ia mati?” ucapnya setelah melihat kehancuran dahsyat di negeri yang disebut Baitul Maqdis.
Tidak lama kemudian, perasaan mengantuk luar biasa tiba-tiba menyerangnya. Allah sempat menjadikannya wafat atau tertidur 100 tahun lamanya, tapi dihidupkan kembali.
Saat ia bangun, kemudian Allah bertanya padanya lewat perantara malaikat.
“Sudah berapa lama kamu tinggal?”
“Satu atau mungkin setengah hari.” Jawabnya. Saat awal ia tertidur adalah siang hari dan saat bangkit pun siang hari. Saat ia menengok ke samping, ternyata keledainya sudah berubah tinggal tulangnya saja.
Dihidupkan kembali setelah diwafatkan atau tertidur panjang selama 100 tahun
(foto: khotbahjumat)
Kemudian Allah berfirman dalam surat Al Baqarah ayat 259.
“Sesungguhnya kamu telah tinggal di sini selama 100 tahun. Lihatlah kepada makanan dan minumanmu yang belum berubah; dan lihatlah kepada keledai kamu (yang telah menjadi tulang belulang)…”
Setelah mendapat keyakinan atas kekuasaan Allah, maka Nabi Uzair dikembalikan ke negeri yang pernah dilihatnya dengan naik keledai yang secara ajaib dihidupkan-Nya kembali. Ternyata di sana sudah diisi oleh banyak manusia.
Orang-orang pun tidak mengenalnya lagi. Saat ia datang ke rumah, di sana hiduplah wanita tua, matanya buta dan usianya kurang lebih 120 tahun.
Sempat dicurigai sebagai penipu, malah umatnya sempat menjadikannya sesembahan
(foto: pinterest)
“Apakah ini rumahnya Uzair, wahai Ibu?” tanyanya. Wanita tua di depannya membenarkan dan kemudian menangis karena sepanjang 100 tahun tidak ada yang menyebutkan nama Uzair.
Ia perkenalkan diri dan menceritakan pengalaman kematian atau tidur panjang selama 100 tahun. Wanita tua di depannya tidak percayai begitu saja.
Sebagai orang yang doanya mustajab, ia mendoakan wanita buta di depannya agar bisa melihat kembali. Diusapkanlah telapan tangannya ke bagian mata wanita tua.
Atas kehendak Allah, maka wanita tua yang buta akhirnya bisa melihat lagi wajah Nabi Uzair yang dulu dikenalnya.
Tidak butuh waktu lama, berita kedatangannya menyebar ke seantero kampung. Meski sempat ada yang curiga, penduduk akhirnya bisa percaya karena ia hafal isi kitab Taurat.
Sayangnya, penduduk malah melampaui batas dengan menganggapnya Anak Tuhan yang bahkan jadi sesembahan. Namun demikian, sepanjang hidupnya ia menyampaikan pesan tentang tanda kebesaran Allah kepada umatnya.