Viral, Drug Boss Buried with Many Weapons to Protect Himself in the Afterlife
Julian Sevillano alias El Fatal, leader of the Los Fatales cartel was buried with many weapons in Ecuador. Relatives claim these weapons are needed to protect them in the afterlife. Photo/CEN
MOCACHE - A drug cartel boss in Ecuador known as “El Fatal” was buried with hundreds of pistols, shotguns and rifles in his coffin.
According to those closest to him, these weapons are needed to protect him in the afterlife.
Julian Sevillano (39), leader of the Los Fatales cartel, and his 20-year-old daughter were doing their routine car wash in Moroche last Wednesday when they were suddenly ambushed by armed men.
According to local media reports; La Nacion, both died in more than a dozen shootings allegedly fired by members of the rival Los Fateles gang.
However, Sevillano's relatives refused to hand over his body to local police. They instead took him away for a huge funeral the next day complete with lots of weapons.
Images of his burial that have now gone viral show Sevillano in an open coffin as people rush to fill it with high-caliber weapons. "The weapons were buried with Sevillano so that he could fully defend himself in the afterlife," wrote the newspaper El Universo quoting Sevillano's closest relatives, as reported by the New York Post, Wednesday (20/9/2023).
Ecuador's police and army forces have been on alert amid rumors of potential reprisals and violence following the killing of the drug cartel boss.
Local residents said rival group Los Fatales had been tracking Sevillano's movements before his murder and knew he would be at the car wash that morning.
“It seems like they follow his moves, Julián always comes to wash the car in the morning, his enemies take advantage of that,” a Mocache resident who asked not to be named told El Universo.
Another local resident told the newspaper that the killers traveled by motorbike. But they walked to the car wash so as not to “arouse suspicion”.
Local authorities believe Sevillano may have been murdered to solve a crime he had previously committed, as the murdered man had a criminal record for murder.
He was arrested in 2005 for the murder of the Deputy Mayor of Mocache; BolÃvar Cordero Candelariz (57), and his son; Yogar Cordero Molina (35), but was released only months later.
Viral, Bos Narkoba Dikubur dengan Banyak Senjata untuk Lindungi Diri di Akhirat
Julian Sevillano alias El Fatal, pemimpin kartel Los Fatales dikubur bersama banyak senjata di Ekuador. Kerabat klaim senjata-senjata ini dibutuhkan untuk melindunginya di akhirat. Foto/CEN
MOCACHE - Seorang bos kartel narkoba di Ekuador yang dikenal sebagai “El Fatal” dikubur bersama ratusan pistol, shotgun, dan senapan di peti matinya.
Menurut orang-orang terdekatnya, senjata-senjata ini dibutuhkan untuk melindunginya di akhirat.
Julian Sevillano (39), pemimpin kartel Los Fatales, bersama putrinya yang berusia 20 tahun sedang mencuci mobil secara rutin di Moroche Rabu pekan lalu ketika mereka tiba-tiba disergap oleh orang-orang bersenjata.
Menurut laporan media lokal; La Nacion, keduanya tewas dalam lebih dari selusin tembakan yang diduga dilakukan oleh anggota geng saingan Los Fateles.
Namun, kerabat Sevillano menolak menyerahkan jenazahnya ke polisi setempat. Mereka malah membawanya pergi untuk pemakaman besar-besaran keesokan harinya lengkap dengan banyak senjata.
Gambar-gambar penguburannya yang kini menjadi viral menunjukkan Sevillano berada di dalam peti mati terbuka ketika orang-orang bergegas mengisinya dengan senjata kaliber tinggi. "Senjata-senjata itu dikubur bersama Sevillano agar dia sepenuhnya dapat mempertahankan diri di akhirat," tulis surat kabar El Universo mengutip kerabat terdekat Sevillano, sebagaimana dilansir New York Post, Rabu (20/9/2023).
Pasukan polisi dan tentara Ekuador telah siaga di tengah rumor potensi pembalasan dan kekerasan setelah pembunuhan bos kartel narkoba tersebut.
Penduduk setempat mengatakan kelompok saingan Los Fatales telah melacak pergerakan Sevillano sebelum pembunuhannya dan mengetahui bahwa dia akan berada di tempat cuci mobil pagi itu.
“Sepertinya mereka mengikuti gerak-geriknya, Julián selalu datang untuk mencuci mobil di pagi hari, musuh-musuhnya memanfaatkan hal itu,” kata seorang warga Mocache yang enggan disebutkan namanya kepada El Universo.
Penduduk setempat lainnya mengatakan kepada surat kabar tersebut bahwa para pembunuh bepergian dengan sepeda motor. Namun mereka berjalan ke tempat cuci mobil agar tidak “menimbulkan kecurigaan".
Pihak berwenang setempat yakin Sevillano mungkin dibunuh untuk menyelesaikan kejahatan yang dia lakukan sebelumnya, karena pria yang dibunuh itu memiliki catatan kriminal atas pembunuhan.
Dia pernah ditangkap pada tahun 2005 atas pembunuhan Wakil Wali Kota Mocache; BolÃvar Cordero Candelariz (57), dan putranya; Yogar Cordero Molina (35), tetapi dibebaskan hanya beberapa bulan kemudian.
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Drug Boss Buried
Many Weapons
Protect Himself