6 Miraculous Events in the Midst of Israel's Invasion of Palestine

6 Miraculous Events in the Midst of Israel's Invasion of Palestine

In the midst of the Israeli army's invasion of Palestine, it turned out that Palestinian fighters experienced many miraculous events. Illustration photo/SINDOnews

The Israeli army continues to launch its military attacks on Palestine especially on the Gaza region. This city has been bombarded by Israel many times, killing thousands of Palestinians. It was recorded that 3,300 Palestinians lost their lives and around 13,000 people were injured. 

In the midst of the Israeli army invasion from 2008 until now, it turns out that there have been many miraculous events that have aided and helped the fighters and Palestinians. Starting from the appearance of white-coated troops, to rockets launching themselves at Israeli troops. 
Here are some of the miraculous events in Gaza amidst the war between Palestine and Israel summarized from various sources. 
1. Palestinian Fighter's RPG Weapon Suddenly Shoots an Israeli Tank
This incident was narrated by a Gaza Mujahid leader to Ustaz Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman. In one battle, the Chief of the Palestinian Mujahid gave instructions to his fighters not to attack Israeli tanks entering their area. At that time, they only had 6 RPG weapons. The RPG weapon is a shoulder-fired, rocket-propelled grenade with a warhead. 

However, suddenly the weapon fired itself at the Israeli tank and destroyed it. They were surprised why their weapons suddenly functioned and shot at the target. After the incident was over, the fighters found that the 6 RPG weapons were not used. Then, who shot the Israeli troops? 
2. Troops in White Uniforms in Gaza
In an Israeli TV program that interviewed Israeli soldiers, they said that they saw Gaza fighters dressed all in white. These white-uniformed troops helped the Palestinian mujahideen. 

One day at the end of January 2009, a house belonging to the Dardunah family located between Jabal Al Kasyif and Jabal Ar Rais, precisely on Al-Qaram street, was visited by a group of Israeli troops. All family members were ordered to sit in a room. One of the boys was questioned about the characteristics of al-Qassam fighters. 
When questioned, as written by the Filisthin Al-Aan website, citing the story of an al-Qassam mujahideen, the man answered honestly that the al-Qassam fighters wore black clothes. However, the soldier got angry and hit him until the poor man fainted. 

For three days in a row, every time he was asked, the man answered that Al-Qassam fighters wore black uniforms. Finally, the soldier became furious and said loudly, "O liars! They are in white uniforms!"
3. The Appearance of Other Unknown Troops
Another miraculous event was told by Palestinian residents at the site belonging to the Izzuddin al-Qassam Brigades, Multaqa al-Qasami. They mentioned the presence of unknown "other forces." Initially, an ambulance was stopped by a group of Israeli troops. The driver was asked whether he was from the Hamas or Fatah group? The driver answered, "I'm not from any group. I'm just an ambulance driver."

However, the Israeli soldier still asked, "Which group are the troops dressed in white behind you?" The driver was confused, because he didn't see anyone behind him. "I don't know," was the only answer he had. 
The story about the "unknown troops" was also told by residents of the flats in the Tal Islam area who had to flee with their families to save themselves from Israeli attacks. On the steps of the house he saw several fighters crying. "Why are you guys crying?" he asked. 

