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Andi Arief: The Democrats will only leave if the Change Coalition disbands

Andi Arief: The Democrats will only leave if the Change Coalition disbands

The chairman of the Democratic Party's Bappilu, Andi Arief, has opened up about his view that the Democratic Party will leave the Coalition for Change for Unity if the general chairman, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, does not become Anies Baswedan's vice presidential candidate (cawapres). Andi Arief emphasized the commitment of the Democrats in the coalition. 

"The Democratic Party has never thought about leaving the coalition, never even thought about it," said Andi when contacted, Saturday (12/8/2023). 

Andi Arif said his party would only leave if the coalition consisting of NasDem and PKS disbanded in the middle of the road. "The Democratic Party will only leave if the coalition itself disbands. As long as it doesn't disband, the Democratic Party will remain in the coalition," said Andi. 

Andi also talked about the mystery of who would become Anies Baswedan's vice presidential candidate. He considered that the name of the cawapres should be announced to the public soon. 

"The Democratic Party has a suggestion that it shouldn't be late in announcing the vice presidential candidate because it's a fact on the ground that people are waiting to see who Pak Anies Baswedan's running mate will be. For the Democratic Party whether Ms. Yenny, Mrs. Khofifah, whether AHY or others, please just announce. I think this has been announced because there is no other name, I think. Unless there is another name that makes a surprise like that," he said. 

"So the right strategy, the right tactic at the wrong moment is also very dangerous," he added. 

In addition, Andi also touched on his party's relationship with NasDem in the coalition supporting Anies Baswedan. He admitted that the Democratic Party did not want to invite the NasDem 'war' over the figure of the vice presidential candidate to accompany Anies. 

"In principle, if you want change and improvement, the principle is that you have to win, you have to talk about it together, you can't talk to yourself. So in the end it looks like there is a war between Nasdem and Democrats, even though it's not. We never want to invite war, but also don't let Nasdem and Nasdem figures make comments that are roughly incompatible with Team 8. So once again we won't leave," said Andi. 

Andi Arief: Demokrat Hanya akan Hengkang Jika Koalisi Perubahan Bubar

Ketua Bappilu Partai Demokrat, Andi Arief, buka suara soal pandangan yang menilai Partai Demokrat akan hengkang dari Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan jika sang ketua umum, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, tidak menjadi calon wakil presiden (cawapres) dari Anies Baswedan. Andi Arief menegaskan komitmen Demokrat di koalisi tersebut.

"Partai Demokrat tidak pernah berpikir akan hengkang dari koalisi, terpikir pun tidak," kata Andi saat dihubungi, Sabtu (12/8/2023).

Andi Arif mengatakan partainya hanya akan keluar jika memang koalisi yang terdiri dari NasDem dan PKS ini bubar di tengah jalan. "Partai Demokrat hanya akan hengkang jika memang koalisi itu sendiri yang bubar. Selama tidak bubar Partai Demokrat akan tetap berada dalam koalisi," ujar Andi.

Andi juga bicara teka-teki sosok yang akan menjadi cawapres dari Anies Baswedan. Dia menilai nama cawapres itu harus segera diumumkan kepada publik.

"Partai Demokrat punya usul memang bahwa jangan sampai terlambat dalam mengumumkan calon wakil presiden karena memang faktanya di lapangan masyarakat menunggu apakah siapa pasangan Pak Anies Baswedan. Bagi Partai Demokrat apakah mba Yenny, apakah Ibu Khofifah, apakah AHY atau yang lain silakan diumumkan saja. Saya kira ini sudah diumumkan karna nggak ada nama lain sih saya kira. Kecuali ada nama lain yang membuat kejutan gitu," katanya.

"Jadi strategi yang tepat, taktik yang tepat di momentum yang salah itu juga sangat berbahaya," tambahnya.

Selain itu Andi turut menyinggung hubungan partainya dengan NasDem dalam koalisi mendukung Anies Baswedan. Dia mengaku Partai Demokrat tidak ingin mengajak 'perang' NasDem terkait sosok calon wakil presiden pendamping Anies.

"Kan prinsipnya kalau mau perubahan dan perbaikan prinsipnya harus menang, harus dibicarakan bersama tidak boleh celometan sendiri. Jadi akhirnya seperti ada perang antara Nasdem dan Demokrat, padahal tidak. Kita tidak pernah mau mengajak perang tapi juga jangan sampai Nasdem dan tokoh-tokoh Nasdem membuat komentar yang kira-kira tidak sesuai dengan Tim 8. Jadi sekali lagi tidak akan hengkang," tutur Andi.
