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Mark Zuckerberg Builds 'Anti-Apocalypse' Bunker on Paradise Island

Mark Zuckerberg Builds 'Anti-Apocalypse' Bunker on Paradise Island

Photo: Aerial photo shows the island of Kauai, Hawaii. (VW Pics/Universal Images Group vi/VW Pics)

SPIRITUAL AI - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg built a mysterious luxury home complex on an island in Hawaii. The project, which is estimated to cost US$ 100 million (Rp. 1.5 trillion), is equipped with an underground space measuring almost 500 square meters, which is "apocalypse-proof."
Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, built their residence on the island of Kauai. According to a report by Wired, the giant complex is one of the most expensive properties in the world. The land where the project is being built is estimated to be worth US$ 170 million (Rp. 2.6 trillion). 
It's so secret that anyone involved in building Zuckerberg's house would be immediately fired if they were caught talking to journalists. 

"This is like a 'fight club'. We will not talk about 'fight clubs," said one contractor to Wired, quoted Monday (18/12/2023). Fight Club refers to the film starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt, about a secret club. 

Photo: Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan (REUTERS/Rick Wilking)

Publicly available documents describe the project on Kauai as encompassing about a dozen buildings containing 30 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms. A forest area is equipped with 11 tree houses connected by rope bridges. 
However, the most mysterious building is an underground area equipped with explosion-proof steel doors and hatches. The space, built in layers of concrete, was reportedly designed to resemble a "bunker and bomb shelter."
The bunker is also equipped with its own electricity and water sources, including a 17 meter deep water tank. 

Everyone working on the Kauai project must sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). "Things like this usually only happen on military installations. Private projects with NDAs are very rare," local officials told Wired. 
Data privacy expert Danielle Citron made a snide comment about Zuckerberg's secret project. "I wouldn't be surprised if a billionaire whose business is related to buying and selling personal data, becomes very privacy conscious and wraps every interaction with an NDA," Citron said. 

Mark Zuckerberg Bangun Bunker 'Anti-Kiamat' di Pulau Surga

Foto: Foto udara menujukkan pulau Kauai, Hawai. (VWPics/Universal Images Group vi/VW Pics)

SPIRITUAL AI - Pendiri Facebook Mark Zuckerberg membangun kompleks rumah mewah misterius di sebuah pulau di Hawaii. Proyek yang diperkirakan menghabiskan US$ 100 juta (Rp 1,5 triliun) tersebut dilengkapi dengan ruang bawah tanah berukuran nyaris 500 meter persegi, yang "kebal-kiamat."

Zuckerberg dan istrinya, Priscilla Chan, membangun kediaman mereka di pulau Kauai. Menurut laporan Wired, kompleks raksasa tersebut adalah salah satu properti paling mahal di dunia. Lahan tempat proyek tersebut dibangun diperkirakan bernilai US$ 170 juta (Rp 2,6 triliun).

Saking rahasianya, semua pihak yang terlibat dalam pembangunan rumah Zuckerberg akan langsung dipecat jika ketahuan berbicara kepada jurnalis.

"Ini seperti 'fight club'. Kami tidak akan berbicara soal 'fight club," kata salah seorang kontraktor kepada Wired, dikutip Senin (18/12/2023). Fight Club merujuk kepada film yang dibintangi oleh Edward Norton dan Brad Pitt, tentang klub rahasia.

Foto: Mark Zuckerberg & Priscilla Chan (REUTERS/Rick Wilking)

Dokumen yang tersedia untuk publik menggambarkan proyek di Kauai mencakup sekitar selusin bangunan yang berisi 30 ruang kamar tidur dan 30 kamar mandi. Sebuah area hutan dilengkapi dengan 11 rumah pohon yang terkoneksi dengan jembatan tali.

Namun, bangunan paling misterius adalah sebuah area bawah tanah yang dilengkapi oleh pintu baja anti-ledakan dan lubang palka. Ruang yang dibangun berlapis-lapis beton tersebut dilaporkan dirancang menyerupai "bunker dan ruang berlindung dari ledakan bom." Bunker tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan sumber listrik dan air sendiri, termasuk tanki air sedalam 17 meter.

Setiap orang yang bekerja di proyek Kauai harus menandatangani kesepakatan rahasia (non-disclosure agreement/NDA). "Hal seperti ini biasanya cuma ada di instalasi militer. Proyek swasta dengan NDA sangat jarang," kata pejabat lokal kepada Wired.

Ahli privasi data Danielle Citron memberikan komentar sinis soal proyek rahasia Zuckerberg. "Saya tidak kaget jika miliarder yang bisnisnya terkait jual beli data pribadi, menjadi sangat sadar privasi dan membungkus tiap interaksinya dengan NDA," kata Citron.
