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Yandex Officially Sold to Russia, Destroyed in Its Own Country Due to the Ukrainian War

Yandex Officially Sold to Russia, Destroyed in Its Own Country Due to the Ukrainian War

Yandex, the search engine platform that is fondly referred to as Russia's Google, announced that it is selling its company in its own country. 
Yandex logo. [Yandex]

- Yandex, the search engine platform that is often referred to as Russia's Google, announced that it is selling its company in its own country. Now the Russian company has chosen its headquarters in the Netherlands. 

Yandex sold its business operations in Russia for 475 billion rubles or around Rp. 81.6 trillion in cash and shares, as reported by Engadget, Wednesday (7/2/2024). 

Now Yandex is owned by a consortium consisting of a Russian energy company called Lukoil and a local Russian businessman named Alexander Ryazanov. 

The reason Yandex was nationalized there was because their business was affected by the Russia vs Ukraine war that occurred some time ago. This means that Google's competing platform has the opportunity to grow and partner more freely. 

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Yandex has faced a lot of pressure. Yandex founder Arkady Volozh received sanctions from the European Union in 2022 because he was accused of supporting Russian propaganda. 
As a result, Yandex immediately sold its news aggregator service. Volozh also openly condemned the war initiated by his own government. 

News of Yandex cutting ties with Russia first emerged at the end of 2022. At that time the company was confused because it was affected by sanctions and could not develop company projects without Western technology. 

However, negotiations between Yandex and the Kremlin (the name for the Russian government) took a year and a half for Yandex NV to separate itself from its business in Russia. 
The final deal was reached at a discount of at least 50 percent, a common practice when the Kremlin considers a listed country like the Netherlands unfriendly. 

Yandex Resmi Dijual ke Rusia, Hancur di Negeri Sendiri Gegara Perang Ukraina

Yandex, platform mesin pencari yang suka disebut sebagai Google-nya Rusia, mengumumkan menjual perusahaannya di negeri sendiri.
Logo Yandex. [Yandex]

- Yandex, platform mesin pencari yang suka disebut sebagai Google-nya Rusia, mengumumkan menjual perusahaannya di negeri sendiri. Kini perusahaan asal Rusia itu memilih kantor pusatnya di Belanda.

Yandex menjual operasional bisnisnya di Rusia dengan nilai 475 miliar Rubel atau sekitar Rp 81,6 triliun dalam bentuk uang tunai dan saham, sebagaimana dilaporkan Engadget, Rabu (7/2/2024).

Sekarang Yandex dimiliki oleh konsorsium yang terdiri dari perusahaan energi Rusia bernama Lukoil serta pengusaha lokal Rusia bernama Alexander Ryazanov.

Alasan Yandex dinasionalisasi di sana karena bisnis mereka terpengaruh perang Rusia vs Ukraina yang terjadi selama beberapa waktu lalu. Itu artinya platform pesaing Google ini berpeluang tumbuh dan bermitra dengan lebih bebas.

Sejak invasi Rusia ke Ukraina, Yandex banyak menghadapi tekanan. Pendiri Yandex, Arkady Volozh mendapatkan sanksi dari Uni Eropa pada 2022 karena dituding mendukung propaganda Rusia.

Akibat itu, Yandex langsung menjual layanan agregator beritanya. Volozh pun secara terbuka mengutuk perang yang digencarkan pemerintahannya sendiri.

Kabar Yandex memutuskan hubungan dengan Rusia pertama kali mencuat sejak akhir tahun 2022. Kala itu perusahaan kelimpungan karena terdampak sanksi dan tidak bisa mengembangkan proyek perusahaan tanpa teknologi Barat.

Namun negosiasi antara Yandex dan Kremlin (sebutan untuk pemerintah Rusia) memerlukan waktu satu setengah tahun agar Yandex NV dapat memisahkan diri dari bisnisnya di Rusia.

Kesepakatan terakhir dicapai dengan diskon setidaknya 50 persen, sebuah praktik yang biasa dilakukan ketika Kremlin menganggap negara yang terdaftar seperti Belanda tidak ramah.
