7 Prophets Buried in the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, Three Prophets and Their Wives
Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, one of the three holy mosques for Muslims (@yasirgurbuz)
– Aqsa Mosque in Palestine is one of three mosques that are sacred to Muslims. The other two are the Haram Mosque in Mecca, and the Nabawi Mosque in Medina.
In fact, the Aqsa Mosque is also the first qibla for Muslims before finally moving to the Kaaba in the Haram Mosque Makkah.
Because of the majesty and glory of the three mosques, the Prophet did not forbid his people from traveling to these mosques. Hadith narrated by Bukhari:
“Do not fasten your saddle (on a long journey) except to visit three mosques, namely: (1) Haram Mosque; (2) my mosque (Nabawi Mosque); and (3) Aqsa Mosque.”
Reported by RadarBanyuwangi.id from nu.or.id, in the Aqsa Mosque complex in Palestine there are the graves of the prophets. There are 7 prophets who are buried at the Aqsa Mosque.
The 7 prophets are Prophet Ibrahim AS and his wife Sayyidah Sarah. Then Prophet Ishaq AS and his wife, and Prophet Ya'qub AS and his wife.
The next prophets who are buried at the Aqsa Mosque are Prophet Yusuf AS, Prophet Adam AS, Prophet Sam AS, and Prophet Nuh AS.
However, the names of the last 4 prophets still arouse differences of opinion among historical scholars.
What is clear is that apart from the 7 prophets who are buried around the Aqsa Mosque, Palestine is also the place where several of the prophet's friends are buried.
Namely Ubadah bin Shamit's friends, Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah, and other friends.
In the book entitled al-Unsul Jalil, Sheikh Mujiruddin al-Hanbali al-Alimi explains that one of the reasons why the land around the Aqsa Mosque became a blessed land was because it contained the graves of previous prophets:
“The word of Allah is in the form of “We bless its surroundings”, that is, because in it there are the graves of the prophets.” (Sheikh Mujiruddin, al-Unsul Jalil, [Beirut, Darul Polar Ilmiah], page 7).
Al Aqsa Mosque has an important historical record for Muslims. Apart from being the first Qibla, this mosque also witnessed history when Allah SWT took the Messenger of Allah from the Haram Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, which is known as the Isra event.
Then the Messenger of Allah raised him from the Aqsa Mosque to cross the highest layers of heaven to a limit that cannot be reached by the knowledge of angels, humans or jinn, known as mi'raj. (*)
7 Nabi yang Dimakamkan di Masjidil Aqsa Palestina, Tiga Nabi Beserta Istrinya
Masjid Al-Aqsa di Palestina, satu dari tiga masjid suci umat Islam (@yasirgurbuz)
– Masjidil Aqsa di Palestina adalah salah satu dari tiga masjid yang disucikan Umat Islam. Dua lainnya adalah Masjidil Haram di Makkah, dan Masjid Nabawi di Madinah.
Bahkan, Masjidil Aqsa juga menjadi kiblat pertama bagi umat Islam sebelum akhirnya berpindah ke Kakbah di Masjidil Haram Makkah.
Karena keagungan dan kemuliaan tiga masjid tersebut, Rasulullah tidak melarang umatnya yang bepergian menuju masjid tersebut. Hadist riwayat Bukhari:
“Janganlah kamu mengencangkan pelana (melakukan perjalanan jauh) kecuali untuk mengunjungi tiga masjid, yaitu: (1) Masjidil Haram; (2) masjidku (Masjid Nabawi); dan (3) Masjidil Aqsa.”
Dilansir RadarBanyuwangi.id dari nu.or.id, di komplek Masjidil Aqsa Palestina terdapat makam-makam para nabi. Ada 7 nabi yang dimakamkan di Masjidil Aqsa.
7 nabi tersebut adalah Nabi Ibrahim AS dan Istrinya Sayyidah Sarah. Kemudian Nabi Ishaq AS dan istrinya, serta Nabi Ya’qub AS dan istrinya.
Berikutnya nabi yang dimakamkan di Masjidil Aqsa adalah Nabi Yusuf AS, Nabi Adam AS, Nabi Sam AS, serta Nabi Nuh AS.
Hanya saja, 4 nama nabi yang disebut terakhir masih menuai perbedaan pendapat para ulama ahli sejarah.
Yang jelas, selain 7 nabi yang dimakamkan di sekitar Masjidil Aqsa tersebut, Palestina juga menjadi tempat beberapa sahabat nabi dimakamkan.
Yaitu sahabat Ubadah bin Shamit, Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah, dan sahabat-sahabat lainnya.
Dalam kitab berjudul al-Unsul Jalil, Syekh Mujiruddin al-Hanbali al-Alimi menjelaskan, salah satu penyebab tanah-tanah yang ada di sekitar Masjidil Aqsa menjadi tanah yang diberkahi, karena di dalamnya terdapat makam-makam para nabi terdahulu:
“Firman Allah berupa “Kami berkahi sekelilingnya”, yaitu karena di dalamnya terdapat kuburan-kuburan para nabi.” (Syekh Mujiruddin, al-Unsul Jalil, [Beirut, Darul Kutub Ilmiah], halaman 7).
Masjidil Aqsa memiliki catatan sejarah yang penting bagi umat Islam. Selain menjadi kiblat pertama, masjid ini juga menjadi saksi sejarah ketika Allah swt memperjalankan Rasulullah dari Masjidil Haram Makkah, menuju Masjidil Aqsa di Palestina, yang dikenal dengan peristiwa isra.
Kemudian dinaikkannya Rasulullah dari Masjidil Aqsa untuk melintasi lapisan-lapisan langit tertinggi sampai batas yang tidak dapat dijangkau pengetahuan malaikat, manusia, maupun jin, yang dikenal dengan mi’raj. (*)