"We're not crying because we're worried about ourselves or afraid of the enemy. We're crying because we're not the ones fighting. There's another group there fighting to destroy the enemy, and we don't know where they're coming from," he answered. 
An Israeli soldier on Israel's Channel 10 also said, "We were faced with troops wearing white clothes with long beards. We shot them with weapons, but they did not die." They asked, who really were the troops in white uniforms? Are the troops in white the Angels, Wallahu A'lam Bish Showab. 
4. Syrian cleric dreams of meeting the Prophet Muhammad ï·º
There is an amazing story where a Syrian cleric dreamed of meeting the Prophet Muhammad ï·º. In this dream, he saw the Messenger of Allah taking out his sword from its sheath. Then the cleric asked the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, where are you going?" Then the Prophet answered, "I want to fight in Gaza!". Masha Allah. That was the miraculous event described by Ustaz Abdullah Zaik when he spent a week in Gaza on a humanitarian mission. 
5. A Mujahid is still alive even though he was hit by a bomb attack
This is the story of a doctor in Gaza who treated a patient who was seriously injured by an Israeli cannon attack. The patient was a Palestinian Mujahid. When the doctor opened fire on the mujahid's body, it was covered in iron fragments or sharpnels (bullets fired from cannons). Qadarullah, Mujahid was still alive because his heart was not penetrated by the bullet fragments. When examined, it turned out that the Mujahideen had a copy of the Koran attached to his chest which he had placed in his shirt pocket. 
6. Extreme Weather Hits Israeli Territory
There are no coincidences, everything is God's will and if He wills, anything can happen. Several days ago the Israeli military failed to enter the Palestinian Gaza Strip. They were forced to postpone the attack because extreme weather hit Israeli territory. Starting from sandstorms, floods and bad weather, Israeli pilots and drone operators have difficulty supporting their military operations. This event is also believed to be a form of God's help for Palestine. 

6 Peristiwa Ajaib di Tengah Invasi Israel ke Palestina

Di tengah invasi tentara Israel ke Palestina ternyata banyak peristiwa ajaib dialami para pejuang Palestina. Foto ilustrasi/SINDOnews

Tentara Israel terus melancarkan serangan militernya ke Palestina terutama ke wilayah Gaza. Kota ini sudah berkali-kali dibombardir Israel hingga menewaskan ribuan warga Palestina. Tercatat 3.300 warga Palestina kehilangan nyawa dan sekitar 13.000 orang terluka.

Di tengah invasi tentara Israel sejak 2008 silam hingga sekarang, ternyata banyak peristiwa ajaib yang menolong dan membantu para pejuang dan warga Palestina. Mulai dari munculnya pasukan berjubah putih, hingga roket yang meluncur sendiri ke pasukan Israel.
Berikut beberapa peristiwa ajaib di Gaza di tengah perang antara Palestina dan Israel dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.
1. Senjata RPG Pejuang Palestina Tiba-tiba Menembak Tank Israel
Peristiwa ini diceritakan seorang Ketua Mujahid Gaza kepada Ustaz Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman. Dalam satu pertempuran, Ketua Mujahid Palestina memberi arahan kepada pejuangnya agar tidak menyerang tank Israel yang memasuki kawasan mereka. Saat itu, mereka hanya memiliki bekal 6 senjata RPG. Senjata RPG adalah granat berpeluncur roket yang ditembakkan dari bahu berhulu ledak.

Namun, tiba-tiba senjata itu menembak sendiri ke arah tank Israel dan memusnahkannya. Mereka heran kenapa tiba-tiba senjata mereka berfungsi dan menembak sasaran. Setelah selesai persitiwa itu, para pejuang mendapati 6 senjata RPG itu tidak digunakan. Lalu, siapakah yang menembak pasukan Israel itu?
2. Pasukan Berseragam Putih di Gaza
Dalam satu acara TV Israel yang mewawancari tentara Irsael, menceritakan bahwa mereka melihat pejuang Gaza berpakaian serba putih. Pasukan berseragam putih ini ikut membantu para mujahidin Palestina.

Suatu hari di pengujung Januari 2009, sebuah rumah milik keluarga Dardunah yang berada di antara Jabal Al Kasyif dan Jabal Ar Rais, tepatnya di jalan Al-Qaram, didatangi oleh sekelompok pasukan Israel. Seluruh anggota keluarga diperintahkan duduk di sebuah ruangan. Salah satu anak laki-laki diinterogasi mengenai ciri-ciri para pejuang al-Qassam.
Saat diinterogasi, sebagaimana ditulis situs Filisthin Al-Aan, mengutip cerita seorang mujahidin al-Qassam, laki-laki itu menjawab dengan jujur bahwa para pejuang al-Qassam mengenakan baju hitam-hitam. Akan tetapi tentara itu malah marah dan memukulnya hingga laki-laki malang itu pingsan.

