Putri Ariani Finished on America's Got Talent 2023 in Fourth Position
Putri Ariani's journey finished on America's Got Talent 2023 with fourth place. (Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/Jordan Strauss)
Putri Ariani finished America's Got Talent 2023 in fourth place after the voting results were announced by Terry Crews in the results show broadcast Thursday (28/9) morning Indonesian time.
This announcement caused the AGT 2023 audience at the location to cheer. Meanwhile, Putri could not hide her disappointment when it was announced that she finished in fourth place.
Even so, Putri Ariani's achievement is the highest by an Indonesian performer at the popular United States event after Sacred Riana, who was eliminated in the quarter-finals in 2018.
"At the end of the day, it's a competition," Simon Cowell said in comments. "Even so, no one can deny the fact you are an extraordinary performer, and also an extraordinary human being,"
"I've done a lot of competitions, and honestly there's no one like you. You're a diamond," said Simon Cowell.
Putri Ariani's performance on the final night of AGT 2023 succeeded in attracting attention and praise from the judges again.
Putri Ariani is back with her piano and is now singing Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me which was popularized by Elton John on stage.
In this performance, Putri Ariani's appearance was also even more magnificent with the choir. Putri performed the song with her own color and was greeted with loud applause from the audience.
Cheers and loud support from the audience were heard when Putri Ariani sang the high notes in the song, including at the end of the singer's performance.
Praise from the jury poured in again, just like in the early preliminary rounds until Putri Ariani entered the final round today.
"You really were born to do this. You've overcome so much in your life," said Simon Cowell, who gave Princess the Golden Ticket in the initial preliminary round.
"I hope you realize your dreams in this event," he said again.
After that, Putri Ariani was again visited and hugged by Simon Cowell on the America's Got Talent 2023 stage. This time, Simon as the judge returned to the stage and hugged Putri after showing off his voice in the final round.
Simon Cowell, wearing a black T-shirt, was seen walking towards Princess Ariani after the singer performed Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me, popularized by Elton John.
Not only hugging, Simon was also seen having a short chat with Putri Ariani before the Indonesian singer left the stage. This moment was seen in a live broadcast on the official America's Got Talent TikTok account.
Putri Ariani Selesai di America's Got Talent 2023 di Posisi Keempat
Perjalanan Putri Ariani selesai di America's Got Talent 2023 dengan posisi ke empat. (Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/Jordan Strauss)
Putri Ariani selesai di America's Got Talent 2023 dengan posisi ke empat setelah hasil voting diumumkan oleh Terry Crews dalam result shows yang disiarkan Kamis (28/9) pagi waktu Indonesia.
Pengumuman tersebut sempat membuat penonton AGT 2023 di lokasi bersorak. Sementara itu, Putri tak bisa menutup raut kekecewaannya saat diumumkan berakhir di posisi ke-empat.
Meski begitu, capaian Putri Ariani adalah yang tertinggi oleh penampil Indonesia di ajang populer Amerika Serikat tersebut setelah Sacred Riana yang tersingkir di perempat final pada 2018.
"Pada akhirnya, ini kompetisi," kata Simon Cowell dalam komentarnya. "Meski begitu, tak ada yang bisa menampik fakta kau adalah penampil luar biasa, dan juga manusia luar biasa,"
"Saya sudah melakukan banyak kompetisi, dan secara jujur tak ada yang seperti dirimu. Kau adalah berlian," kata Simon Cowell.
Penampilan Putri Ariani pada malam final AGT 2023 memang berhasil kembali menarik perhatian dan pujian dari para juri.
Putri Ariani kembali hadir dengan pianonya dan kini menyanyikan Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me yang dipopulerkan Elton John di atas panggung.
Dalam penampilan kali ini, penampilan Putri Ariani juga semakin megah bersama para choir. Putri menampilkan lagu tersebut dengan warnanya sendiri dan disambut meriah tepuk tangan penonton.
Sorakan dan riuh dukungan penonton terdengar ketika Putri Ariani menyanyikan nada-nada tinggi dalam lagu tersebut, termasuk di akhir penampilan sang penyanyi.
Pujian dari para dewan juri kembali mengalir, sama seperti di babak-babak awal penyisihan hingga Putri Ariani masuk babak final pada hari ini.
"Kamu benar-benar terlahir untuk melakukan ini. Kamu sudah mengatasi begitu banyak hal dalam kehidupanmu," kata Simon Cowell yang memberikan Putri Golden Ticket pada babak awal penyisihan.
"Saya berharap kamu mewujudkan mimpimu dalam acara ini," tuturnya lagi.
Setelah itu, Putri Ariani kembali disambangi dan dipeluk Simon Cowell di atas panggung America's Got Talent 2023. Kali ini, Simon selaku juri kembali ke atas panggung dan memeluk Putri usai memamerkan suaranya di babak final.
Simon Cowell yang mengenakan kaus hitam terlihat berjalan ke arah Putri Ariani setelah penyanyi itu menampilkan Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me yang dipopulerkan Elton John.
Tak hanya memeluk, Simon juga terlihat berbincang-bincang singkat dengan Putri Ariani sebelum penyanyi Indonesia itu turun panggung. Momen itu terlihat dalam siaran langsung di akun resmi TikTok America's Got Talent.
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Putri Ariani Finished on America's Got Talent 2023 in Fourth Position