Selama tiga hari berturut, setiap ditanya, laki-laki itu menjawab bahwa para pejuang Al-Qassam memakai seragam hitam. Akhirnya, tentara itu naik pitam dan mengatakan dengan keras, "Wahai pembohong! Mereka itu berseragam putih!"
3. Munculnya Pasukan Lain yang Tidak Dikenal
Persitiwa ajaib lain diceritakan penduduk Palestina di situs milik Brigade Izzuddin al-Qassam, Multaqa al-Qasami. Mereka menyebutkan adanya "pasukan lain" yang tidak dikenal. Awalnya, sebuah ambulans dihentikan sekelompok pasukan Israel. Sopirnya ditanya apakah dia berasal dari kelompok Hamas atau Fatah? Sopir itu menjawab, "Saya bukan kelompok mana-mana. Saya cuma sopir ambulans."

Akan tetapi, tentara Israel itu masih bertanya, "Pasukan yang berpakaian putih-putih di belakangmu tadi, masuk kelompok mana?" Si sopir pun kebingungan, karena ia tidak melihat seorangpun yang berada di belakangnya. "Saya tidak tahu," jawaban satu-satunya yang ia miliki.
Cerita mengenai "pasukan tidak dikenal" itu juga diceritakan penduduk rumah susun wilayah Tal Islam yang handak mengungsi bersama keluarganya untuk menyelamatkan diri dari serangan Israel. Di tangga rumah ia melihat beberapa pejuang menangis. "Kenapa kalian menangis?" tanyanya.

"Kami menangis bukan karena khawatir keadaan diri kami atau takut dari musuh. Kami menangis karena bukan kami yang bertempur. Di sana ada kelompok lain yang bertempur memporak-porandakan musuh, dan kami tidak tahu dari mana mereka datang," jawabnya.
Seorang tentara Israel di saluran Channel 10 milik Israel juga mengatakan, "Kami berhadapan dengan pasukan berbaju putih-putih dengan jenggot panjang. Kami tembak dengan senjata, akan tetapi mereka tidak mati." Mereka bertanya, siapa sebenarnya pasukan berseragam putih itu? Apakah pasukan berbaju putih itu adalah para Malaikat, Wallahu A'lam Bish Showab.
4. Ulama Suriah Mimpi Bertemu Nabi Muhammad ï·º
Ada cerita menakjubkan di mana seorang ulama Suriah bermimpi bertemu dengan Baginda Nabi Muhammad ï·º. Dalam mimpi tersebut, beliau melihat Rasulullah sedang mengeluarkan pedang dari sarungnya. Lalu ulama itu bertanya kepada Baginda Nabi: "Wahai Rasulullah, engkau mau pergi kemana?" Lalu Baginda Nabi menjawab, "Aku mau berperang di Gaza!". Masya Allah. Itulah peristiwa ajaib yang diceritakan Ustaz Abdullah Zaik ketika berada seminggu di Gaza dalam misi kemanusiaan.
5. Seorang Mujahid Masih Hidup Meski Terkena Serangan Bom
Ini cerita seorang dokter di Gaza yang mengurus seorang pasien yang terluka parah terkena serangan meriam Israel. Pasien itu adalah seorang Mujahid Palestina. Ketika dokter itu membedah tubuh mujahid yang dipenuhi serpihan besi atau sharpnel (peluru yang ditembakkan dari meriam). Qadarullah, Mujahid itu masih hidup karena jantungnya tidak ditembus serpihan peluru itu. Ketika diperiksa, ternyata di dada sang Mujahidin itu melekat sebuah mushaf Al-Qur'an yang diletakkannya di dalam poket bajunya.
6. Cuaca Ekstrem Landa Wilayah Israel
Tidak ada yang kebetulan, semua adalah kehendak Allah yang apabila Dia berkehendak, apapun bisa terjadi. Beberapa hari lalu Militer Israel gagal memasuki jalur Gaza Palestina. Mereka terpaksa menunda serangan karena cuaca ekstrem melanda wilayah Israel. Mulai dari badai pasir, banjir dan cuaca buruk menyebabkan pilot dan operator drone Israel kesulitan mendukung operasi militer mereka. Peristiwa ini pun diyakini sebagai bentuk pertolongan Allah untuk Palestina.

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